Saturday, November 28, 2015

Yahweh's Law On Usury

First, a little on the Father's law
Throughout the Bible there are many references to the fact that Father Yahweh's laws were in effect in the beginning of time, just as they are still in effect today. Many contemporary churches in Connecticut, will tell you that the Messiah did away with Father Yahweh's (God's) laws, or that Yahweh's laws are no longer important enough to follow. 

The Pastors of these same churches parrot what they hear from others and state that all that's important is for you just love Jesus and ask him into your heart. There's no place in the Bible that states Jesus walked around telling people to ask him into their heart, or that Father Yahweh's moral laws have been done away with. If it were true that the Fathers Laws have been done away with, as being Christian Israelite's, we would have no moral compass and there could be no sin because the Bible tells us that sin is the transgression of Yahweh's law; 1 John 3:4, and we would literally have to look to the edicts of mans government to guide morality. So in a nut shell, it's not a matter of who we love and ask into our heart, but rather it's a matter of who's laws we love enough to obey.

The Messiah (Jesus), stated in Matthew 5:17-20that he did not come to destroy the Father's law, but rather to fulfill the Father's law. He also taught that if anyone would break the commandments of God (Ten Commandments), and teach men to do so likewise, then they will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Father Yahweh's laws are based upon the two commandments of both loving God and loving your neighbor. Mark 12:30-31 These two are the core that make God's laws; Matthew 22:40. There are approximately 614 laws to follow as Israelite Christians. If you put both God and neighbor first, then the rest of his laws should become automatic without explanation. Most of his laws are directed collectively to the government of Israel and how to deal with non-Israleites, rather than to the individual. 

Yahweh's Law on Usury...
One such law that should be automatic is to not charge usury (interest) to your neighbor on loans. Your neighbor of course are Hebrew/Israelites and are not hordes of non-Israelites and perverts that mans law claims are the same as Israelites.

Some of the verses that clearly state not to charge interest to Israelite neighbors are:

There are many verses that show Yahwehs laws are contrary to usury. But, when pastors teach the laws have been done away with, it leaves many Israelites and churches for that matter borrowing money and going into debt on everything thing they own, making themselves slaves to our current Babylonian system that we now live under; Proverbs 22:7.

The Jewish-Christian (Judeo) argument for usury comes from one mistranslated example in Matthew 25:14-28. For those who are familiar with the passage of the Parable of the Talents will quickly point to verse 28 to try to show that it's now OK for people to charge usury to his Israelite neighbor, because the Messiah told the servant with one talent that he should have at least given his one talent to the money changers to collect interest on which of course goes directly against all the verses mentioned above.
Common sense would tell you that if the Messiah broke his Father's law by telling his servant to collect interest on his money, he would be breaking the law of usury, he would be contradicting himself, he would not be a sinless redeemer of Israel, and by his own words, he would called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven :  Matthew 5:19

I have stated before in this blog, that it's my opinion that there are many translational errors in all Bibles including the King James Bible. In fact, I have never seen a translation of the Bible that didn't contain errors. The Word of God is perfect. The men who translate the Bible and monkey around with the words in order to make it say something opposite of what it really states are not perfect.
In this parable the servant described the Messiah as a man who was stealing by reaping what he did not sow; Luke 19:21Although we are to judge according to the Bible, we are instructed to judge righteously, which the servant did not do; John 7:24

The Messiah judged the servant according to his own words as it states in Luke 19:22 and just as he promises us he will do to all in Matthew 7:1-2, It states, that if you judge others than you will be judged by the same standard that you are judging. He told the servant, that if what he was saying was true, being that he was mean and was a thief, then him being his servant, he should have at the very least stolen more money for his master by giving his talent to a bank to collect interest on. So even by the servants own words, he was not obeying the Fathers law. This statement of collecting interest from the Messiah was not a directive, but rather it was a judgement where the servant was being judged by his own words.
So one may ask me what does this have to do with the statement above, in the second paragraph when I stated that "if you teach men not to follow the Ten Commandments, or teach the law has been done away with?" 

Quite simply, if you read the verses above, and then read the parable in the proper context, you will come to realize that usury violates the 8th Commandment and it's theft.

Praise the Lord for his laws that are in effect today, that I also have a hard time following. It's only by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that our violations of Yahweh's law are covered. I pray that all Israel, that truly have a calling from the Father, will follow his laws as perfect as humanly possible and earnestly seek his face.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Message To The Church At Pergamos Revelation 2:12-17

To see Revelation 2:12-17 without my comments click HERE.

The Church of Pergamos is the third church that received a letter from the Messiah (Jesus) in the book of Revelation.

Location of Pergamos...
According to Nelson's Bible Dictionary, Pergamos was the most Northern of the seven churches that was located on the West coast of modern day Turkey, situated opposite of the island of Lesbos in the Aegean Sea. Because Pergamos was compared to Lesbos in location, Lesbos has to be a famous island for some unknown reason, and I can only guess.

Things that made Pergemos famous...
Pergamos was famous for their Healing Center of Asklepios (the Roman god of medicine and healing). The symbol of Asklepios, a snake on a stick, some believe originated from the Exodus of Israel when Moses put a snake on a pole and whomever would look upon it, would be healed; Num 21:8-9.
The modern day symbol for medicine is of two snakes on a pole and is different from the symbol of Asklepios. The two snake symbol is the symbol of Caduceus, and the symbol of Caduceus is for business or Commerce. This is the same symbol that hospitals and modern medical professionals use because they are in business to make money firstly, then heal the sick secondly. This is also the reason why doctors will only treat symptoms of disease and not address the root cause (most of the time it's lack of nutrition by not following Father Yahweh's food laws). Doctors do not learn about nutrition in medical school, and a surgical operation can be truthfully called "a success" when the patient may die.

Their library...
Pergamos was also famous for their library that contained over 200,000 volumes that rivaled the Egyptian Library in Alexandria. Because their library was in direct competition with Egypt, Egypt stopped sending papyrus to Pergamos to stop the competition. Pergamos ended up developing their own type of paper called parchment paper from animal skins. This all didn't really matter because Mark Anthony ended up giving the library of Pergamos as a wedding gift to the last Pharaoh of Egypt, Queen Cleopatra.

Pergamos is where the worship of Nimrod was moved in its transition from Babylon. The term Pontifus Maximus which means "high priest of Jupiter" (Pontifus Maximus is the title that the pope uses now). This term was first used in Pergamos according to Alexander Hislops book “The Two Babylons”.

The Message from Yashua Messiah (Jesus).
The Messiah described himself to the men of Pergamos as being the one that had the sharp sword with two edges; Rev 2:12. The Sword of course refers to the Word of God; Eph6:17, John 1:1. He then went on to describe Pergamos as being the seat of Satan. The Seat of Satan refers to the Temple of Zeus in Pergamos. The men of Pergamos have withstood the trials of their tribulation by keeping their faith and the Bible directly mentions the Martyrdom of Bishop Antipas; Rev 2:13
Bishop Antipas was murdered by the Romans for refusing to worship a statue of the Emperor. He was sacrificed inside a bronze bull on the alter at the Temple of Zeus. 

Yashua Messsiah then talks about the men of Pergamos that held the events of Balaam and Balak; Rev 2:14, and talks about the Nicolaitans which was a heretical sect that infiltrated the First Century Church. Their doctrines were accepted over some of the churches ecclesiastical teachings of the First Century. The Messiah calls the church to repent (repent means to change the way you think). In short, the doctrine of Balaam taught Balak mentioned above was to defile Israel by causing the men of Israel to sin through worldliness, immorality, idolatry, and fornication by race mixing with the women of Moab; Num 22-24. The heathen practice of Miscegenation continued until the zeal of the Phineas Preist physically put a stop to it in the very next chapter; Num 25:6-9.

As always, I encourage all to study the Bible objectively to come up with their own conclusions, and not just take my word or anyone else's for anything. When you start to study the Bible with preconceived notions, it begins to contradict itself. I pray daily that all Israel will have the courage to withstand upcoming tribulations such as did Bishops Polycarp of Smyrna and Antipas of Pergamos. Historically, only when sacrifices are made by individual Christian Israelites in tribulation is when Yahweh's Kingdom will both grow and spread worldwide; Romans 8:19.

Praise the Lord everyone!

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Letter To The Church Of Smyrna Revelation 2:8-11

To see Revelation 2:8-11 without my comments click HERE.

Continuing in Revelation, we come to the letter addressed to the Church of Smyrna.
The second church that was addressed by Yashua (Jesus) through Paul, was the church of Smyrna. The Messiah describes himself as being the last which was dead and now alive (first to be born again). Although the members of the church of Smyrna were poor in worldly goods, they were rich in a way where they were preparing themselves for God's kingdom when it comes to earth; Matt 6:19-20.

The Church of Smyrna suffered greatly in tribulation, Tribulation of course means the stress of being a Christian and being put on the spot for your faith; Romans 14:12. The church of Smyrna was being persecuted by false Jews that allied themselves with Rome. Specific lies that the Jews spread at that time,were: the Christians were anti-family because they would call each other Brother and Sister, and they were cannibalistic because they would refer to the Passover meal as the body and blood of the Messiah.
The Christians were literally blamed for all the problems of Rome by the false Jews, just as it seems to starting today also. Please note I am not just making up untrue things to say about the Jews, but rather it's very clear in the Bible of their persecution against the Christians . If you look at the book of Acts, it was the Jews that persecuted the Christians every time and eventually they persuaded the Romans to persecute Christians; Acts 13:50, 14:2 and 5, 14:19, 17:5, Ect...
Revelation 2:9 refers to the false Jews that practiced the anti-Christ religion of Talmudism, and literally were the synagogue of Satan.
In verse 10 the church of Smyrna was told that some of them will be cast into prison and have tribulation at the hands of the devils (false Jews) for 10 days; John8:44. 10 days in the Bible refers to the shortest period of time to establish a fact, as set by examples in; Genesis 24:55, Job 19:3, Daniel 1:12.
The persecution of the Christians in Smyrna is best summed up by Lt. Gordon “Jack” Mohr USA Ret. In his book “The Mystery Of True Israel”, on pg 30. he states
This message from our Savior, was sent to a church which was under merciless persecution not only from the Romans, but a Jewish element which was bitterly hostile to Christians, and which like the Zionists of today were dedicated to its destruction. (In this connection, it is interesting to note that Emperor Nero's wife, was a Jewess who hated Christians with a virulet hatred.) Smyrna was the center of the “Imperial Cultus,” which mercilessly persecuted any religious sect which did not recognize Caesar as God. For some reason, which I will not attempt to explain, this persecution did not reach to the Jews in Rome. These Jews, not the “seed of Abraham,” as Deboer claims, but the “pseudo-Jews” of Smyrna, had been exempted by royal decree from having to worship Caesar. They were able to carry on their heathen Talmudic worship without coming under the Roman ban for treason and blasphemy. These were the same crowd who a few years before had cried to Pontius Pilate: Away with Him! (Christ) Away with Him! Crucify Him. We have no king but Caesar.”

The worship of Caesar in Smyrna consisted of only a token tribute. There were many heathen faiths in Smyrna that just went along with the worship of Caesar, just one time a year when it was necessary. This token worship consisted of only throwing a pinch of incense into a fire and then they were granted a piece of paper showing they recognized Caesar as god. The true Israelite Christians of the day that would have no other gods ahead of the one and only true God, refused to throw the pinch of incense into the fire. The true Christians were persecuted by being fed to lions, or were burned at the stake.
Many Smyrnans forfeitted their lives at the hands of the false Jews during their 10 days of tribulation. The most famous to lose their life was the Bishop of Smyrna, who's name was Polycarp. Polycarp was over 100 and was the last person to have personally known an Apostle. He was personally appointed to be Bishop by John and was his contemporary. Polycarp refused to honor Caesar by putting incense into the fire. One night Polycarp had a dream that his pillow was on fire and told the people that he knew, that he felt it was a sign from God, and he was going to be burned at the stake for not worshiping Caesar. Three days later, Roman soldiers came and arrested Polycarp at his home. When the soldiers came for him, he actually welcomed the Roman soldiers and fed them. In return he asked to be allowed to pray for an hour before going with them. The Roman soldiers agreed to let him pray and some in turn became Christians themselves. When Polycarp arrived to his destination, he was given an ultimatum to pay homage to Caesar or to die. Polycarp said:
86 years have I have served him, and he has done me no wrong. How can I blaspheme my King and my Savior?”
Then he was sentenced to be burned at the stake and was tied to a pole. The fire was lit under him and a wind came and blew the fire away from Polycarp. After an extensive amount of time a Roman soldier was ordered to stab him to death. Polycarp had no fear, but had faith in God. Faith is the opposite of fear, and will deliver those who look to the Father in tribulation; Psalm 91
This is the only picture I could find depicting Polycarp, the Bishop of Smyrna..

When he died, he was over 100 years old. His life was a living testament as he both lived and died for the truth of God's Kingdom. In this picture he has a halo because he was canonized as a Saint by the Roman Catholic Church. As far as why a hundred year old man is jacked with six pack abs, I offer no explanation.
 It's my prayer that all Israel would have the faith of Polycarp