Sunday, August 31, 2014

Joseph Remains Faithful Genesis 39

To see Genesis 39 without my comments click HERE.

When Joseph arrived in Egypt he was sold to a man named Potiphar. Potiphar means Chief Butcher, which could mean head cook, but probably meant body guard.

Because Joseph was bought by Potiphar “the Lord blessed the house of Potiphar for the sake of Joseph” Jasher 44:12. This of course made Joseph a valuable asset in the house of Potiphar. In Genesis 39:6 the Bible says that Joseph was goodly (handsome) and well favored. This is believable because his mother (Rachel) in Genesis 29:17 was described as being beautiful and well favored also.
Potiphar's wife saw that Joseph was handsome and she made advances to him in which he flat out declined. Eventually one day Potiphars wife actually pulled the clothing off of Joseph and made a false claim that he tried to lay with her. She addresses him as a Hebrew v.17, this proves she was not a Hebrew herself.

If Joseph had laid with her he would have violated Potiphar's trust, but more importantly Joseph would have adulterated himself with a non-Hebrew woman which is against the commandment of Yahweh in Exodus 20:14. His actions were in direct contrast to the sexual immorality of his brothers Reuben and Judah.

There's indication that Potiphar's wife may have done this before and that Potiphar didn't believe her. This is because Potiphar could have legally had Joseph killed, but rather he chose to put him in prison when he was put on the spot by his other servants which were watching to see his next move. There is also indication at least in literature anyway, that unfaithful women were put to death because of sexual promiscuity. This obviously weighed heavily on Potiphar's decision on how to handle this false claim about Joseph by his wife. She obviously had to make up something quick when Joseph ran from the house without clothing.

The Westcar Papyrus was discovered in Egypt in 1823 by Henry Westcar. The second story of the Westcar Papyrus talks about the wife of a Chief Lector that discovers his wife is having an affair. She is bound to a stake, set on fire, and thrown in the Nile River.

Joseph trusted God even in prison. These series of events in Josephs life were to prepare him to save the House of Israel and the entire known world. Joseph being sold into slavery and being taken to Egypt, was to put him in a position to receive his power through the Pharaoh and his contacts in prison were to prepare him to be brought in front of the Pharaoh. Joseph never gave up his faith. Throughout Joseph's ordeals he put his entire faith and trust in the Lord to do with him what he wanted. 

If you are an Israelite in Yahweh's (God's) grace, if you obey him, and his word, and things are still going bad, then it's only because he has a bigger plan for you in the end like what happened to Joseph. He puts you where he wants you to serve him best and more often then it's not comfortable surroundings. I pray that all Israel will emulate the example of Joseph's faith.

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. 
Romans 8:28

Sunday, August 24, 2014

My Recent Visit to America's Stonehenge

A little known secret in nearby Salem New Hampshire is a place called “America's Stonehenge.” This place is less than a days drive from anyplace in Connecticut and is a place with stone monuments and chambers that some compare with Europe's Stonehenge. Recently I visited the site to see for myself the stonework that some claim was done by Native Indians, others by Colonial Farmers, and yet some others claim was done by the Phoenicans Hebrews.

The entire area is riddled with stonework that is similar to stonework in Europe, specifically stonework that is seen in Irish Monasteries. There are also stones that line up with the summer and winter solstice's. This would be an indication that the people who built both the American and European Stonehenge were the same people. In my mind anyway, this would disqualify the American Indians due to the fact they never had, and still don't have, watercraft that are capable of traversing the Atlantic Ocean. It's also true there is no evidence that the Indians ever built anything in stone. This was due to the fact that they were traveling nomads. 

Some claim the early Colonial farmers may have built the area. Although people of European descent (mostly Christians) did and still do build with stone when they arrived to this nation, when it was first "discovered." There are also indications that the builders of America's Stonehenge engaged in Pagan practices. One example is the stones that venerate the solstices, and another example is a 4 1/2 ton stone slab that has blood channels cut into it and is believed to have been used for human sacrifices. 

 The most intriguing part of the tour of Stonehenge to me anyway, was the museum of artifacts that were found at the site. There are  two stones that have inscriptions written in Iberian Punic which is the language of the Phonician city states of Sidon and Tyre. On this particular stone is written "Dedicated to Baal of the Canaanites." Anyone doing any type of study of the Middle East would know that these city states were in the area of Canaan land. Only in Greek writing is the name Phonician used to describe the land mass on the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean. So in essence the Phonician Hebrews are Israelites. They also discovered charred coals on the site that have been radiocarbon dated between 3 and 4 thousand years old which would date the site to the time of King David and Solomon both of which had sea going trireme vessels. After the reign of Solomon, Israel split away from Judah and this created internal problems that would lead to sailing vessels not coming to resupply outposts such as America's Stonehenge. This also created a falling away from the Fathers word and leading to Israel becoming Paganized thus beginning the worship of Baal.

 So what happened to the Israelites that once manned outposts in America? Only two different scenarios are possible, either they returned to the Mediterranean area when things started going awry, or if they stayed they were killed by the Indians that possessed the land when the Pilgrims arrived.

There are indications that some Israelites stayed in America when the boats stopped coming.
There are fair skinned Native American Indian tribes that most likely did descend from Israelites such as the Cherokee and Gaelic speaking Mandan tribes. Gaelic and Ancient Hebrew are the same language. Yiddish is a perverted form of Ancient German and is not Ancient Hebrew!

As always I encourage all to do research on their own to determine the truth in all matters. A book I highly recommend is "America B.C." by Barry Fell which describes in detail the arrival of different peoples to America, and in case if your wondering, No I don't think Columbus discovered America. He only rediscovered a land that was forgotten during the Dark Ages.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Pharez and Zarah Separated at birth united in Ireland Genesis 38:24-30

To see Genesis 38:24-30 without my comments click HERE.

These seemingly benign verses in Chapter 38 talk about the twins Pharez and Zarah. These twins are quite significant in that they played an important role in uniting Israel under one throne. I wanted to make sure I took the time in a short post to mention a few distinguishing facts about these twins which is not fully realized unless one knows a couple of things about the history of Israel. I hope to spark others to have interest in these statements and study this for themselves. I desire for all to study all things that are told to them rather than just taking another persons word for anything

Facts about Pharez and his descendants...

It was later the descendants of Pharez that became the tribe of Judah as we know it when all of Israel was under one banner by King David.
It's recorded in the Bible that Pharez was a direct ancestor of the Messiah Matt 1:3.

Facts about Zarah and his descendants...
It's the descendants of Zarah that are mentioned in 1 Kings 4:29-31 as the “wise men of the East” which we know today as the Parthia. What is commonly thought of when reading the Bible about the Parthians is the visitation of the three wise men (although the bible does not say how many) that visited the Messiah when he was born in Bethlehem. The Parthian's wisdom was only exceeded by Solomon. These same sons of Zarah found many ancient cities such as Troy, Athens, Ancient Phoenicia, and they became founders of the Milesian Civilizations.

The descendants of Zarah along with the tribe of Dan left Egypt many years before the Exodus of Israel. They moved people to the Northern shores of the Mediterranean Sea and as far West as the British Isles. When the tribe of Judah was taken to Babylon the Prophet Jerremiah was instructed by the Father to both build and plant. Jeremiah moved the surviving kings heirs, Tephi and Scota of the throne of Judah, to Ireland. History records when they arrived in Ireland they were shipwrecked and rescued 18 June 583B.C. by The High King Eochaidh of the Zarah line from Northern Ireland, which Tephi was destined to marry. A good introductory book for anyone wanting to do a study of the transplanting of the tribe of Judah is “The Book of Tephi” which I have in my library and am willing to loan it to anyone I personally know.

To this very day the flag of Northern Ireland is still a hand with a scarlet cord, it is also shown as simply a red hand.

In West minster Abby there is the chart showing the blood line of Queen Elizabeth. Queen Elizabeth is a direct descendant to both Pharez and Zarah. Reproductions of this chart are sold by Artisan Publishers for anyone interested in owning a copy.

Praise the Lord!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Sons of Judah Genesis 38:1-23

To see Genesis 38:1-23 without my comments click HERE.

In Genesis 38 the first obvious thing one should notice is that it was inserted into the middle of the story of Joseph which is in Genesis 37 and 39. I have mentioned in a previous post that I believe it was put there for a reason, and that is because events in Chapter 38 happened about the same time as the story of Joseph and it provides solid reasoning why Judah did not receive the birthright from Jacob/Israel and why Joseph was being positioned to eventually receive it.

The main theme of this story is of a recurring theme in the Bible, and that is Judah took unto himself a Canaanite wife v2. This is the same reason why Esau lost his birthright Gen 26:34. And is also the reason why Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were directed to go to their original homeland to find women that were of their own race. It's clear from the Bible that Yahshua Messiah (Jesus) was not coming neither to, nor for, the Canaanites because they are not his people.

Judah's Canaanite wife was named Shuah with which he had two bastard children. Not that I want to put anyone down but the word “bastard” is a biblical term that comes from the Hebrew word Mamzer and is the word for a racially mixed person (Strong's Concordance # 4464). Judah's illegitimate Bastardized children (Er and Onan) were exceptionally wicked. Eventually the Father destroyed both of them and their Canaanite mother Shuah for their wickedness. Out of all this mess came a widow from Er by the name of Tamar.

Tamar was not a Canaanite. However, I have seen two Bible Commentary's that incorrectly claim that she was a Canaanite. This multicultural message is preached by Ministers like BillyGraham that think it's just grand for all of the God's Races of people to be mixed into one brown race. They also try to preach that the Messiah was multiracial and multicultural. 

The Bible is very clear to be ye separate from others, which includes Canaanites. There is no evidence at all to support the idea that Tamar was originally from Canaan land or a Canaanite. Anytime the Bible speaks of a Canaanite it makes it very clear of their racial identity. Some passages even refer to them as dogs Mt 15:26. This is an important fact to understand before proceeding with this Chapter because Tamar eventually had children with her Father in law Judah.

After failing to have children with Judah's racially mixed children, Tamar devised a plan to become pregnant by Judah himself which would give her racially pure Hebrew/Israelite children. Tamar dresses the part of a harlot and seduces Judah at the crossroads to the town of Timnath. Judah offered Tamar a goat in exchange for her services, but she told Judah she wanted his signet, bracelets, and staff to hold until the goat arrives v18. When the goat eventually arrived she was gone with Judah's personal items. This plan would eventually allow her to have legitimate children with Judah, and to keep Judah's descendants pure blooded. This woman was an instrument of the Father.

Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Joseph Is Sold Into Slavery Genesis 37:4-36

To see Genesis 37:4-36 without my comments click HERE.

In Genesis 37 Joseph was being prepared by Jacob to receive the family's birthright and blessing although Joseph never actually received it.
Joseph had a dream that his brothers and parents would someday bow down to him. One day when his brothers went to the land of Shechem (to water their sheep), Joseph was sent by Jacob/Israel to see what his brothers (that kept getting into trouble) were doing. When he arrived at Shechem he found that his brothers were not there, instead there was a man that was there that knew his brothers and told Joseph that his brothers went to Dothan. 

The word Dothan means “two wells”. Dothan as well as having two wells also contained a major trade route to Egypt. It's my opinion that Joseph's brothers were in Dothan because of the trade route, in which they could easily take advantage of the merchants passing through. They were buying and selling as they gambled on the market with the traders that passed by which was unknown to their father.

When Joseph's brothers saw Joseph coming they immediately conspired to slay him because they knew Joseph would report to their father what they were actually doing instead of tending sheep. Reuben was the eldest and just got done being in trouble by laying with his father's concubine Bilhah. Reuben tried to save Joseph's life by having his other brothers put him in a dried well and he planned to take him out later after his brothers left. 

To illustrate the cruelty of the mindset of his brothers, this chapter tells us when Joseph was in the well calling for help when his brothers simply ignored him,  sat down and had lunch v25.

Along came some Ishmaelites that were carrying spices, balm, and Myrrh. These spices came from India, Mesopotamia, and Gilead. These highly valued spices were in demand by the Egyptians for the Egyptian mummification process and it would be an understatement to say it was high priced cargo. The Ishmaelites purchased Joseph, who was then 17,  for the biblical sum of twenty pieces of silver from Judah. This is the normal price for a child slave (Lev 27:5). Because Judah actually was the one that sold him, this may indicate there was animosity between the two over the birthright/blessing.

His brothers, in an attempt to put the matter at rest, killed a goat and put the blood of the goat on Joseph's coat to deceive their father Jacob into thinking that Joseph was killed by a wild animal. Joseph's father (Jacob/Israel) grieved and could not be comforted by his sons.
Jacob said in verse35 “I will go down into the grave unto my son mourning.”
It's important to notice Jacob did not say that he was going to mourn until he sees Joseph again in heaven which is what most churches erroneously teach today!
Jacob obviously believed Joseph was dead and buried in the ground!

I have written about the subject of Christians going to heaven in another post.
I pray all will have a blessed day!