Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Flavius Josephus Details Daniel

There are many details that have been left out of the Bible on purpose. Although this may be true, it does not change the authenticity of the Bible at all. If the Bible contained every single detail on every event there would be to much information for people to simply understand the most important concepts. 
In the New Testament, the Messiah told his disciples that he had so much information, that he would not release it to them at that time; John16:12. One such example of specific details that are left out in the Old Testament, are the events leading up to King Cyrus releasing the Israelites who were in the Babylonian Captivity.

After Cyrus led the attacking Medes and Persians under the walls of Babylon in Chapter 5, by draining the Euphrates river dry, the Prophet Daniel told Cyrus that his actions were predicted about “140 years before the temple was demolished.” by the Prophet Isaiah. The recorded detail in which I am referring, was recorded by an Israelite from the tribe of Dan called Flavius Josephus. 
Josephus lived during the Flavian Dynasty of Rome in the first century. This is why he has the word Flavius in front of his name. Anyway, Josephus wrote in his Book 11, Chapter 1, Paragraph 2 that Cyrus read his own name that was written in the sacred Scroll of Isaiah 44:27- 45:2.

This is the Cylinder of Cyrus is in a British Museum. This cylinder details the events of Cyrus subduing Babylon. The Cylinder was used by rolling it across mud tablets and making many copies of the information in Cuneiform for distribution in the known world and throughout the fertile Crescent. Perhaps this could be considered the earliest form of a newspaper?

When the Israelites were freed by Cyrus, by all accounts, less than 50,000 returned to Judea. The exact numbers vary between the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and even Josephus had a different number. I believe it varied depending on if you counted children, women, and, or, servants. It's quite probable the actual number was closer to only 30,000 Israelites that actually returned. 
According to Josephus in Book 11 Chapter 3 most of the Israelites did not want to leave Babylon because they did not want to part with their personal possessions, just as today many will not leave our Mystery Babylon because of cable T.V., Wi-Fi, and Cell Phones.

Another problem at that time, was that Judea was then filled with a multi-cultural alien horde that had possessed the land for 70 years during the absence of the true Israelites. The return of the Israelites as well as being recorded by Josephus, also was recorded by the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. 
This multicultural mix included the Edomites, Egyptians, Ammonites, and Moabites. These people instead of welcoming the Israelites to their original land and helping them rebuild the temple harassed, intimidated, and thwarted the rebuilding effort.
This is a picture of the West wall at the Temple Mount, also known as the Wailing Wall. This section of wall was constructed by Herod the Great, (the Edomite Jew that tried to kill the Messiah) when he enlarged the temple compound around 19 B.C. The only reason that I included this photo is because Herod remained true to the height of around 60' that the original walls were built by the returning Israelites over 500 years earlier. 

It wasn't until years later when the Israelites built a literal physical wall to keep themselves separate from the aliens is when they start to succeed in their efforts. But, there was still a major problem at hand because there were Israelites that took foreign or strange wives as the bible calls it, from the alien hordes, when they are directly told not to do so by throughout the entire Bible and in the laws of Moses. 

Eventually, Nehemiah enforced the law of Moses and conducted reforms to segregate the Non-Israelite wives and racially mixed children (which the Bible calls mamzers or bastards according to  Strongs #4464) to the opposite side of the walls; Nehemiah 10:30, Ezra 10:10, Nehemiah 13. Some may think that separating the children from a parent is wrong, but it is biblical unto the 10th generation as clearly stated by Moses in Deuteronomy 23:2.

It's really amazing that the Bible was written about true things that happened in the past, and is written about things that will happen in the future, in this particular case Isaiah predicted the actions of Cyrus. It has been true throughout history and will remain true into the future. It's up to us as Israelites to remain diligent and remain as the Watchman On the Wall and warn others. There are storms coming on the horizon and time is becoming short. 

"But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people not be warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hands." Ezekiel 33:6

Praise the Lord!

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