Saturday, March 28, 2015

Daniel's Promotion and The Stone Kingdom Daniel 2:44-49

To see Daniel 2:44-49 without my comments click HERE.

The final 6 verses of Chapter 2 contain the beginning of what will become an ongoing saga between Daniel and the wise men of Babel/Babylon. It also talks about Daniel's advancement into a position of being the third from the top from ruling Babel. In another post, we discussed who “They” are that are the clay that mixes with the iron toes. It will be after this mixing that the Lord's Kingdom, which is represented by the stone that was not cut by any human hands, comes to destroy the statue.

It's important to notice that the stone hits the feet of the statue. It doesn't hit the head, arms, or any other part of the statue. The statue in this dream was put in a chronological order when interpreted from top to bottom. The most modern part of the statue during Daniel's time was the head and the feet were to be a long time in Daniel's future. If the statue by its appearance is chronological as I claim, then the time that the stone hits will be at the very end of the statue, or in the case I am trying to make is at the very end of the last empire when there will be no more empires or civilization for that matter which is the end of this age. The Bible states that if God doesn't intervene at this time when he comes, then “all flesh” on earth will be destroyed; Matt 24:22.

This proves that the kingdom represented by the feet has to be in existence when the Lord returns. When the Lord comes to restore his kingdom, the bible is specific that this new kingdom will be for the House of Jacob/Israel and will only be for Israel, as it will not be given to any other people; V.44.

When Daniel revealed to King Nebuchadnezzar the information about this dream, King Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and worshiped Daniel as a man of God according to V.46. King Nebuchadnezzar knew unequivocally that the God of Daniel was truly the one and only God above all gods of Babel/Babylon. But Daniel gave all glory to the Father in V.28. Daniel by himself could do nothing without the Father working through him.

King Nebuchadnezzar rewarded Daniel by putting this prophet in a position where he would be in a position of authority over the scientists of Babel. Daniel literally saved his own life, his friends lives, and the lives of the scientists of Babel. One would think the scientists of Babel would be grateful for Daniels actions, but instead they were quite envious of Daniel, and started to conspire against him. This is where Chapter 2 leaves off, however, this is not where this story leaves off because it continues in Chapter 3. 

Prior to the events of chapter 3 there's a rebellion that takes place in Babel that threatens Nebuchadnezzar's authority. This happened in 569 B.C. And is not recorded in the Bible. The reason that I know this rebellion happened is because in Britain there exists a cuneiform tablet that was found by Archaeologists that speak of this event. This tablet states that Nebuchadnezzar was able to successfully remain in power which is the setting for Chapter 3.

About the Stone Kingdom that smashes the statue...
The small stone that smashes the statue and fills the earth is none other than Yashua Messiah (Jesus). Which will allow Israel to rule with him from the new Jerusalem (Israel is a man in the Bible and not a land mass in Palestine). Not only will he  rule over the Kingdom of Israel (Israel means to rule under God's law), but his ruling will last forever; Luke 1:31-33.

It all started when Israel was commissioned to become a Kingdom of priests to rule under God's law in 1487 B.C. at mount Sinai; Exodus 19 and 20.

And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, sayiong, Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell children of Israel... And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel...And all the people answered together, and said, all that the Lord hath spoke we will do...” (Ex. 19: 3-6,8.)

In 970-969 B.C The House of Israel became divided when the Northern House of Israel revolted against the son of Solomon. Then the power of the Kingdom of Israel was degraded in both the Northern House and the Southern House because of their sins. Eventually they were taken into captivity by Assyria and Babylon. After the Southern house of Judah was captured the Prophet Jeremiah was given his mission (to build and plant Jer 31:28), when Father Yahweh transplanted his Kingdom to the Isles of the Sea (Ireland) far removed from the turmoil of the Babylonian Captivity.

Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as beforetime.” 2 Sam. 7:10

Jeremiah planted the throne of Israel in the Isles of the West. The majority of Israel passed through the Caucasus Mountains en route to Europe (this is where the word Caucasian comes from). The route they took was through the Pass of Israel which has been renamed the Dariel pass in recent years. This movement is prophesied in Micah 2:12-13

This Kingdom of Israel will not move nor will any weapon move the Israelites from their land; Isaiah 54:17. It will be at the end of this age when the Lord will return to restore his Kingdom that Israel has let the tares destroy right in front of them through gradualism (Luke 1:31-33, Matt 16:6, Matt 13:24-30). It will be a glorious day when the Nations will come to the House of Jacob to learn the ways of God and learn to live in peace; Michah 4:1-2.

Although Israel is a Holy Nation that is commissioned to rule the world under God's law at both that time and now, we have not done a good job and the world is being destroyed through gradualism. This is because Israel will not keep their end of the agreement and follow the laws of God; Matt 16:6.

Praise the Lord for both the promises that he has kept, and will keep when his Kingdom the New Jerusalem comes to earth; Rev 3:12.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Who Are “They” Of Daniel 2:43

To see Daniel 2:43 without my comments click HERE.
In 2 Timothy 3:16 we are told that all scripture is both from God, and should be considered doctrine. So in other words there is a definite purpose for everything that is in the Bible to both be in the Bible, and it wasn't just put there randomly. A lot of people forget this when reading the Bible, and if they find something they don't quite understand they just simply pass over it in their mind and ignore it as if it's not even there. 

In the last part of Daniel's interpretation for the statue in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream were the feet that were described as iron that was mixed with miry clay. Some look at the description of the feet of the statue as being the same nation as the legs of iron that we know historically represented the Roman Empire. However, the Bible describes the feet separately from the empire that represent the legs, so it's not ancient Rome as we would know it. It should be considered as an empire that is set up in the same manner as Rome, or you could call it Rome #2 if you like. This miry clay will mix with the iron and prevent the iron from becoming an empire of strong people. 

I have heard from others that the miry clay of this dream represents the Roman Catholic Church in some unknown way which makes absolutely no sense to me at all because the Bible clearly uses the word “SEED” when describing the clay in verse 43, unless of course the Catholic Church is capable of physically reproducing itself.

 One may ask what is this clay that is to be mixed with the iron? Most Judeo-Christian Baal priests of today will read right over top of the details of this dream and not pay attention to the word “SEED” that is used to describe the clay in verse 43. This clay or "seed" is no ordinary seed as in a plant or something similar but instead when I looked it up in Strong'sConcordance #2234 the definition means "posterity" or the seed of man, which of course means children or descendants of the man Adam.

I have said many times in this blog that the Bible is a book that is both written about Israel and is written to Israel. Israel is not a spiritual seed, but rather is the physical seed of Abraham that would become a multitude of nations; Jeremiah 31:31-34, Romans 9:3-4, Hebrews 8:8-10. This verse is talking about mixing of Non-Israelites with Israelites. The mixing will become common in the very last kingdom that will model itself after ancient Rome, or we can call it Rome #2.

and as you saw its feet and toes were formed part of clay, and part of iron; that Kingdom will be a divided one; yet the firmness of iron will be in it, because you saw the iron mixed with tempered clay. So as the toes were part of iron, and part of clay, part of that Empire will be strong, and part brittle; and as you observed the iron was mixed with the tempered clay, they will mix themselves with the races of mankind; but will not stick together with each other, as iron does not unite will clay.”
Daniel 2:41-43 Ferrar Fenton Translation

This mixing of other people to the Israelite bloodline will prevent the iron feet from becoming full strength. This particular mixing of the last days is also recorded in Jeremiah 31:27 (Jeremiah was Daniel's contemporary), which fulfills the law of double witness. The law of the double witness can be found in Deuteronomy 19:15, and examples of this double witness are Joseph in Genesis 41:32 and of Gideon in Judges 6:36-39. If you are still in doubt about what these prophets are telling you then another way you could understand what the Bible is telling us about the mixing in the last days you could look at Matt 24 when the Messiah talks about the signs of the coming of the son of man in V. 37-38 he describes the end times as being the same way it was before Noah's flood in that they were taking of strange women for their wives and all flesh was corrupt; Genesis 6:12. It was Noah and Noah's family that were both perfect in there generations as being a full blooded Adamites, and also were faithful in their walk with God; Genesis 6:9. Noah's perfect Adamite bloodline can easily be traced from Adam to Noah in Genesis chapter 5. Although this subject is politically incorrect, it is Biblically correct. 

The American Empire is one such nation that was set up in the same way that Rome was with Senate and all. Will it collapse under its own weight as Rome did? Or will a stone not of human hands, that we build our houses upon (Luke 6:48), come to save us from the greed and selfishness of man?

There are people who call themselves “Christians” that claim they read the Bible and say there's no place in the Bible that goes against the modern concept of Adamite/Hebrew/Israelites mixing their seed with others. The truth is that the Bible if full of verses and examples that support this idea. Just to name a few verses off the top of my head are Deuteronomy 7:3, 1 Kings 11:1-8, Ezra 9:1-2, and Numbers 25:6-9. Examples that support this idea is when Abraham took a wife of his own kind from Ur in Genesis 11, Isaac (his son) took a wife from the same people Gen 24:4, and Jacob (Isaac's son) also in Gen 28, 29.
If anyone looks at these few verses and examples and if it doesn't peak your interest to investigate on your own whether I am correct or not, then you will not research this subject even if I produced hundreds of verses and hundreds of examples so I won't waste my time.

Of course I am not naive enough to think that I am correct on every thing I put in this blog, but want others to consider ideas for themselves and to research them on their own so that God's Holy Spirit can guide you and direct your paths as in Psalms 23:3.
Praise the Lord for all he does!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Dream of Nebuchadnezzar Daniel 2:1-42

To see Daniel 2:1-42 without my comments click HERE.

It was during the second year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign of Babel/Babylon that he dreamed a dream. He inherited the wisemen, astrolgers, and magicians (scientists) of Babel from his fathers cabinet. He wasn't to impressed with the scientists in his cabinet that claimed to know all things and had the ability to see all events. So he wanted to put them to the test to see if they were worth their weight by interpreting his dream.

Nebuchadnezzar told them that he had a dream. He wanted to know if his wisemen had the ability to not only interpret dreams and to tell him what the dream meant, but also what the dream consisted of itself. Nebuchadnezzar knew that if he told the dream to his men of science that they would just make up something for them to agree on for the interpretation and would just tell him this. The kings request in itself would not have been a problem for anyone that actually had connections with the spirit world and possessed all knowledge as they claimed. King Nebuchadnezzar offered them gold chains, royal clothing, and a high position in his kingdom if they would tell him the knowledge that he sought. On the other hand, if noone could come forward to tell him this information, then the scientists would be killed and their houses destroyed. This is no idle threat because Nebuchadnezzar had the history and reputation of slow roasting his officers that cross him over an open fire. So quite literally it was an all or nothing proposition for these men.

The scientists of Babel told the king that there was no man on earth that could answer this question of his in V.12. This infuriated Nebuchadnezzar and he ordered all the scientists to be put to death, because he knew they possessed no powers at all. Unfortunately, this decree included Daniel and his friends which we know by their Babylonian names of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Although Daniel was not actually there when the scientists failed, he felt the king should give him a chance to interpret his dream. He went before Nebuchadnezzar and told him that he would interpret his dream if he would be allowed a little bit of time to do so, and Nebuchadnezzar agreed. So Daniel went to his house and told his friends about the seriousness of the situation. So Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego all prayed to the Father for the answer. During that night the Father gave Daniel a vision of the dream that Nebuchadnezzar dreamed the night before, and the interpetation.

Daniel having this same vision as Nebuchadnezzar fulfilled the law of double witness of Deuteronomy 19:15. The law in Deuteronomy of the double witness is used throughout the Bible. Other such examples of the law of double witness is in the story of Joseph in Genesis 41:32, and Gideon's double test of the fleece in Judges 6:36-39.

The scientists were correct in the fact that no man on earth could tell him his dream and this would require Father Yahweh the true God, to tell Daniel. So Daniel came before Nebuchadnezzar to tell him his dream and its interpretation as the scientists of Babel hid in the corner. They knew without a doubt that if the teenage Daniel did not tell him correctly they were done. Daniel was a man of Yahweh and spoke as a true prophet with the authority of God.

The dream of Nebuchadnezzar was of a statue that had a head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and finally feet of iron with toes that were mixed with clay. Then a stone that was not made of human hands, came and hit the feet of the statue and broke it into pieces. Then the small stone increased in size to became a great mountain and it filled the entire earth.

This is the interpretation that Daniel gave Nebuchadnezzar: The King of kings has given you the power to become king and rule over all. The different body parts of the statue represented both Nebuchadnezzar's kingdom and the succedding kingdoms of the world thereafter. The head of gold was the Kingdom of Babel/Babelon. This is the only kingdom that Daniel was able to name for Nebuchadnezzar.

We now know that the other kingdoms are as follows: the breast and arms of silver we know become the Persian Kingdom and Cyrus the Persian absorbed kingdoms, the belly and thighs of brass we know was the Greek Kingdom of Alexander the Great before his death, the legs of iron was the Roman Empire that was prophecied to destroy all things, we also know from history that when Rome conquered they destroyed everything from the cultures of the conquered; V40. Rome also had two capitols as represented by the two legs of iron of the statue which its capitals were at Rome and Constantinople. We also know that Rome was not destroyed by any other kingdom, but rather just became weaker and faded away. Then we come to the feet and toes of the statue. The feet and toes of the statue was discussed separately from the rest of the statue, so it represents the reforming of Rome.

Praise the Lord for the Prophets he sends us, praise the Lord!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Daniel Chapter 1 Daniel goes to Babel

To see Daniel Chapter One without my comments click HERE.

King Nebuchadnezzar attacked Jerusalem. It was the Lord that Gave the nation of Judah into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar deliberately to punish the Judahites for the sins of straying from the laws of Yahweh. The Northern House of Israel was taken into Assyrian captivity about 120 years earlier for the exact same reason. It's kind of important to keep in mind that it was the Lord that turned them over to Babel (Babylon) to punish the Southern house of Judah. It wasn't that Nebuchadnezzar was so strong, but rather it was that the Judahites that were weak in their faith. In this first chapter of Daniel the word "Lord" or God is mentioned 3 times to show that the Lord was in complete control of this invasion (V.2 ,9, 17), just as he is in charge of everything both evil and good then, now, and in the future Ezekiel 38:4.

There was more than just the the tribe of Judah that succumb to Babel. This captivity of Judah included the tribe of Benjamin and some members of the tribe of Levy. It can be argued that it was probable that there were members from the tribe of Simeon also. So for this reason, they are referred to as Israelites in verse 3 instead of Judahites.

Nebuchadnezzar appointed his high Chamberlain Ashpenaz to select the best of the Israelite captives and to train them in a 3 year program to become leaders in Babel by teaching them the sciences, affairs of the state, and the Chaldean language of Kasdim. This training for these captives included  feeding Daniel and his friends the kings meat and wine. Although the Bible does not say exactly what kind of meat they were given the Bible does say that it was unclean. One can only use their imagination in what capacity it was unclean. My guess is that it probably pig flesh that was raised by feeding swine the entrails of their captured enemies.

Daniel and his friends who are commonly know by their Babylonian names of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego worked out a deal with the Chamberlain Ashpenaz to not defile themselves with the kings meat as they wanted to observe the dietary laws of the father by eating pulse for 10 days; V.12 to demonstrate that the food was unhealthy. Pulse of course means plants or seed. This passage shows us that there are foods that are fit to eat while at the same time there are foods that are not fit to eat. At the end of the ten days Daniel and his friends were healthier than the others that ate the kings food.

There are some that claim that the laws of Yahweh have been done away with and the laws are null and void to include the food laws. The only laws that have changed since the Messiah came are the animal sacrifical laws. Before the Messiah came, for the Israelites to beforgiven their sins, they would sacrafice an animal by put their hands on the animal when it was being sacrificed. This transferred their sins to the sacrificial animal. Yashua Messiah was our innocent lamb that lived a perfect life and took sins upon himself in our stead. This is why we do not have to sacrifice animals today. All other laws are still in effect!

I whole heartedly blame the modern Baal preachers that preach that the laws of God have been done away and pervert the teachings of the Bible, when the Messiah tells us directly that he had not come to change the law but to fulfill the law; Matt 5:17. The dietary food laws are still in effect!

Modern day Baal preachers will answer for their errors and unwillingness to teach the word of the lord properly; Matt 7:21-23. These lies will destroy Israel Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 5:20. The Bible teaches in Amos 8 that in the end days there will be a famine of hearing the word of God as written in the Bible, and I believe we are there now.

This is my personal caveat: I encourage all to not take anyones word including mine for anything. If there is only one thing at all I would like for people to get from this blog is that they need to search the Bible just like the Boreans of Acts 17:11 did to find out what Biblical truth really is. Only you are responsible for your salvation in Yashua and will answer for what you do or don't do. You do not fall under the umbrella of your ministers or your priests teachings. If you are truly called of God (John 6:44), and you are not a secret christian, then when you try to find his will for your life then you need to not only read the Bible, but to study the Bible, line upon line and precept upon precept; Isaiah 28:10. Patience is key for understanding the Lords word, because he does not reveal everything at once because we wouldn't understand at one time John 16:12.

Praise the Lord for his word and his knowledge that he reveals to his saints!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Beginning of Daniel and A Very Brief History

I am heading into the book of Daniel. I feel that Father Yahweh is leading me to help others prepare spiritually for the coming years ahead through the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation. Ultimately, I eventually will migrate to the book of Revelation but have always heard that the book of Daniel should be studied before Revelation. 

The reason for my interest in end time prophecy at this time (Eschatology), is because it's my belief that our Government will start regulating the internet soon. Not to long after they control what people are looking at on the internet our government will start shutting down Christian websites, which they are starting to do now. They are also promoting the religion of Islam over all other religions. The foothold of Islam in this country at this rate will eventually lead to the prophecy of saints being beheaded as in the passage of Revelation 20:4, but more on that another time.

 History has proven that what our Government controls they will ultimately destroy, just like they do with all the other governmental agencies and programs, so we can expect internet regulation to not be any different. I encourage all to think of one government program that actually works. Feel free to comment if anyone thinks they know of any.

Anyway back to Daniel...
The name Daniel not only is the first name of one of the men that I write to in my prison writing ministry, but is also the title of this particular book of prophecy and history which is the most provable book of the Bible. It has also been proven that Daniel had to have been an eyewitness to the accounts he wrote about and also what was written about had to have been written from outside of the time frame from which it was authored, so the information had to have come directly from God.
There is no other religious book in the world that can make this claim. The book of Daniel is about both history and prophecy. Prophecy that not only has come true, or will come true, and proves the Bible is the inerrant word of the Father and shows that the Father never changes. The setting of this book is at the beginning of the fall of the Nation of Judah to the Babylonians.

This is what the fall of Judah looked like as the Nation of Judah was taken captive by Babylon. Of course I was not there to see it fall. I will however just as you, most likely witness the fall of the American Empire in much a similar fashion within our lifetimes. This is promised to us in Deut 28 and Lev 26.

Now for a very brief history of the time of Daniel...
Some people think history is boring. Not that I want to be boring but there are some things people should know about this history before actually getting into the reading the book of Daniel. Here goes...

The beginning of Daniel actually starts before the first Chapter of this book. It actually starts in the Shinar Plateau, the same place where the story of the Tower of Babel takes place. At that particular time the land of Babel/Babylon was a vassal state of Assyria. The founding of this new Neo-Babel/Babylonian empire was by a man called Nebopolassar from the Chaldean tribe of the region. Nebopolassar had a son who was a great conquering General in his army by the name of Nebuchadnezzar. When Nebuchadnezzar was away on a military campaign he learned of his father passing away which made him King of Babel/Babylon in 605 B.C.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

The regional power was tipped to the Babylonians when the Assyrians were defeated at the Battle of Carchemish, located in modern day Syria. Carchemish was the old Hittite capital located on the Euphrates river in Assyria; Jeremiah46:2 and 2 Chronicles 35:20. Carchemish is also the triggering event that made possible for the Ten Tribes of Israel to escape from under the yoke of the Assyrian captivity.

The last reigning “good king” of Judah was Josiah. Josiah ruled during the time of Jeremiah the prophet. Josiah was killed by the Pharaoh Necho at the battle of Megiddo; 2 Kings 22,23.

The next king of Judah was king Jehoahaz which happened to be the son of king Josiah. Jehoahaz only reigned for 3 months because Pharoah Necho of Egypt heard of Josiah's son Jehoahaz reigning in Judah and had him kidnapped and taken into Egypt where he was never heard from again. At the same time Pharoah Necho put his half-brother Eliakim in charge of Judah and changed his name to Jehoiakim. Jehoiakim of course was an evil king that did nothing good for Judah and happen to be ruling when Daniel went to Babylon. Jehoiakim being evil is what you would expect when a person (stranger) has ties to Africa (Egypt) and rules over Israelites as the Bible promises; Deut 28:43. This is the exact same situation we have in our White House today. 

King Nebuchadnezzar heard of Jehoiakim ruling Judah and came against him and put him in fetters (chains) to take him to Babylon; 2 Chron 36:6. Although Jehoiakim was in fetters, the bible does not specifically say that he was actually taken to Babylon. In fact in 2 Kings 24:6 the Bible states that Jehoiakim slept with his fathers which means he was buried with them. Some people believe that Jehoiakim reached an agreement with Nebuchadnezzar to set him free, and if that is true then that could be the reason why 10,000 of the best of Judah were taken captive to Babylon including Daniel in Jehoiakim's stead. 

The next two ruling Kings of Judah were Jehoiachin and Zedekiah. Zedekiah was Jehoiakims uncle. Zedekiah was the last ruling king of Judah and is famous for having his eyes put out after seeing his children killed in front of him; prophesied in Ezekiel 12:13 and fulfilled in Jeremiah 39:6-7. In the end, king Nebuchadnezzar ended up driving Pharaoh Necho out of Asia and Egypt was never again able to engage in war outside of their borders.

My source of information above came from the book; “The Kings of Judah and Israel” By Christopher Knapp. 

I pray all will have a blessed day and keep the Messiah first in all they do!