Sunday, November 16, 2014

Genesis 45 Joseph informs his half brothers of his true identity.

To see Genesis 45 without my comments click HERE.

After Joseph realized that Judah had changed his attitude from when he sold Joseph into slavery 22 years earlier, he decided to reveal himself to let his brothers know it was him. Joseph asked all the Egyptians in the area to leave so he could talk to them in private. Suddenly he started talking Hebrew and let them know that it was him, Joseph. As you could imagine the men were terrified of Joseph as he had all the right in the world to have them put to death in any fashion imaginable both under Egyptian law and under Hebrew law.
Joseph forgave his brothers. There are places in the Bible that tell us to forgive our brothers. In Matt 5:39 we are told to turn the other cheek to our brothers, of course for someone to be your brother you have to have a common father. Many modern day Baal priests erroneously claim that we are to turn the other cheek to anyone that comes along.

When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers he could see their discomfiture He told them to not be afraid because it was the will of the Father that made him come to Egypt to save the entire world and to save the Hebrew/Israelites v7-8. The Father can make people do things when he is moving his children into position to do great things to promote his kingdom here on earth; Isaiah 30:28, Ezekiel 38:4.

Instead of chastising his brothers, and knowing his brothers were being used of God, he told them to move to Egypt with their families and Jacob/Israel. There they could live with him in the land of Goshen which was prime land, and was the bread basket of Egypt. Joseph embraced his brother Benjamin then embraced all his brothers before talking to them for a little while.

All the brothers were given fine raiment and wagons to move the family of Israel to Egypt, but Benjamin received more raiment than his brothers and was given 300 pieces of silver. When Joseph's brothers arrived back in Canaan land they told Jacob/Israel that Joseph was alive and Governor of Egypt. Of course Israel (the man not the land) went into shock. It wasn't until he saw the wagons that Joseph sent did he understand and believe. Only then did he know that his eldest son, the son that he had with the wife that he loved, did he believe and agree to make the journey into Egypt.

Joseph had a forgiving spirit as he trusted the Father in all that happened to him. If Joseph followed his human nature then his brothers would have had a different ending. I thank God that Joseph saved the entire nation of Israel. Praise the Lord!

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