To see Genesis 46 without my comments
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On the way to Egypt Jacob-Israel
stopped at Beer-sheba (Beer-sheba means well of oath) and offered
sacrifices to Father Yahweh. Jacob-Israel had concerns about entering
Egypt. This is because this is the same place where his Grandfather
Abraham lied about his wife; Gen 12:10-20, and where his father Isaac
was commanded not to go; Gen 26:2. But it was here at the well of
oath Father Yahweh told Jacob that he will make of him a great nation
inside the land of Egypt.
At this point in time there was 5 more
years until the famine of Egypt would be over. If you notice this was
not enough time for Jacob to establish himself as a great nation
inside of Egypt before his death, so he obviously knew he was going to die there
because God told him that Joseph will put his hand upon his eyes in
death v.4. This of course means his descendants would be there for a
long time.
Along with Jacob coming to Egypt, was
his kin that numbered 66 people, including Joseph, his wife and
his two children the total was 70. In Acts 7:14 Stephen the first
maryter stated that there were 75 Israelites total that entered
Egypt. With this number Stephen was quoting this number from the
Septuagint, the number of 75 is also backed up by the Dead Sea
Scrolls. It's commonly believed that the five extra of the 75
included five Grandchildren of Joseph that was added at a later date.
In v.10 it's written in way to lead you
to believe that one of the people coming to Egypt was the son of
Simeon and a Canaanite woman by the name of Shaul. I have heard before
that this verse shows that Simeon may have had a racially mixed
child, and this would mean it would be OK for anyone that is an
Israelite to engage in miscegenation with Canaanites or other races. This argument
may sound good on the surface however, we must realize that Simeon
and Levy were also the ones that killed all the males in the land of
Shechem in Gen 34. Using this analogy, if it's OK to fool around on your wife
and produce bastardized children, (a bastard is defined as a racially
mixed person according to Strong's Concordance #4464) and Simeon was such a
great role model, then we should be fine if we slay a city full of
men like Simeon and Levy did in Genesis 34, right? Wrong of course. I just hope we
don't read somewhere in the bible that Simeon jumped off a bridge,
other wise many Christians may be in trouble.
Judah was sent ahead to meet with
Joseph where he was directed to go directly to Goshen, While Joseph
met with his approaching Father Israel. Joseph told his brothers and father that
when they meet with the Pharaoh, tell him that their trade is in
cattle so that they will be able to go into the land of Goshen where
they will be a separate nation from the Egyptians. This is because
the Egyptians believed that shepherding was an abomination and wanted
nothing to do with them.
It's important to notice that Israel
was going to be a separate nation inside of Egypt and was not going
to mix culturally and marry with the Egyptians. Another more common term
for this separation is segregation.
Next in Genesis 46:35 we read that Father
Yahweh immediately chastised Joseph and Jacob-Israel for their racist
and bigoted ways for wanting to be segregated from the Egyptians...
Wait a minute, your bible doesn't say
that? Well to be honest neither does mine. I only put that in to show
the vanity of those who promote the new religion of the multicultural
Israel replacement theology (MIRT), and shame on those who preach such things Jeremiah 23:1-2, Isaiah 56:10-11.
The bible is replete with verses that promote being separate from
other people. This doesn't mean
that Israelites are to mistreat races of other people that happen to sojourn into the lands of the Israelites; Levitcus 19:33-34.
Other verses that support the concept
of not mistreating the stranger (foreigners), that sojourn among the
Isralites are Exodus 12:48, Numbers 9:14, Numbers 15:14. Sojourn
means to pass through or to temporarily lodge at most, sojourn does
not mean to live with permanently!
In Deuteronomy 28 we read about the curses
that Father Yahweh will give us if we do not follow his word. It's
not by coincidence that all the curses of Deut 28 are now upon the
United States. In verse 13 it talks about how we are to be the head
and not the tail. It's now that Israel as a nation has become the
tail and is becoming trampled underfoot in our own lands, can anyone
say Barry Soetoro, Eric Holder, or even Ferguson, Missouri?
“In half a lifetime, many
Americans have seen their God dethroned, their heroes defiled, their
culture polluted, their values assaulted, their country invaded, and
themselves demonized as extremists and bigots for holding on to
beliefs Americans have held for generations.”
Pat Buchanan “The Death of the West”
It's not that the evil forces that work
in this world are to strong, it's that the Christians are weak and
diluted in their belief systems which are in diametric opposition to
the form of Christianity that this nation was founded on from the 1600's.
Only when we humble ourselves and seek
direction in God's word will anything change at all in our lives or in our country; 2 Chronicles7:14. Praise the Lord!
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