Tuesday, February 12, 2013

An objective look at your secret conversion

One may ask what a secret conversion is. A secret conversion is when, in a Judeo-Christian church (or any other church for that matter), the pastor of the church gives an invitation to accept Yashua (Jesus) into their life. Then asks the people who prayed the very unbiblical "sinners prayer" with every head bowed and every eye closed to raise their hand in acknowledgement. Yes, I see a hand in the back, and one in front he may add. This is a secret conversion.

This type of secret conversion puts one on a path to not living a Christian life. The building called "the church" is exactly that a building where people are supposed to talk about God, and worship him there. If people cannot verbalize in a church that they are a Christian, or that they want to become a Christian then their so called conversion is not a conversion, but rather just rhetoric directed to the pastor of a church. Yashua ( Jesus) talks about this very thing in Matt 10:32-33. Instead of asking to raise their hand in secrecy they should be saying something like, "if you have turned your life over to God then come forward and be baptized." ACTS 2:38 and Mark 16:16.

If somehow, someway, one can justify a secret conversion, then what's next? Maybe a secret baptism or they maybe secretly attend church, maybe eventually become a secret evangelist or some sort of secret missionary? It's not rocket science, it's strait forward good of fashion biblical sense. When people are truly called by Yahweh's Holy Spirit there is no stopping them and they become forthcoming with their intent to turn their life over to Yahweh. They become filled with his Holy Spirit and things happen more than just a simple quick raise your hand and that's it. It becomes a life changing event and I encourage all that have simply had one of these "secret conversions" and not had a life changing event, to make sure they are right with God as he is going to come to earth and judge them very soon!

People becoming filled with God's Holy Spirit at a camp meeting in the 1800's notice the NOT SO secret conversions, and the one woman being overcome right in front of the preacher? When do you see anything that comes anywhere near this at any modern church?

I pray all Israel becomes filled with God's Holy Spirit!

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