Friday, June 26, 2015

Daniel In The Lions Den; Daniel Chapter 6

To see Daniel Chapter 6 without my comments click HERE.

Daniel was chief of council for 3 Presidents under Darius. Daniel was put in his position because of his excellent spirit that was in him; V.3. As well as his Presidents, Darius also had 120 Lords to Govern that were envious of Daniel, and they conspired to be rid of him. Although Modern day politicians would be fearful of such a probe of their personal affairs, Daniel had nothing to hide. Daniel possessed no faults under Babylonian law. His enemies (the Presidents and Lords), looked for something to remove him from his position permanently. The only thing they could find was in the fact that he was absolutely dedicated to Father Yahweh; Daniel 6:5

Daniel's enemies came before Darius to have him make a decree that anyone asking for any interdict of any god other than Darius himself would be fed to the lions. This decree of course was easily passed because it fed the ego of Darius. Just as King David did(Psalms 55:17), Daniel prayed 3 times a day. He relied on Father Yahweh just as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. Daniel was not detoured by the kings edict. He opened his window toward Jerusalem just as he always did and prayed. He was seen by the men that were his enemies. They waited to see his actions, and the action of him praying to Father Yahweh was promptly reported to King Darius. The laws for the Medes were different then the laws were for the Babylonians under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar, by the fact that once a law was made it could not be changed even by the king himself. This meant that Daniel had to go in with the lions.

A rolling stone door was used for the entrance to the lions den.

The stone was put on the mouth of the lions den to keep anyone from coming in. This stone was sealed with all the seals of Darius, his Presidents, and his Lords. The seals were to prevent anyone from tampering with the stone during the night. These seals were for Daniel's protection, becaused otherwise if Daniel survived the lions during the night, then his enemies could just enter the den and murder him, and of course, they would blame Daniel's death on the lions.

In the morning King Darius checked on Daniel and found that an angel of the lord came and forced the mouths of the lions shut; V. 22. It was Daniels faith kept the mouths of the lions shut.

Who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions. Hebrews 11:33

In Verses 16 and 26 it's obvious that Darius recognized the God of Daniel and followed God's laws. The other Presidents and Lords of Darius tried to twist Daniels act of praying to Father Yahweh into an act of sedition against the kingdom of Darius.

Lying and bringing false witness against the righteous is in violation of the Ten Commandments. Even atheists will tell you that the Ten Commandments are the foundation in which civilization is built. I also want to add that it's the Governments responsibility to enforce Biblical laws according to the Bible.

In Hebrew law if someone accuses someone falsely, then they are to receive the punishment they are attempting to put on the other; Deuteronomy 19:18-19. In the Kingdom of God, we are forced to tell the truth. If Governments were to follow this one law of not bearing false witness, then we would have less false accusations, less wars, and less law suits. As Daniel's enemies found out, it's extremely dangerous to plot against the righteous.

In the morning when Daniel's time was up, Darius went to the den to bring Daniel out of the den. Darius who knew the God of the Israelites, followed God's law of Deuteronomy 19:18-19
Darius cast the enemies of Daniel, their wives, and children into the den of lions. Given the number of lords he had in Dan 6:1 (120 men) the number of people who were actually cast into the den could have easily numbered over 500. The Bible does not say they were all thrown in at the same time and if they were thrown in as they found them they might have kept the lions fed for quite a long time. V.24.

In the end, Daniel ended up prospering under Darius and no one else ever brought false witness to Daniel.

The lions den was shaped as an amphitheater. This is the closest picture I could find to show the general shape.

**Description of the lions den**
Notice that in this passage the stone at the mouth of the den was sealed by Darius and his lords. This stone had to have been made with tight tolerances, not a crude uncut stone, but rather shaped in such a way that King Darius, his Presidents, and lords were all able to physically put their seals upon it.

The information I present for the description of the lions den came directly from the Farrar Fenton translation which has a little more information than the King James Version. It's commonly believed that the lions den was a cave or a small hole in the ground through which Daniel and later his enemies were thrown into. This traditional description of the lions den is not a biblical description.

Daniel was able to be brought up out of it uninjured, and remember he was around 90 years old at the time. Most likely he came back through the same door that he entered through; V.23. We also read that when Daniels enemies were thrown in, and before they reached the bottom of the den on an inclined plane, they were met by lions. I am sure Daniel's enemies were grabbing the sides of the den and anything else they could get their hands on their downward slide. The lions met them and disemboweled them before they reached the foot of the inclined walls.

This tidbit of information obviously describes an amphitheater or colosseum type structure with high sloping walls. The door in the wall was covered with a round stone that was cut with such high tolerances and balanced so that it could be closed and open by only one person from the outside of the den.

Then the King commanded and they brought those men who had accused Daniel, and flung them into the Den of Lions, they, their children and wives; and they had not arrived at the floor of the Den before the lions seized them, and broke all their bones. Dan 6:25 Ferrar Fenton translation

It's not enough just to believe in the Lord, but rather, you must rely on the Lord as Daniel did!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Holy Communion Part 2

In Holy Communion part 1, I attempted to stress the point that sacrificing lambs for the remission of sin and the laws of Yahweh are present throughout the entire bible. This is the basic tenant of which the concept of Holy Communion is based. This Passover feast was celebrated by Israelites in Egypt prior to the Exodus.

When the Israelites came to Egypt they were Yahweh loving people that followed his laws, and as a result were free men. Eventually, while they sojourned in Egypt, Israel became paganized through gradualism, lost their freedom, and become slaves, just as modern Israel has done today in this country; Matt 16:6.

Israel went from the very top of the Egyptian Government to the status of slavery, the forgotten practice of sacrificing lambs was reexplained by Father Yahweh through Moses to the Israelite children.

Moses instructed the Israelites to select an unblemished lamb on the 10th day of Abib; Exodus 12:3.
The lamb was to remain with the Israelite and be sacrificed on the 14th day of Abib (for the year 2015 the correct Christian Passover was April 4); Exodus 12:6. During this time, the sins of the Israelite were transferred to the lamb as they found favor with Yahweh by praying and fasting for the remission of their sins. This was a solemn time for them to both reflect upon what they have done for Father Yahweh in the past year, what they could have done but fell short on, and what there goals will be differently for the year to come.

Moses also instructed the Israelites that the blood of the Passover lamb was to be put on the doorposts of their homes for protection for their first born from the plagues of Egypt; Exodus 12:7,22 as well as for the forgiveness of sin. These lambs represented the prophetic lamb of Yashua Messiah that would come at a future time to redeem the sins of Israel permanently.

This Passover was continuously celebrated through the centuries and was continued until the time of the Messiah, in which the Messiah observed this feast of the Passover every year; Luke 2:40-42 and John 2:13, 23. The Messiah celebrated the Passover the day before his crucifixion at the Last Supper; Matt 26:17-21 and Luke 22:13-15. It was at this Passover (Last Supper) that the Messiah changed the requirement of the lamb. He remove the innocent lamb that was to be celebrated as the prophetic Messiah because THE MESSIAH WAS THE SACRIFICAL LAMB. This part of his law was fulfilled, so the physical sacrificing of lambs was no longer a requirement.

During the Last Supper the Messiah prepared himself for participating in this Passover meal by showing his humility unto death (as Issac did in Genesis 22:6), he washed the feet of the disciples; John 13:1-5. This act of humility is explained in Luke 22:25-27. Then the Messiah purposely ommited the lamb during this Passover, however, the bread and wine that were used during the sacrifing of the lamb was continued; Luke 22:19-20, Matt 26:26-29.
The unleavened bread that was originally eaten with the lamb is explained in Exodus 12:8, and the wine in Romans 3:25. 

When the Messiah redeemed Israel, he made it clear that this new Passover meal no longer included the sacrificial lamb and for us to depend on him for eternal life; John 6:48,53,54.

It's also a requirement to teach others about this Holy Communion; Matt 28:19-20, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. This is the Lord's Passover as commanded by Exodus 12:24-27. 

We know Christ's example plus the explanation by Moses indicates this Passover is to be observed only once a year. I want to stress the point that we must be worthy of taking the Passover meal; 1 Corinthians 11:27-30. And we are still commanded to follow his law; 1 John 1:9, 2:4.

At this point I am admittedly interjecting my opinion. We know the Bible warns of stiff consequences if we take Communion unworthily. We should be humble as the Messiah to receive Holy Communion. Receiving Holy Communion should be something that people should start preparing for a few days in advance. This preparation should include prayer, fasting, a time of reflection, and a time to set new goals to promote his Kingdom here on earth.

It's not simply a symbolic Gesture or snack time at church. If it's just a symbol or a snack then there are tastier alternatives. Taking Holy Communion between eating the Truckers Special with extra bacon at Dennie's before church and before drinking beer while fishing after church, does not get it.
I believe communion should be received on an empty stomach if we are serious about treating it as if this is his actual body and blood.

Praise the Lord for his sacrifice!

Friday, June 12, 2015

Holy Communion Part 1

Although I am naming this post Holy Communion, I could have as easily have called it The Christian Passover. In many churches across america they conduct a religious holiday of eating unleavened bread and drinking either wine or grape juice. Communion is usually done once a month in most Protestant churches and the Catholic church calls it the Eucharist and have it every day. So depending on the denomination, they have different names, days, methods, and times to consume the unleavened bread and to drink the wine.

What is the origin of this religious event, and if it has a biblical basis and if we are commanded to take part in it, then which denomination is doing it correctly?

I have been told by Protestants that Holy Communion is a symbolic gesture of our good nature toward God. I have no idea what this means and makes no sense whatsoever, so I really can't comment on it.

In Catholicism the main idea is that it's the actual body and blood of the Messiah (Jesus). Because in Luke22:19 it states: “this is my body.” The word “is” in English means: amounts to, equals, comprises, signifies, or means according to; Websters New World Thesaurus 1971 edition. So to interpret "is" as the literal actual body of the Messiah is a stretch.

Of course if this is just a symbol as the Protestants say, then why even do it? Because we are warned that if we participate in this symbol unworthily, then we are guilty of the body and blood of the Lord and are dammed according to; 1 Cor 11: 27-29. With such a stiff warning from the Bible, one would think that people would rarely participate in this event or at the very least, be very cautious about this whole event that is if it's just simply a symbol.

I have never been in any church service, Protestant nor Catholic where I have ever seen anyone ever refuse to consume the host or bread, and the wine or Grape drink. I have never seen even one person refuse to take it ever.

Is it safe for me to assume that everyone is holy enough to take it in a worthy manner? Realistically speaking, I am sure there's at least one person that is taking Communion in an unworthy  manner and are damming themselves according to Matt 7:21.

Yashua Messiah (Jesus) is the Passover Lamb celebrated during Holy Communion.

It's incorrectly believed by every single church I have ever laid foot in, that the communion or sacrificing of lambs for Passover began with Moses in Egypt and they also incorrectly believe the law of God originally came through Moses at Mt. Sinai.

The truth is that the Sacrificing of Lambs for the remission of sins began in the Garden of Eden after Adam and Eve sinned. The Sacrificing of the lamb was for Adam (Adam means ruddy or to show blood in the face, Strong's # 119 and 120), to give up the best lamb they had for Father Yahweh of their flock. This is for the remission of personal sins in the belief that another (Yashua Messiah) would come to take away the sins of the world, in much the opposite way that that sin came into the world by one man (Adam).

The sacrificing of a lamb is the reason that Cain killed Abel in the Garden of Eden, as the father wanted a sacrificial lamb from both Cain and Abel. Cain offered a fruit of the ground, I.e. watermelon or some other fruit of the ground the ground (Gen 4:3). This sacrifice was promptly rejected by the Father, and the Father even gave the serpent seed (Cain) a chance to correct his error and he still refused; Verse 7. This is because the Father requires the best from us. This is a test because if someone is unable to give the Father the very best they have, in this case a lamb, then they are in no way willing to give everything they have. The Father does not require us to give up everything we own normally, he does require us to be willing to give up the best we have and quite possibly everything we have, including our lives if asked; Luke 18:18-30.

Meanwhile the sacrificial lamb, and the following of Yah's laws continued years later with Abraham...
The sacrificial lamb (Gen 22:8), and the laws of God (Gen 26:4-5), are also in the story of Abraham. The willingness of Abraham to sacrifice Isaac and to follow the laws of God is the basic concept and thus the nucleus of that formed the Nation of Israel. The Nation of Israel continued with this practice even when they sojourned in Egypt. Eventually living in Egypt for 430 years the Israelites ended up losing their identity of who they were, lost track of the practices required of them from the Father and became slaves to the Egyptians before the great Exodus through gradualism, or liberalism if you want to call it that.

Continued in Holy Communion Part 2.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Flavius Josephus Details Daniel

There are many details that have been left out of the Bible on purpose. Although this may be true, it does not change the authenticity of the Bible at all. If the Bible contained every single detail on every event there would be to much information for people to simply understand the most important concepts. 
In the New Testament, the Messiah told his disciples that he had so much information, that he would not release it to them at that time; John16:12. One such example of specific details that are left out in the Old Testament, are the events leading up to King Cyrus releasing the Israelites who were in the Babylonian Captivity.

After Cyrus led the attacking Medes and Persians under the walls of Babylon in Chapter 5, by draining the Euphrates river dry, the Prophet Daniel told Cyrus that his actions were predicted about “140 years before the temple was demolished.” by the Prophet Isaiah. The recorded detail in which I am referring, was recorded by an Israelite from the tribe of Dan called Flavius Josephus. 
Josephus lived during the Flavian Dynasty of Rome in the first century. This is why he has the word Flavius in front of his name. Anyway, Josephus wrote in his Book 11, Chapter 1, Paragraph 2 that Cyrus read his own name that was written in the sacred Scroll of Isaiah 44:27- 45:2.

This is the Cylinder of Cyrus is in a British Museum. This cylinder details the events of Cyrus subduing Babylon. The Cylinder was used by rolling it across mud tablets and making many copies of the information in Cuneiform for distribution in the known world and throughout the fertile Crescent. Perhaps this could be considered the earliest form of a newspaper?

When the Israelites were freed by Cyrus, by all accounts, less than 50,000 returned to Judea. The exact numbers vary between the books of Ezra, Nehemiah, and even Josephus had a different number. I believe it varied depending on if you counted children, women, and, or, servants. It's quite probable the actual number was closer to only 30,000 Israelites that actually returned. 
According to Josephus in Book 11 Chapter 3 most of the Israelites did not want to leave Babylon because they did not want to part with their personal possessions, just as today many will not leave our Mystery Babylon because of cable T.V., Wi-Fi, and Cell Phones.

Another problem at that time, was that Judea was then filled with a multi-cultural alien horde that had possessed the land for 70 years during the absence of the true Israelites. The return of the Israelites as well as being recorded by Josephus, also was recorded by the books of Ezra and Nehemiah. 
This multicultural mix included the Edomites, Egyptians, Ammonites, and Moabites. These people instead of welcoming the Israelites to their original land and helping them rebuild the temple harassed, intimidated, and thwarted the rebuilding effort.
This is a picture of the West wall at the Temple Mount, also known as the Wailing Wall. This section of wall was constructed by Herod the Great, (the Edomite Jew that tried to kill the Messiah) when he enlarged the temple compound around 19 B.C. The only reason that I included this photo is because Herod remained true to the height of around 60' that the original walls were built by the returning Israelites over 500 years earlier. 

It wasn't until years later when the Israelites built a literal physical wall to keep themselves separate from the aliens is when they start to succeed in their efforts. But, there was still a major problem at hand because there were Israelites that took foreign or strange wives as the bible calls it, from the alien hordes, when they are directly told not to do so by throughout the entire Bible and in the laws of Moses. 

Eventually, Nehemiah enforced the law of Moses and conducted reforms to segregate the Non-Israelite wives and racially mixed children (which the Bible calls mamzers or bastards according to  Strongs #4464) to the opposite side of the walls; Nehemiah 10:30, Ezra 10:10, Nehemiah 13. Some may think that separating the children from a parent is wrong, but it is biblical unto the 10th generation as clearly stated by Moses in Deuteronomy 23:2.

It's really amazing that the Bible was written about true things that happened in the past, and is written about things that will happen in the future, in this particular case Isaiah predicted the actions of Cyrus. It has been true throughout history and will remain true into the future. It's up to us as Israelites to remain diligent and remain as the Watchman On the Wall and warn others. There are storms coming on the horizon and time is becoming short. 

"But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people not be warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hands." Ezekiel 33:6

Praise the Lord!