Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Genesis 32 Jacob Wrestles an Angel

To see Genesis 32 without my comments click HERE.

In Genesis 31 Jacob left Laban at mount Gilead. Jacob was heading back to Canaan Land where he would eventually see Esau again. Jacob sent messengers ahead of him to the land of Seir also known as Edom to notify Esau that Jacob was returning from Laban after 20 years of service. Jacob's servants were instructed to call Esau Lord, and refer to Jacob as a servant to Esau, Genesis 32:18. According to the book of Jasher 32:9-10, Esau told Jacob's servants that he heard Jacob basically stole everything that wasn't nailed down at his uncles house and took his daughters as captives. Remembering that Jacob took Esau's birthright through trickery, Esau assembled 400 men to smite Jacob v.6.

Jacob wanting to get on the good side of Esau, sent him his goods in successive waves in an attempt to change Esau's mind on smiting him. Jacob separated the cattle and sheep into 9 droves. This is because if Esau were to attack one drove then the others would be able to escape the carnage. The possibility of being killed put both Jacob's faith and life on the line to trust the Father for a positive outcome with his eventual meetup with Esau. He prays earnestly in verses 9-12 for deliverance and literally puts his life into the hands of the Father. Although Jacob trusted the Father, he still did his best for what he could do to try to prevent from being killed by Esau. 

Later in this same Chapter of Genesis Jacob wrestles with an Angel at the Brook Jabbok, which is about 20 miles North of the Dead Sea. He wrestled with this angel all night until the next day when the angel wanted to leave, and Jacob would not let him go, this shows they both had the same strength. To have Jacob release him, the angel put Jacob's thigh out of joint.

This wrestling with an Angel is significant because the angel that was wrestling with Jacob was given the exact same strength as Jacob, because neither was to overcome the other. The entire point of this wrestling was a test to see if Jacob had the perseverance to continue wrestling without giving up, as most physical encounters that are remotely similarly matched, such as this, usually results in whoever gives up, loses. Jacob proved his willingness to physically persevere in the time of adversity. Keep in mind Jacob was about 96 years old then. As a result the angel tells Jacob that he is now to be called Israel. Of course we all know that the word Israel means to “Rule with God.”

At this point Jacob's sons would be known as Israelites. Each of his Israelite sons would in turn become the head of a tribe named after them and would be later organized into the “Kingdom of God” at Mount Sinai in Exodus Chapters 19 and 20.

This is important: Israel is the name of a man in the bible. No place in the bible does it ever say the land of Palestine, known as Canaan Land then, was ever called Israel. It's the people that came from Jacob (Israel) that makes the Nation of Israel and not the land.

Praise the Lord!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Barabbas would have been a Communist

The name Barabbas appears in the Bible a few times and we all know this person as the one that the Romans released instead of the Messiah. This particular name in the Bible has meaning and is called a patronymic. The name Barabbas comes from two different words Bar-Abba. The first part Bar meaning "the son of."  An example of this prefix was used for the Apostle Peter. Before he was named Peter, he was known as Bar-Jonah, meaning “the Son of Jonah.” The Suffix Abba means "Father" and in the case of Barabbas it means the son of a Father or teacher, or if you will, Barabbas literally means “The Son of a Rabbi.”

This Rabbis son or “Barabbas” as he is called in the Bible, is mentioned in all of the four Gospels. Both Matthew and Mark write that the chief priest incited the mob to call for Barabbas to be released instead of the Messiah. Mark 15:7 states that Barabbas created an insurrection and committed murder in the process. In Luke 23:19 we are also given this same chilling account of murder and insurrection.

In Johns account of this episode, which is believed to be the most accurate. It's believed to have been taken from the actual records from the trial of the Messiah. In John, Pilate did not even mention the name of Barabbas as an option, nor do I believe he was even thinking of him when he stated he would release someone of their choice, but rather Pilate was trying to release Yashua to the crowd when they started to yell for the release of Barabbas John 18:38-40. This person Barabbas was most certainly a political zealot and probably a member of the sicarii which were dagger carrying guerrilla commandos which were working to expel the Romans from Palestine. The crowd without hesitation chose this violent nationalist over the peaceful Messiah who wanted nothing to do with the anti-Christ Jews nor the Roman empire John 18:36. It can also be reasoned that the two thieves that were crucified with the Messiah were followers of Barabbas, or at the very least they knew him personally, because they were all scheduled for crucifixion at the same time.

To give a more modern example of a “Son of a Rabbi” acting as a political zealot and the damage he can do when he is following The Traditions of the Elders, we can look at Karl Marx who's father was also a Rabbi.

Karl Marx was an Ashkenazi Jew that wrote the Communist Manifesto. It can be proven its precepts came from the Babylonian Talmud. The Communist Manifesto was the prelude to the Russian Revolutions of 1905 and 1917.

If you explore the facts you will realize the simple facts that:

The Russian revolutions caused the deaths of an estimated 60-90 million Christians at the hands of Marx, Lenin, and Trotsky, all atheist Jews, that were financed with Jewish money from Wall Street.

The ancestors of Marx are Ashkenazi and are proselytes to Talmudism. His Ashkenazi ancestors were not from Palestine and have nothing to do with the Bible at all except for when the Messiah talks to the Edomite Jews about the conversion of others to Talmudism or Judaism as we call it today Matt 23:15.

This claim is not something I fabricated, but is something that was summed up by the infamous Rabbi Wise in 1935 when he said “some call it marxism - I call it Judaism.” In fact there is so much overwhelming evidence to substantiate the claim of where Communism came from that if one would like to begin to research this claim for themselves then they can begin by clicking HERE for some quotes from The Truth From God website.

I do not talk about Communism and its roots simply because I want to degrade a race of people in an effort to try to make Israelites look better, but rather, to show Communism's roots and that it is indeed alive and well today. It's simply important for everyone to realize the relationship between the Babylonian Talmud and Communism for the protection of all people.

Not all Jews are Communists nor do I believe that all Jews wish to enslave humanity. There are Jews that are working behind the scenes to expose the evils that both Communism and the crimes that Zionist Jews commit. I believe all races of people have good points and think they are best appreciated by all when they do not infringe on the rights of other races of people and they rule over their own.

Everything I write in this blog is being written as a means to lift up the true Israelites of the Bible and to give them a sense of pride and to realize they truly are Kings and Priests of Father Yahweh, NOT to degrade other races. So do not bother to leave comments that I am Anti-Semitic or other such foolishness. If I have misrepresented the facts then say so. Simple name calling and mud slinging will not do and is a waste of time.

In closing...
There are two things that motivate men to do anything. Either they like something and want to go toward the goal, or they hate something and want to get far away from it. With the call of this mob to free Barabbas over the Messiah, it was in their mind simply a win-win situation for the Jewish Priests. They got Barabbas back to possibly lead another insurrection under the banner of the Traditions of the Elders or Judasism another day against Rome and also this was an attempt to get rid of the Messiah who threatened their powerful positions within the Roman Government.

Little did they know that he was to rise again and will now soon return to earth, not come as a sacrificial lamb, but with anger.

Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Genesis 31

To see Genesis 31 without my comments click HERE.

The sons of Laban started to notice that Jacob (Israel) was starting to have quite a few head of cattle and were complaining to Laban that there would be nothing left for their inheritance. Jacob noticed that Laban's mood was also changing and at that same time Jacob had the calling of Father Yahweh to return to his homeland. Jacob, being the man of Yahweh that he was, immediately called for his wives Leah and Rachel to discuss this issue because he knew if he was to stay he would eventually lose everything by force. Rachel and Leah wondered where this would all go as they wanted their fair share of the inheritance from Laban. Rachel took Laban's idols (which I believe they were made of Gold or some other precious metal) of the household and they all departed for Jacob's homeland in a time when Laban was far from his home.

It took 7 days for Laban to catch up to Jacob when he was resting at Mount Gilead, which he was able to do because with Jacob was with his cattle, wives, and children. The night before this encounter the Lord appeared to Laban in a dream and told him to be careful how he speaks to Jacob. Laban intended to take everything from Jacob and have him return to his homeland empty handed, but God intervened for Jacob. Both men were angry and Laban wanted his household idols back. Little did both men know that Rachel was the one that took the idols and was sitting on them when Laban looked around for them. The conversation that Jacob had with Laban is recorded in Genesis 31:36-40.

It's important to notice that even with the Lord appearing to Laban the night before and telling him to be careful how he speaks to Jacob he still, even then, wanted his false idols back for his household worship instead of worshiping the true God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

The final result of the two men arguing was that they agreed to make a covenant that would be marked by a pile of stones and a pillar. Both agreed to not go past the pile of stones and therefore would never see each other again. v.47 Laban called the pile of stones and pillar: Jegarsahadutha which means “Stones of witness” in the Babylonian tongue of Chaldea and Jacob called the “Stones of Witness” Galeed from the Ancient Hebrew tongue.

The important thing I want to notice that even with the true God of Abraham appearing to Laban in a dream, Laban still wanted to have the idols back and rejected God. Whether or not the idols were made of precious metals isn't the point. It was obviously something that he shouldn't have in his household if he wanted to follow the true God of Abraham. Knowing Laban was a Hebrew and Jacob's uncle, we can only pray that he repented later in life and decided to follow Father Yahweh. Of course we all know the true meaning of the word “repent” means to change the way you think and live for the Father and to continue to follow his laws rather than breaking them (1 John 3:4).

I pray that all Hebrew Israelites will repent, change their thinking, and work to usher in his Kingdom.

Praise the Lord!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

NYC Obelisk To Be Cleaned

A 3,500 year old obelisk in Central Park is soon to be cleaned according to one recent article, click HERE to see this article. 

This Obelisk is called "Cleopatra's Needle" and originally came from Egypt. The Obelisk is one of a pair, the other being in London, stands as a testimony in time for the true Israelite people of the world. The importance of this artifact lies in fact that it was erected in Egypt during the time when Joseph was the Governor of Egypt.

The obelisk's are believed to originally been in front of the King Sesostris II of Dynasty 12 palace in Memphis during the time of Joseph, and later being found by King Herod was taken to Alexandria in 12 BC. Eventually one came to Central Park in NYC in 1880.

In Genesis 48:15-20 when Joseph was Governor of Egypt and Jacob was dying, Jacob transfer the birthright blessings of Israel to the sons of Joseph, their names were Ephraim and Manasseh. This fact is confirmed by Moses in Deuteronomy 33:13-16 Genesis 49:22-26 explains that the blessings of heaven and of the deep are material wealth such as rich harvests, minerals, and numbers of people as the sand of the seashore. This blessing, if we are to believe the Bible to be true, which I most certainly do, can only be found in the lands of Britain and America. It has been well documented that the Israelites of the Bible migrated into the fertile valleys of Europe and beyond after the Assyrian Captivity both fulfilling the promises of the Bible and fulfilling prophecy.

It's only fitting that the obelisk's ended up in Britain and America the same lands settled by the Israelites of the Bible, including the descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh. I have no doubt that both Ephraim and Manasseh both saw and played around these obelisk's when they were in Memphis, Egypt.

Today many believe that the birthright blessings were given to the Jews and cannot possibly be to the people of Europe. They wrongfully believe that the Jews (people who practice the Anti-Christ religion of Judaism) came from the tribe of Judah without researching the facts. The truth is that greater than 90% of the people that we call Jews today are a Turkish Mongolian mix from Khazaria and are proselytes to the Anti-Christ religion of Judaism, so their ancestors never have laid foot in Palestine and have absolutely nothing to do with Israel at all. Even if those we call Jews came from Judah it would make no difference because the birthright blessings were given to Joseph's children and not to Judah's.

There's a spiritual blindness (Titus 1:14) that encompasses this great land today that comes from the pulpits and is preached by theologians. This blindness and disinformation will destroy Israel (Hosea 4:6). Until the time the Gentilized Israelite nations (Romans 11:25) be come in and they become aware of their identity, nothing will change. I pray the coming Kingdom of God will come soon, either by the Israelite's ushering it in or by the return of the Messiah.

All praise Father Yahweh!

John 3:3 Part 2

In John 3:3 Part 1 I briefly talked about what the words being Born Again means. Today I am going to briefly talk about the idea that you go to heaven the very second you die that is being pushed in many Jewish Christian (Judeo-Christian) churches these days, because both ideas are being pushed in the mainstream churches these days as being related to each other. It's true you do have to be Born Again to see God's Kingdom, but not in a typical Judeo-Christian sense. I posted last year about the idea of Christians flying off into the heavens the very second they die, click HERE to see this post. I will cover again some of these points.

John 3:3 tells us that we must be Born Again.
Continuing on...
If being born the first time brings you into existence from a state of non-existence, then being born a second time, or being “Born Again” by definition, would bring you into existence a second time from a state of non-existence also, not just be transformed from one state to another. The reason I say non-existence is because when we die we will have no cessation of our senses nor time. We could be resurrected many years in the future after we die, but the time will seem immediate to us. We will be born into a spiritual existence when we are resurrected from the dead when the Messiah returns and brings the Kingdom of God to earth. Praise the Lord! 1Th 4:16, and Rev 21.

The concept of the second birth was taught to Nicodemus in John 3:5-6 and is necessary to enter the Kingdom John 3:3. For this time you are born of flesh and when you are born a second time during the resurrection you will be born as a spiritual being, just a the Messiah did when he was resurrected. This was confusing to Nicodemus because he thought you had to literally have a second physical birth v.4. In Matthew 22:30 the Messiah made it clear that when we are resurrected in the second birth or become spiritually "Born Again" we will be as spiritual beings like angels, but of course will not become angels. The Apostle Paul makes the point of this spiritual body in 1 Corinthians 15 verses 35-58 and v.44 explains exactly what the Messiah was telling Nicodemus in John 3:6.

Many who promote the modern day concept of being “Born Again” by saying a sinners prayer will also tell you that you fly off into the heavens when you die, when the bible tells you the opposite. I have heard the argument before that to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord 2 Cor 5:8. However, most people do not take the time to also read 2 Cor 5:6 and put these verses in proper context to the rest of the chapter to realize that the Apostle Paul is talking about the walk of faith for the Christian. He was showing the point of being with the sins of the mortal flesh is being absent from the Lord and having the cessation from sin and absent from the sin of the flesh is when and only when can we have a proper walk with the Lord.

The main point that is commonly used to try to prove that you fly off into the heavens is the passage about the thief on the cross in Luke 23:43 where the translator put the comma in the wrong place. In the original Greek and Aramaic there were no commas and was totally up to the discretion of the translator. Because it was put before the word “today” in this verse it changed the meaning and contradicts scripture. The correct translation should have read something similar to “...I say unto thee today, you shalt be with me in paradise." Many will look at what I typed and shake their head in disbelief and believe what I am saying is wrong without taking the time to actually read the Bible by approaching it without a preconceived notion. 

Because the Messiah was dead he could not raise himself, otherwise he would not have not been dead. He put his total trust into the Father to bring him out of a state of being dead.

Those who think both the thief and the Messiah flew off into heaven the very day that they were crucified will have a hard time explaining other passages of the bible that contradict this idea such as John 20:17 when the Messiah told Mary Magdalene that he had not yet ascended to the Father after spending 3 days in the earth. This can only mean that Messiah did not fly off to heaven the day he was crucified with the thief. So does the Bible contradict itself? Of course not!

Only mans interpretation contradicts. The words of Father Yahweh is always the same today, tomorrow, and forever.

In closing, I want to stress the point that to be a real Christian and to know God's will for your life you actually have to do something to have a personal relationship with him. This includes but is not limited to obeying his laws, praying often, fasting, and reading your bible.

Praise the Lord!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

John 3:3 Part 1

John 3:3
Jesus answered and said unto him, verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God.

In many churches today the idea of being “Born Again” seemingly, is the most important topic in modern Christianity and is being promoted as the ideal in which we judge our walk with the Father. Modern day churches are quick to show you bible verses such as John 3:16, Romans 3:23 and 6:23 and of course Revelation 3:20, of course there are others, but I think you can get the point. These verses mentioned, plus others, are promoted to let you know for sure if you are “Born Again” and going to go to heaven beyond a shadow of a doubt the very second you die. Of course, this idea comes to a head when they tell you to repeat the Sinners Prayer for eternal life which of course is not in the Bible, and non-biblical. 

The Sinners Prayer may have merit, if, and only if, someone puts the Messiah center in their life as a result of saying this prayer, or any actions they commit to reflect their new life of letting the Father be Lord of their life, and not looking back to their previous sinful life Luke 9:62. Many people who say the “Sinners Prayer” if they are honest, will tell you that they do not feel any different after repeating this prayer and may doubt if they truly are saved, and for a good reason. This is because on the day of judgment, we are going to be judged by our actions which will be demonstrated by the fruit we possess as Christians Gal 5:22.This comes from our walk with the Father and does not come from saying a prayer, walking an old woman across the road, giving money to a church, or any other frivolous good deed we do Rev 20:12-13.

If saying the “Sinners Prayer” doesn't make you born again immediately, then when and how does someone become “Born Again” as described in John 3:3?

When the Messiah walked the earth he let it be known that his message was the great news of the coming Kingdom of God, and the coming Government of God in which he was to rule, which is not of this time, but will be at another time after we all have lived the test of our lives and proven ourselves. In essence our earthly lives are only a test Luke 19:11-27.

In John 3 when the Messiah was talking to a member of the Jewish ruling council by the name of Nicodemus, Yashua (Jesus) made it clear that you must be born a spiritual person a second time before you can see the Kingdom of God, just as Yashua did when he was resurrected. Of course Nicodemus practiced the "Traditions of the Elders" which we know as Judaism today, and he had absolutely no idea what Yashua (Jesus) was talking about.

Swedish Poet Barbro Karlin claims to be Anne Frank reincarnated, or born again. She claims  to remember events that were in Ann Frank's Diary. Someone should tell this confused poet that Anne Frank's Diary was written in ballpoint pen and ball point was not commercially available to the public until a decade after WWII. Not only is this claim scripturally incorrect, but it's historically incorrect, unless she also invented a time machine and went forward in time to get a ballpoint pen to write the diary with???

To show where I am going with this I look at the word “Born” to show a fact that all should already know. Looking at Webster's New collegiate Dictionary the word born is defined as “brought into existence by or as if by birth.” In other words it's the beginning of life. I want to challenge everyone to remember a time before they were born. All will draw a blank of cessation of their senses and of time before they were born except the dalai Lama who claims he has been reincarnated many times, and the Swedish poet above. Of course I do not believe in reincarnation. I plan to briefly cover the idea of going to heaven as soon as you die as taught by most churches because it is related in Part 2. I pray everyone has a great day and keep God first in all they do!