Friday, February 14, 2014

The Stone of Israel Part 1

I realize that the Stone of Israel is in Gen 28 and before I get that far, I want to briefly discuss the stone. This is kind of a lengthy topic, and will have to discuss it in a few different posts.

"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2 KJV

The symbol of every kingdom is composed of the best of what that kingdom has to offer. Most symbols consist of crowns, jewels, gold, silver and other worldly wealth. However, today I want to talk about the symbol of the Kingdom of Yahweh that only consists of only a simple stone. One point I want to make is that this symbol was quite evident in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar in the Kings vision that consisted of a image of a man made of a head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and the feet of both iron and clay. Finally in this vision, a stone that was not made by human hands, smote the image and filled the entire earth; Daniel 2:44.

Genesis 28:10-22 When Jacob was running from Esau to the land of Haran, Jacob had a dream when he was resting on a stone. Jacob dreamed that he saw angels ascending and descending to heaven both to and through him, then he was addressed by Father Yahweh and told that his blessing from Isaac was confirmed to him. This told Jacob that Yahweh was in that place when he thought he was alone. When Jacob rose in the morning he took the stone he used and set it on end and poured oil on it be used as a pillar. This promise of his birthright made by the Father, was unconditional, and Jacob need not to do anything to receive his blessing. Jacob in turn tells the Father that if he will give him the things to stay alive he will give ten percent in all he receives, back to the Father V22.

This is the beginning of the history of this stone that Jacob called Beth-elohim or God's House. This stone that was selected from among many and has great spiritual value to both Jacob and the House of Israel. After this event Jacob went to Haran, where he served for his wives and for goods. Father Yahweh fulfilled his part of the agreement and now it was time for Jacob to both ratify and confirm his vow.

Father Yahweh told Jacob to return to Beth-el (as named by Jacob meaning “House of God”) and to make an alter unto him. Then the Father told Jacob that Jacobs name would no longer be Jacob, but instead will become "Israel"; Gen 35:10. This stones history that started in Beth-el, was a witness to the covenant made to Jacob by the Father. This stone that has no value in the eyes of men indeed it only has spiritual value only to the people that it is a witness to. 

The bible does not specifically state that Jacob removed the stone that he anointed with oil, however, It's unreasonable to expect that this stone that was a witness to both the Fathers covenant and Jacob's vow would have been left there in that place to be lost in the fields forever, but rather it would make more sense that Jacob removed the stone and venerated it through the ages. It would also be reasonable that any future Israelites would also receive their covenant promise from the Father with it also. There are places in the bible where it talks about a stone that accompanies Israel. I will discuss some of the verses in the bible that talk of the stone in Part 2.

I pray everyone will have a blessed day and keep the Lord of Lords first in all they do!

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