Friday, February 8, 2013

Displacement of Palestine

It's well known that in 1948 the country of Israel became a state. There are some controversies over this point in history. This is the time that the European Jew also known as the Ashkenazi entered into Palestine. Something happened in history prior to this event, which I will cover briefly. This event is not exhaustive in any way, I encourage all to not take my word for it but to research it for themselves.

 According to Wikipedia Ashkenazi Jews make up 92% of the population of all Jews. Although they are not from Palestine nor that part of the world originally they were from a nation called Khzaria when they adopted the anti-Christ  religion of Judaism in the 8th Century. I say this because at the very least Judaism denies Yashua where as Christianity is centered around Yashua. All that follow the religion of Judaism are Anti-Christ by definition no matter what sect they are from.

Although they have been known to be thrifty in their economic dealings, they have had great influence on the planet through monetary influence. Which in my opinion really should be no problem for people who both believe in God and actually do something to promote his kingdom here on earth. However people have a problem following God and seem to like money more. We as Christians should have nipped this in the bud but it now seems to be increasing and spiraling out of control. In the 19th century the Ashkenazi by that time were bringing Judaism into their politics. The name of this movement is called Zionism.

Anyway in the 40's a Zionist Ashkenazi Jew named Menachem begin committed acts of terror in Palestine to reduce the presence of the British in the area. Some people believe that he was a freedom fighter, other a Terrorist. Some believe when the Khzars took on the religion of Judaism and the name of  "Jew" they automatically earned the right to occupy Palestine. However most people do not realize that there were Sephardi Jews that were thrown out of Spain prior to this, living side by side with the Arabs in peace in Palestine before Zionist terrorism came and took root in the land. The chart below shows the systematic displacement of the Palestinians, and Sephardi Jews by Zionists.

These Sephardi Jews who deny the Zionist movement, work against it, and work to disband the country of Israeli are from Palestine and were there before the Zionists. So it's not an anti-Jewish ideal (because they are Jews themselves), but rather an Anti-Zionist ideal that they promote. Click here for the site for Jews against Zionism web site if interested.

At this point in time it is my opinion that even if every Zionist Jew were to leave the  planet some how, things would not change in a major way as there are many that practice the newer form of Jewish Christianity called Judeo-Christianity that live the same type of life style as these Zionists with there lives revolving around money and power.

It is a fact that in the bible you cannot serve both God and Mammon as long as Christians keep trying to live the greedy American dream of chasing the buck as the Zionist Jews do nothing will change neither in this country, Palestine, nor in Christianity. What is the answer? Once again as I have posted before, we need to get back to the original Christianity of the bible. Believe in it and act on it. 2 Chron 7:14 is the answer!

 I encourage all to keep Yashua Messiah first in all they do!  

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