Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Blessings of Jacob Genesis 28

To see Genesis 28 without my comments click HERE.

Once again we see in verse 1, that the Bible reiterates the fact that Hebrews are not to mix with non-Hebrews by the fact that both Isaac, as well as Rebekah in the last chapter, tell Jacob not to mix with the Canaanite women. This was obviously because the Messiah was not to come to the Hittite nor the Canaanite nation. 

It should be noted that if it didn't matter which race of people that the Hebrews married, which is taught in the modern Judeo-Christian Churches, then Isaac or Jacob could have just had a Canaanite woman say the "Sinner"s Prayer" and then just marry her. Of course those who study the bible for justification for this idea would have an impossible task of finding the "Sinner's Prayer" in the Bible, because it's simply not there.

Instead, Jacob (Israel) was told to go to Laban in the land of Haran to find himself a wife of his own kind. At this time Esau was filled with hate for Jacob, and was going to kill Jacob as soon as Isaac died. Esau also knew that his parents Isaac and Rebekah disapproved of his racially mixed marriage to two Hittite women in Genesis 26:34, So Esau married an Ishmaelite (1/2 Hebrew) in an attempt for recompence for marrying the Canaanite women. Of course this did nothing but exasperate the situation. If you remember, in another post Ishmael's mother “Hagar” was a non-Hebrew Egyptian slave. Ishmael did not receive the blessing from Abraham, only Isaac did, so the Ismaelites did not receive the blessing from Abraham.

While fleeing Esau, Jacob rested and received confirmation from Father Yahweh that he indeed had the blessing.

On the way to see Laban, Jacob slept and dreamed about a ladder with Angels ascending and descending from Heaven to Jacob (Israel). This ladder gave Jacob assurance that the birthright of Isaac was indeed his. Obviously he felt bad about deceiving Isaac his father, but Isaac was going to do the wrong thing by blessing Esau who race mixed and this would be diametrically opposed to the will of the Father. 

Later in John 1:51 The Messiah leaves no doubt that he is indeed the ladder that joined heaven to Jacob and his descendants.

In verses 13 and14, the Father tells Jacob that his seed will be uncountable like the dust of the earth and promises great land expanses to his descendants. Some believe that this land or area that was promised to Jacob and his descendants exclusively consisted of only Palestine. However, if one looks to see where Jacob was when the promise was made they will realize that he was already in Palestine at that time when he was told his descendants would be spread abroad in all directions. It's no accident that the directions that were given to Jacob by Father Yahweh were West, East, North, and South. This is very much different from the points on a 4 point mariners compass rose. The way the directions are expressed in the cardinal directions, are always expressed North, South, East, and West.

This promise was realized centuries later when the word of Yahweh would come true once again and it's not only always true, but also everlasting.

Let me explain...
First the descendants of Jacob would spread to the West to Ireland, Scotland, and Britain. They would then go even further West to Newfoundland and America.
Second they went East into India.
Third they went North into Canada even going to the North Pole.
Fourth they went South to Australia and South Africa.

In the morning Jacob took the stone he slept on, and poured oil on it. He knew God was in that place and he called it Bethel meaning “The House of God.” That stone was thenceforth known as the Stone of Israel.

I came across this video on Youtube of a man that does a good job talking about the Lia Fail, or Stone of Israel. This is only part One of Five and the other Four parts are available on Youtube also if it holds your interest.

                              It isn't until 5:50 into the video when his speech begins.

Hope all have a blessed day and keep God first in all they do!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Stone of Israel Part 4

I am quickly coming up on Genesis 28 and going to try to finish the information about this stone in this post by sticking to just the highlights.

When we left off in “The Stone ofIsrael Part 3” The Prophet Jeremiah, his Scribe Baruch, and the King's Daughters went to Egypt to escape the Babylonian Invasion. In General, it's only common sense that anytime when there's an invading army, there will be people fleeing from any city. In this case they literally had a choice of either escaping the carnage or becoming slaves to the Babylonians. Escaping or becoming a slave was also this choice that the Northern Tribes of Israel had before and during the Assyrian Invasion of the Northern Tribes of Israel.
Tea Tephi was one of the King's daughters. Tea Tephi means "Tender Twig" and is the same wordage used in the riddle of Ezekiel 17:22. Coincidence? I don't think so.

There are many books and facts on the connection between different parts of Europe and ancient Palestine, but will only will touch on some of the connections for Ireland today. This story continues in a land called Hibernia, (today we would know Hibernia as Ireland). Hibernia means “The new land of the Hebrews” in Ancient Hebrew, (which by the way the language of Ireland is Gaelic and is identical to Ancient Hebrew, if you want to know what ancient Hebrew sounded like just listen to someone speaking Gaelic. Yiddish is ancient German and is not Hebrew!) in which the story of the stone continues. . How they arrived in Ireland is lengthy and is outlined in great detail by the Bards of Ireland in a book called “The Book Of Tephi” for those who have interest. So, I will not go into much detail of this information here because it can be readily researched. I have this book in my library and I am willing to loan it to anyone that I personally know that has interest.
The flag of Northern Ireland depicts a hand with a scarlet thread tied around the wrist or more commonly shown as just a red hand. Many believe this is the hand of Zarah as mentioned in Genesis 38. 

There were Judahites in Hibernia (Ireland) when the Prophet Jeremiah, his scribe Baruch, and Tea Tephi arrived, let me briefly explain... In Genesis 38, Judah, the son of Jacob corrupted his seed with a Canaanite woman and had two children with her. Both were unpleasing unto the Lord and he slew them both. Eventually the Canaanite woman died also. So Judah remarried to a Hebrew woman named Tamar, and had twin boys named Zarah and Pharez.

In Gen 38:28-30 “And it came to pass, as he drew back his hand, that, behold his brother came out; and she said, How hast thou broken forth? This breach be upon thee; therefore his name is called Pharez. And afterward came out his brother, that had the scarlet thread upon his hand; and his name was called Zarah.”

When the twins of Genesis 38 were born, a scarlet thread was tied to Zarah's hand. From the line of the one twins, Pharez, came King David. With the fall of Jerusalem came a breach in the Pharez branch, while the entire family line of Zarah migrated out of Palestine prior to this time.
The tomb of the Prophet Jeremiah is a famous landmark in Ireland. Most do not take the time to think why the tomb of the Prophet Jeremiah is in Ireland to begin with???

When the Prophet Jeremiah, Baruch, and Judah's princesses arrived in Ireland over 2,500 years ago with the stone of Israel, they were greeted by fellow Judahites from the line of Zarah, that were waiting for their Queen Tea Tephi, which means “tender twig”. According to history, the stone of Israel remained in Ireland for 905 years and then went to Scotland where it remained for another 981 years. Afterward, it was moved to England by Edward (longshanks) and now sets in the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey to this day to be used in coronation ceremonies for incoming Monarchs.

The Stone of Israel now rests under the coronation chair in Westminster Abbey.

There's literally volumes of information on the stone of Israel and the connection Ireland has with the Hebrews. I could literally devote this entire blog to just the information about this stone and its connection to the people called "Israel". I may or may not have a done an injustice to condense this information to one page as I just hit on some of the highlights here. I encourage all to research this lengthy material and decide for themselves on the claim that the Jacob's Stone is literally closer than we think.

Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Jacob's Deception Genesis 27

To see Genesis 27 without my comments click HERE.

Issac was getting old and his eyesight was starting to fail. He thought he was going to die soon, however we know from the Bible he lived decades after this point in time. He sent Esau to the fields to hunt for some venison. Rebekah heard Isaac make this request and she called Jacob to her and told him to prepare two kids from the flock. She was going to make the dish for Jacob to give to his father Isaac so Jacob would receive the Blessing from Isaac instead of Esau. Although Jacob had already bought the Birthright from Esau (Gen 25:31-34) he did not have his Father's blessing. A blessing is the family title.

Jacob was fearful that he would receive a curse instead of a blessing. Rebekah told him that the curse would be on her instead of him. She had Jacob put his brothers clothes on so he would smell like Esau, and put hairy goat hide on his neck and hands in case Isaac were to feel his hands and neck to see if he was hairy like Esau was. In the end Isaac ended up blessing Jacob instead of Esau.

This is important...
These blessings in V28-29 are the same blessings that Abraham had which was passed to Isaac, then was passed to Jacob who's name was later to be changed to Israel (meaning to rule with God or to rule under God's law). This includes the fatness of the earth, and blessings for all those who bless Jacob and his descendants (in other words will be successful farmers, will have food of plenty, and will bless other lives through the acceptance of their assistance). 
Anyone that that curses Jacob or his descendants will be cursed and who ever blesses Jacobs descendants will be blessed. I have said many times in this blog that I believe that the literal people of the Bible are the Caucasian peoples of the earth that both feed the people of the world and bless all through their advances in Technology, Education, Science, and Civilization. In fact, I have a hard time thinking of what the planet would be like without the Caucasian. Praise Yahweh!

Continuing on...
As a result of Jacob being blessed by Isaac, Esau wanted to kill Jacob. Rebekah ended up telling Jacob to go to Laban her brother, which was about 450 miles from where they were. Asking him to leave had a dual purpose, one reason is protection because Esau wanted to slay Jacob, and second Jacob was to find a wife of his own kind because the Canaanite women of the area were not of his race. If Jacob were to have taken a wife from the Canaanite's then he would create a new race of people just like his brother Esau did (Edomites), and Rebekah would have no value to her because both of her children would be race mixing with the Hittites. This would abruptly end Isaac's bloodline. In the words of Rebekah in Genesis 27:46 “And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth (daughters of Heth were Hittites), if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me?”
Praise the Lord for the wisdom of Rebekah to send Jacob to Laban!

There are a few things to remember in this chapter:
Rebekah said the curse would come upon her if Jacob was detected, in which it did because the Bible doesn't say that she ever saw Jacob again after that day, and it's assumed she didn't.
Isaac was surrounded by Hittites. There were no Hebrew women available for Jacob to marry in Canaan land. This is a main point on why he was sent to Laban.
Esau hated his birthright and the Father hated Esau (Romans 9:12-13 and Ecclesiastes 3:8), this choice was made before they were even born (Gen 25:23), and proves that the Father does know our future before it even happens.
It was the act of race mixing on the behalf of Esau that finalized the deal  Gen 26:34-35. The Messiah was not coming to the Hittites, Edomites, nor any other race of people except his own which of course were Hebrews directly from the blood line of Abraham and Isaac.
Jacob paid dearly for his fraud (Genesis 29), when Jacob was cheated an extra 7 years of his life for Rachel.
The Fathers predictions came true about the elder serving the younger Genesis 25:23.

Another important note I want to add is that most churches teach that at this time Esau and Jacob were in their teens or early twenties, this is totally untrue. The bible does not say what their ages were, but if you work backward then you can determine their ages:
Some time before this Esau married two Hittite women which of course were out of his race, he was 40 years old (Gen 26:34), and Jacob was also 40.
When Jacob stood in front of the Pharaoh years later, he was 130. At that time Joseph then was 39. So therefore Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born.
Joseph was born 14 years after Jacob's service for his two wives. Therefore Jacob was 77 when he began this service. This is right after he arrived at Laban's home where he fled when Esau was trying to kill him.

So Jacob was about 76 years old when he received his fathers blessing. Therefore, Jacob was not a teenager.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Stone Of Israel Part 3

In Part 2, I briefly discussed the concept that the descendants of David were to receive their coronation upon the stone of Israel, and they will continue to this day. Many Judeo-Christians believe that the Davidic line in Judah ended when the Babylonians conquered the Southern tribe of Judah. This Babylonian invasion resulted with the death of King Zedekiah (the last king of Judah), and his sons Jeremiah 39:4-7. If this were true that indeed it ended, then the Davidic line would have only lasted about 500 years. However, we know that the Father keeps his word and that a descendant of David will be on the throne of Israel until the return of the Messiah. This was prophesied in Jeremiah 33:17-26. Students of History will also know that the Southern tribe of Judah was taken into captivity beginning in 604 A.D. And ending in 585 B.C. in 3 phases by Babylon approximately 130 years after the Northern house of Israel was taken into Assyrian Captivity.

Prior to this Babylonian Captivity Ezekiel was commissioned by the Father to bring the word of repentance to Israel, and to announce there will be another captivity Ezekiel 16:53. This is a direct result from Israel breaking the covenant with the Father V59.

The Riddle of Ezekiel...
The Lord told Ezekiel to make a riddle and parable to Israel, this is found starting in Chapter 17:1.
The interpretation of this riddle starts at V12.
In Verse 3 The Eagle represents Nebuchadnezzar. The cedar tree represents the tribe of Judah and the highest branch of this tree is the last king of Judah (King Zedekiah). The high branch was taken to the land of waters in Babylon as told by the song “By the Waters of Babylon.” Keep in mind the second great eagle is the Pharaoh of Egypt in V7.

At the same time of Ezekiel, Jeremiah his contemporary, was also commissioned to proclaim the truth. His commission can be found in Jeremiah 1:10 Jeremiah was given permission to move about freely in Judah during the Babylonian invasion to destroy, to build, and to plant. Many of his own countrymen perceived him as being a traitor to Judah. He was promised by the Father he would not get the sword Jeremiah 39:18. He was instructed by the Father to lead others to a far off land which he did not know Jeremiah 15:11-14. This far off land was told to David by Nathan around 500 years earlier in 2 Samuel 7:10. Jeremiah was prophesied success in II Kings 19:30-31. It's important to remember that King Zedekiah was blinded after the death of his sons and died in chains in Babylon Jeremiah 39:4-7.

However, there's a Hebrew law that was unknown to King Nebuchadnezzer that states when there are no male heirs to the throne then a female is to take over the throne of David. At this point the Kings daughters were in line to the throne because there were no male heirs. The Bible references these daughters in Jeremiah 41:10-17 and in Jeremiah 43:6.

From the riddle from above, the Father tells us that he will take tender twigs from the high branch and plant them within Israel. In other words his throne will now be with the tribes of Israel and be removed from Judah, Ezekiel 17: 22-23. This is well illustrated in V24 as Judah was described as being high and Israel was low.

In Isaiah 37:31-32 we are told there was a remnant of Judah that escaped and they will take root and bear fruit. Of course this specifically means the daughters of King Zedekiah that escaped Judah. The Coronation stone would have to accompany the daughters to the place of where they are transplanted to. Jeremiah took this Royal party of Judah to Egypt, Jeremiah 41 and 44

Jeremiah is traced to Egypt through the Bible when the Bibles suddenly becomes silent to his whereabouts. In 1887 E. Flinders Petrie, a British archaeologist, discovered the actual place where the daughters of Zedekiah went to in Egypt.

Where Jeremiah, his scribe Baruch, King Zedekiah's daughters, and the Stone of Israel went after that I will discuss in Part 4.

I try to keep these posts about one page in length. This subject does fill volumes of books and I know I have made it kind of choppy and probably doesn't flow smoothly. I have tried only to put the most important information here. I encourage all to research this subject to fully understand the details of the Fathers hand in this matter. 

Praise the Lord!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Halley's Comment Genesis 26:34-35

To read Genesis 26:34-35 without my comments click HERE.

While doing research on Esau and Jacob I came across in Halley's Bible Handbook, a comment that they made in their book, 1965 edition pg.103. “Esau's descendants, the Edomites, were subservient to Israel and in time, they did throw off Israel's yoke (II Kings 8:20-22), and, they have disappeared from history.”

Although I do use the Handbook often, I don't agree with their comment that Esau has disappeared from history. Esau was a Nation just like Jacob (Israel) was a nation, and neither disappeared. Unlike Israel, Esau mixed his seed with the Hittite women and created a new race of people, so anyone that would mix with Esau's seed from that point would become an Edomite which is a Canaanite tribe.

11 times in Genesis 36 the Bible tells us that Esau is Edom. So, it's only logical that any information about Edom would be the descendants of Esau.
The Edomite Nation was located South of the Dead Sea, and its capital was where we would today call the southern countryside of Jordan. The capital of Edom was called Petra. There are many books written about this mysterious land of the Edomites. 

Anyone that has followed history in this region of the world will know that the Kingdom of Edom was conquered by John Hyrcanus in 125 B.C., forced to practice the religion of Judaism, and were forced to become part of the Kingdom of Judea. This is where the term Edomite, or Canaanite Jew comes from. This information can be validated by the writings of the Jews themselves. I do not expect anyone to take my word for anything on this blog and do encourage all to read and study, as the Bible tells us to do in 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

The following are just a few quotes from the Jews themselves. I pray it's enough information for people to want to research this on their own.

The 1905 edition of the Jewish Encyclopedia states that “Edom is in Modern Jewry.”

The Jewish Encyclopedia, edition of 1925, Vol. 5, page 41, states “Edom is in modern Jewry.”

According to The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (1977 edition P. 589) and the Encyclopedia Judaica (1971, Vol. 6, p378 “Judah Maccabee's son, John Hyrcanus, conquered the whole of Edom and undertook the forced conversion of its inhabitants to Judaism.”

There are many books that give in detail of who modern day Esau is. One such book is called "Who Is Esau-Edom? by Charles Weisman. Those who cannot afford to buy the book can read it for free by clicking HERE.

When John Hyrcanus conquered the Edomite nation, the Judaites were vastly outnumbered by millions of aliens. Only a little over 40,000 Judaites returned from the Babylonian Captivity. Therefore the majority of Judeans were Edomites that practiced the Tradition of the Elders, or Judaism.

To see a brief summary of this account click HERE and scroll halfway down the page to the paragraph labeled “Classical Antiquity.” Anyone wanting to do a more in depth study of the annexation of Edom into Judea can read books by Flavius Josephus, who was a first century scribe from the Israelite tribe of Dan. Read his books #12 and #13 for a more in depth account. I am sure all the works by Josephus are available in PDF format on the internet.

Praise the Lord!