Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Messages From The Angels Revelation 14:6-20

To see Revelation 14:6-20 without my comments click HERE.

Next in Revelation 14:6-20 we read about John's vision of the three angels and the reapings to come. This is the day the Prophet Isaiah prophesied about; Isaiah 60-62.

The first angel
John, the author of Revelation, saw a heavenly messenger preaching the Gospel (good news) that the kingdom of God is now to be restored on earth. The kingdom message that will be preached by this angel to the whole world is to fear God for the time is at hand. The preaching of this message was prophesied by the Messiah in the “Olivet Discourse” of Matthew 24:14.

The late Herbert W. Armstrong boasted to be the first to preach the gospel to the world via radio and television and thus fulfilling the prophecy of Matthew 24:14. If you do not read the parallel passage of Revelation 14 along with it then It's easy to misunderstand that the kingdom is the gospel (good news), of course the good news is only good news for those who who follow the Messiah and a curse to everyone else (Israelite and non-Israelite); Romans 9:6-7 that follows Babylon (Babylon means confusion). I do respect Mr. Armstrong and think he is worth listening to. I know I would have at least visited his church if I lived in Pasadena California when he was alive during the 1980's. One book Herbert W. Armstrong wrote worth mentioning was The United States and Britain in prophecy, in which he mentions that a majority of the Israelites of the Bible migrated into the Northern shores of the Mediterranean and then on into the fertile valleys of Europe. However, the Bible states that it's a heavenly angel that preaches the message of the arrival of Yahweh's kingdom here on earth. When the king of kings originally came to redeem (buy back) Israel 2,000 years ago, the news of this message was then preached by an heavenly angel also; Luke 2:9-11.

The second angel
The second angel came to present the news that Babylon has fallen and had repeated it twice. The reason he stated “Babylon is fallen, is fallen” twice is because it takes two times to establish a matter. Stating anything twice in one sentence means that it will happen in a very short period of time; Genesis 41:32, and Jeremiah 51:6-9.

When the Messiah returns, the worlds Babylonian political, military, and economic systems will be crushed. Along with these systems the Babylonian religious system(s) that are currently being reshaped into new religions such as Chrislam and Judeo-Christianity will also be crushed. It's obvious that these smaller religious groups will eventually merge into a one world religion controlled by the contemporary world government. The sinister goal of today's modern religious teaching is to try to get you to become neutralized by being a passive spectator in a building that they call a “church” and for you to not be involved in biblical matters in the public outside of your home or church. 

Most churches currently teach that Father Yahweh's laws should not be followed because they have been done away with, therefore there is no sin and we are saved by grace; 1 John 3:4. They also teach that all you have to do is love Jesus and accept him into your heart which of course is not in the Bible and means nothing by itself without further actions. I can promise you that Father Yahweh did not delete or change his laws to accommodate anyone; Acts 10:34, Malachi 3:6. If it were true that his laws have been done away with, as most churches claim, then by the Messiah's own words, the Messiah himself would be called the least in the Heavenly Kingdom when it comes to earth; Matthew 5:19.

I tell you today it's not a matter of who you love, but rather it is a matter of who you obey. The Bible gives a stern warning to those who teach different gospels than The Kingdom Message. The Kingdom message was the one and only message that the Messiah taught here on earth. Every single one of the Messiah's parables was strictly about the coming Kingdom Of God; Galatians 1:6-10.
Following the Father's laws and commandments is the only chance you have of separating yourself from the destruction of Babylon; Revelation 14:12.
Anyway, continuing on...

The third angel
The third angel then told the world that anyone who received the mark of the beast (666) would suffer the wrath of God. The only ones that will escape the wrath of God are the saints, “...that keep the commandments of God, and faith of Jesus.” Revelation 14:12. The Prophet Isaiah has gone so far to tell us that not only individuals, but any nation that does not follow Yahweh will also perish and be utterly wasted; Isaiah 60:12.

The two reapings
The following actions in Revelation 14 begin the rapture of the wicked. This event can be directly compared to Matthew 13 in the parable of the “Wheat and the Tares.” The wheat is gathered up by the Messiah and moved out of the way while the tares are destroyed by the direction of a death angel. The reason that the angel instructs the Messiah of the time at hand, instead of the other way around, is because no one is told of the hour of when the Messiah will return to restore the Kingdom Of God. The Messiah does not even know when this time is; Mark 13:32.

The difference here is that just instead of just being simply gathered and burned as in the parable of the wheat and tares, the wicked are now compared to grapes, gathered together and utterly crushed as in a winepress by a death angel that has the power over fire, possibly to cremate the remains of those unfit for God's Kingdom? In verse 18 we are told that the grapes are fully ripe. The message here is not only are they ripe, but they are so ripe but at this point are withered and must be destroyed. The Bible states in V20 that the blood of the wicked will be as high as a horses bridle in a space of about 1600 furlongs (200 miles). The process that the Messiah uses to destroy the wicked is in Chapter 16.
When the Bible was translated there were no Chapter divisions. The Chapter divisions were put in at the translators discretion. It's my opinion that the first verse of Revelation 15 concerning the preparation for the vials of wrath should have been added to the end of Revelation 14. The winepress event is also prophesied by the Prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 63:3-4

My own personal warning to Israel
I pray all Israel will work diligently to prepare for what is coming upon the earth in the future. Preparing for God's Kingdom here on earth begins with a willingness to be a citizen of his kingdom by following his laws and commandments. To sum it all up, I know in my heart that the laws of God have not been done away with and the Bible clearly states so, no matter what men may say.
Pray for what preparations (if any) the Father would have you do and build your own personal ark as Noah did. A flood will eventually come. The less dependent you are on Babylon and the more you can do for yourself, the better off you will be. Remember the key here is that Father Yahweh does not talk to those who do not talk to him, you have to pray, fast, and earnestly meditate on his word; 2 Chronicles 7:14.

I pray all will fear the Lord; Luke 12:4-5, Revelation 1:18.

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