Saturday, February 2, 2013

Billy Graham may not even be a Christian Part 1

Billy Graham at the very least is a false teacher. There are many reasons why I feel this way and will only touch on two to prove my point. The two points I give is that he doesn't know who the true Israelites of the Bible are, and second he has no idea what a Christian is. I am going to break this into two posts because I can see it getting lengthy.

 The message that he gave of Jesus being a Mediterranean Jew is false. This is something he has preached during his career and also has put into his books. This point is brought up in his book called "Critical Reflections on America's greatest Evangelist." on page page 151 first paragraph  he talks about the Messiah by trying to draw the conclusion he was a swarthy darker olive skinned Jew. If Billy would have read the books of Ezra 8 and 9, and Nehemiah 13, he would have realized that the Mediterranean Jew is racially mixed, and became so when the Judaites returned from Babylon after their 70 years of captivity.

The Bible clearly teaches that  King David was indeed fair skinned and one can look at the genealogy of Yashua to realize David was his ancestor.  David the Messiahs ancestor was well described , and there is no place in the Bible that indicates the house of David engage in race mixing in any way shape or form. This is what the Bible says about King David, I did not make this up
1 Sam. 16:12 states that David was Ruddy, being Ruddy is associated with fair skin.
1 Sam.17:42 talks about David when he met Goliath, and Goliath had disdain for him because he was fair skinned.
Even The Song of Solomon 5:10-11 talks about this David was a fair skinned man not swarthy as Billy states.

 If the Bible states this about David being fair skinned then the Messiah had to be fair skinned also!

You can also make this point: Jacob and Esau had red hair in Genesis 25:25.  Jacob and Esau were twins. Esau was clearly described as having red hair. It is also logical to believe Jacob had red hair also, because they were twins. Jacob begot Joseph and both Joseph and Mary are direct descendants of David. What kind of people have red hair? Think hard it's not that difficult to figure out!

On January 30 I posted the importance of knowing who Israel is. Until Billy and others who teach incorrectly  come to the conclusion who the servant race of Yahweh is, nothing will not change at all on this earth.

Praise Yahweh for all that he does!

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