Monday, May 30, 2016

What Is The Prophetic Beast of Revelation 13:1-2?

And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. Revelation 13:1-2

No one will argue the fact that the book of Revelation is a very symbolic book. It's also very obvious that the book of Revelation is not written in a chronological manner. Revelation chapter 13 is about the final beast system that most likely exists now, or will come to exist in the future.

What is the beast of Revelation 13?
The very last verse in Revelation 12 states that the Red Dragon will make war with the seed of Israel that keep the Father's commandments and have the testimony of Jesus Christ, so we know the danger of this beast coming from the sea is directed only to Israel; Revelation 12:17.

Israel is the name given to a man in the Bible and his descendants, so the danger is to the people called Israel. Biblically speaking,Israel is not the land mass in the Middle East which rightfully should be called Palestine.

The very first verse of Revelation 13 states that John saw a vision of a beast coming from out of the sea. The first two verses of this chapter describe the physical characteristics of this beast which are symbolic. Most who teach Revelation completely overlook this symbolic description and its meaning. What these symbols mean can be quite confusing, so the best thing to do is to let the Bible interpret the Bible rather than letting some man do so by guessing.

In Daniel 7 these exact same symbols are used to describe four beasts using these exact same descriptions used in Revelation 13. Just as John saw a beast coming from the sea in Revelation, Daniel also saw four beasts coming out of the sea. Daniel defines these symbols as being kings; Daniel 7:17. We also know the words king and kingdom are synonymous because they are used interchangeably in Daniel 7: 18, 22, 24 and 27.

What do the horns represent?
As well as the symbols of these beasts, the word “horn” is also defined in Daniel 7:24 as kings or kingdoms. The ten horns will grow out of the fourth kingdom and will rule the earth.
These five major kingdoms of the world are also described symbolically in a slightly different way in Daniel 2, when Daniel interpreted a dream that contained a statue for King Nebuchadnezzar. Most believe that there were only four kingdoms represented by this statue in this story, but if you read Daniel 2 closely then you realize that the toes and feet of this statue represent a fifth kingdom. These 5 kingdoms continue until the last one was shown to have ten succeeding governments coming from one as was shown by the ten toes on the statue of Daniel 2, or the ten horns of the beast in Revelation 13.

The beasts symbols or kingdoms are as follows:
The lion is the Chaldean empire called “Babylon” 625-539 B.C.
The bear is the Medo-Persian empire called “The Persian Empire” 558-330 B.C.
The leopard is the Macedonia empire called “Greek Empire” 333-330 B.C.
The strength of iron and ten horns which was the most horrible of the four destroyed everything they conquered this was the “Roman Empire” 31 B.C.- 476 A.D. until ?

The official date the Roman empire fell was 476 A.D. If you follow history, you realize that the Roman Empire never really fell completely and that the Romans reorganized their government. Today we are still living under a Roman style of government that destroys everything that stands in its way or opposes it.

The last government represented by the feet on Nebuchadnezzar's statue, as well as the prophetic beast of Revelation 13 will be a dangerous government composed of a racially mixed people.

The last Roman style of government, which we are living under currently, is represented in Daniel 7 as a government composed of racially mixed people that will be very dangerous. Although this government somehow will be strong, it will also be fragile because it will be unorganized, lack unity as a people, and they will be easily broken; Daniel 2:43. The Bible clearly states that no person can stand against the strength of this last beast government; Revelation 13:4.

The rock of our salvation Yashua Messiah destroys this last government; Acts 4:10-11. I tell you today that the Bible is true. It's been around a lot longer than you or I. Not following the Bible in the name of political correctness leads to slavery and can only destroy your homes, children, and yourselves.

True happiness can only be found by following God's laws. I praise the Lord daily, I also pray for the Messiah's return and for the Kingdom of Heaven to come to earth!
Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Woman Of Revelation Chapter 12

To see Revelation Chapter 12 without my comments click HERE.

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.” Revelation 12:1

John, the author of Revelation, then saw another vision. This vision of this woman is central to Chapter 12 and can be compared to other accounts in the Bible. This chapter in itself, is another view of the story of Israel in its entirety. One subtle clue to this being a separate event from the preceding chapter, is that the symbology changed to represent this story in another way.
It's my personal belief that this chapter was revealed by the Messiah to John so that those who are confused by events in other places of the Bible, will be able to have yet another version with different symbols of the history (his-story) of Israel in its entirety, as told in a different way.

In verse 1, the woman that's clothed in light represents Israel. This woman is the bride of Christ; Isaiah 54:4-7 and Hosea 2. The marriage ceremony between Father Yahweh and Israel is found in Exodus 19:4-6. The light that the woman (Israel) is dressed in and is reveling to the world comes directly from God; Matthew 5:14-16 and Psalms 119:105.

The vision of this woman is the same that Joseph saw in his dream; Genesis 37:9-11. Later each of the twelve tribes had its own standard, each one is represented by the signs of the Biblical Zodiac. This is why the Israelite encampment is modeled after this heavenly pattern; Numbers 2.

The Woman Of Revelation Chapter 12
On September 23, 2017 the three planets of Mercury, Mars, and Venus will join with the 9 stars of Leo making 12 stars above the woman's head (virgo) in the Biblical Zodiac, is this just a coincidence? Whether or not this event has anything to do with Genesis 12, I believe that there are sights in the heavens to direct Father Yahweh's people. One such example is of the star that directed the wise men to find the Messiah; Matthew 2:9.

There are wonders in the sky to tell the story of Israel that are available to the entire world; Psalms 19:1. The sky story is called the Biblical Zodiac (zodiac means circle). In the center of this circle, that represents the 12 tribes of Israel, is the Dragon that wages war with all of Israel. Above the head of the dragon is a man that is kneeling on the ground with an olive branch in one hand and a weapon in the other.
This humble kneeling person is identified by the Greek pagans as being Hercules, crushes the head of the dragon. The original intent before the zodiac becoming paganized was that this man represented the nation of Israel (the seed of the woman) that crushes the head of the dragon and also can more importantly represent, the Messiah. This promise is made many times in the Bible, a couple of places that I know of off the top of my head are ;Genesis 3:15 when we are told there will be enmity between her seed (Israel) and then the seed of the serpent in Obadiah 1:18 when the seed of the serpent will be destroyed by Jacob-Israel. The serpent seed is identified as being Esau, or Edom and is physically described as being “red” in Genesis 25:25. Esau, Jacob-Israel's twin brother (Deuteronomy 23:7), separated from the racial line of Adam by marring 2 Hittite women and the Hittites are a Canaanite tribe. The Canaanite's were cursed by Father Yahweh through Cain; Genesis 4:10-15. This improper relationship by Esau with a Caanite tribe was not the racial line in which the Messiah was to come; Genesis 26:34-35. Father Yahweh gave the responsibility of leading the world and bringing civilization through the laws of God to Jacob-Israel. It's true that Esau and his children are relatives of Israel, however, Israel has the responsibility to bring scientists, inventors, and peace to the world through Yahweh's laws. The leadership potential of the Edomites (Esau) does not lead the world to bring peace, but rather corrupts the world today through the Red Dragon of V3. Today the corruption of Esau is called Communism. It can readily be proven that communism was originally a product from Edomite Jews simply because Karl Marx was the son of a Jewish Rabbi and the Bolshevik Revolution was financed by these same Edomite Jews from Wall Street. It's interesting research for those who are willing to invest a little time.

Today, Communism is accepted by, and being kept alive by the unholy union of Judaism (an anti-Christ religion) and Christianity (called Judeo-Christianity). Modern day Judeo-Christians will not admit this truth if you ask them simply because they have been blinded by political correctness; Matthew 24:24. For this Israelite country (USA) to throw off the yoke of the Red Dragon and get on track is easy, they just need listen to God and ignore everyone else that preaches a different Gospel than the Messiah (Jesus) taught. Yes, it's that easy!

The Red Dragon
V.3 John then saw a red dragon that that had seven heads and ten horns that drew one third of the stars from heaven to the earth and the then waited for the womans child to be born to destroy him.

The womans child
V.5 The woman brought forth a man child who was to rule the earth (the Messiah). This woman (Israel) fled into the wilderness for 1260 days (3 ½) years. Compare this to the riddle of Ezekiel 17.

War in heaven
V.7Then there was a war in heaven. This dragon and his seed lost against both the Messiah at Calvary, and the seed of Israel (the woman and the woman's child). Three major attempts to physically slay Yahweh and the Israelite children are recorded in Exodus 1, 2 Kings 11, and Matthew 2.

The blood of the lamb
V. 10 There was a great celebration in the heavens for the redeemer of our brethren (Israel). Father Yahweh protected this woman for 3 ½ years. The dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which kept the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ in their hearts and in their mouths. This shows the laws of God have not been done away with; V17.

Another woman in the sky that I should add is the constellation of Andromeda (the chained woman), which is pictured as the present condition of Israel in bondage awaiting for the return of the deliverer. I have heard that the meaning in the names of Andromeda's stars proclaim that this woman is the captive daughter of Zion. The deliverers name is Perseus (the chain breaker) and we know as Yashua, which not only did redeem Israel but will reinstall his kingdom permanently. 
I want to add my closing thoughts about this story and want all to both understand and to study this chapter on their own. If you don't agree with me than that's fine. I leave the comments open for all to leave comments even if they think I am wrong. I believe that there are truths in all parts of the Bible. Even if someone simply has the most basic of understanding of the Bible there is truth to be had. To understand the bible you have to work at it slowly as if by adding pieces to a puzzle of understanding until the entire picture comes together; Isaiah 28:10. You do not have complete understanding over night even if you truly repent (to repent means to change the way you think), and pray earnestly; 2 Chronicles 7:14. If you want to hear the voice of God and find direction then I promise you that Father Yawheh will not talk to anyone that does not talk to him, despite what the Hollywood moves claim. Pray hard and pray often; 1 Thessalonians 5:17!

This is my testimony to everyone in the world with a computer that has the ability to read this. I attest that the Bible is absolutely true. I know that the Father (Father Yahweh of the bible), is alive today and is the redeemer of all Israel. Only when you feel the presence of Yahweh's Holy Spirit does it really sink in and you will know without a doubt that you are a child of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. I also want to add my experience. When you take one step toward the Father, he takes two steps towards you. He wants you to follow him, and he believes in you to do the right thing he believes more in us than we believe in ourselves.

Praise the Lord all of Israel!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Who Are The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11?

To see Revelation 11 without my comments click HERE.

In Revelation Chapter 11 there is a reference to two witnesses that will prophesy for 1260 days (3 ½ years). Many Bible scholars and Bible study guides alike address these two people as being two physical and literal people who have the supernatural abilities to have fire project from their mouth and melt their enemies like a warm stick of butter on a frying pan. In trying to identify the two witnesses, one school of thought seems think that these two are Moses and Elijah, while the other school of thought believe that it's most likely Enoch and Elijah. Another version altogether is that these two could be modern day preachers such as Billy Graham or Joel Osteen.

An unbiblical rendition of the two witnesses frying people at will. 

Why can't Bible scholars identify who these two people are?
If your reading the Bible with the belief that the Jews (those who follow the anti-Christ religion of Judaism) are God's chosen people and that anyone and everyone is Israel throughout the Bible and in the last days, then the book of Revelation becomes very confusing because there is symbols involved. This reason is exactly the same reason why you will never hear a sermon preached in modern day churches on the book of Revelation.

 If you read Revelation with the understanding that the Bible was written about Israel and was written to Israel only, then the entire book takes on a whole new meaning. It's always best to let scripture interpret scripture anyway.

When you look for the identity of the two witnesses you have to look at the subtle clues involved in this passage and compare them to the rest of the Bible. These two witnesses in Revelation 11:4 are described as being two olive trees and two candlesticks.

These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before God of the earth. Revelation 11:4

So what we know from this verse is that the witnesses are described as witnesses, olive trees, and candlesticks. 

So what does the rest of the Bible say about these three things?

Witnesses- The word witness is defined as being the nations of Judah and Israel by Isaiah 43:6-12, Isaiah 44:8, and Jeremiah 33:24.

Olive trees- The olive tree is the symbol for Israel according to Zechariah 4:3-11, 14 Jeremiah 11:16, Hosea 14:6, and Romans 11:1-26.

Candlesticks- Candlesticks are defined by Isaiah 60:1-3 and Isaiah 62:12 as being Israel. In Revelation 1:20 groups of Israelites (churches) are also called candlesticks.

It is readily pointed out by Ezekiel 35:10 and Ezekiel 37:15-21 that the nation of Israel is divided into two separate groups to form the two witnesses mentioned in this passage. The fire from their mouths is how fine metals are purified and the fire and is symbolic of them preaching the Gospel Message of the coming kingdom to earth.

Another problem with interpreting Revelation 11 as being a separate group of people other than Israel is the time frame which is mentioned in this chapter as being 3 ½ years. When you read this chapter in this way, it looks like there is an additional 3 ½ years separate from the previous 3 ½ years making a total of 7 years. This is not the case because this chapter is a review and only a review of what the nation of Israel went through during the tribulation before the Seventh Trumpet.These two witnesses are two sticks (Judah and Israel) and although they did seem to die in this passage and the world did celebrate so they could live in their sinful ways without being reminded of their eternally doomed sinful status. In the end, Judah and Israel are resurrected in V.11 to be rejoined to rule with the returning messiah. Read the passage of Ezekiel 37:1-14.

My final thoughts...
It is my prayer that all people will understand the important role that Israel has in the latter days and work to bring Yahweh's kingdom here to earth. You do not have to be from Israel to be able to help to bring Yah's kingdom here. Although other people may not Israel, they can worship him as creator and receive blessings for their faith; Matthew 15:21-28.

Praise Yahweh!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Little Book Of Revelation Chapter 10

To see Revelation Chapter 10 without my comments click HERE.

In Revelation Chapter 10:1 there appears a sight in the heavens:
And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire.”

This sentence in itself is one continuous event separated by commas. The angel descended and was a very large angel in relationship to his surrounding. In other words his head was literally in the clouds where rainbows are as the verse describes. I say this because the description of a normal sized book compared to someone this particular size would seem very little. It's also obvious that this little book is one of the sealed messages from Revelation 5:1

I look at Revelation 10:2 which describes this angel as having one foot being on the land and the other on the sea as he claimed both of them for his own: Revelation 11:15.

Revelation 10:3, This angel cried with a loud voice and seven thunders uttered their voices. So If there were voices instead of just noises then obviously the voices had a message to convey.

Revelation 10:4; John heard the messages from the seven thunders, he started to write down what they were saying, when he was abruptly stopped. He was told not to write the messages because it was not to be known until the final days. To me this means that it's a more specific message rather than just a general message. As an example, one such message could be something like a persons name or a specific circumstance that people would avoid and not allow the will of Father Yahweh to be played out in its proper fashion.

Revelation 10:5-6; This rather large angel then lifted his hand to heavens and swore by Father Yahweh that created everything that “there should be time no longer” This is simply because time only exists for us here on earth which gives our lives meaning, while at the same time Father Yahweh has no time Because he is the Alpha and Omega. For more of an explanation see my post called “All time is one Genesis 18:1-2” when I mention this very thing briefly by clicking HERE.

Revelation 10:7; In the days of the Seventh Angel, the mysteries of God will be exposed and there will be no more secrets sealed up away from his Servants and Prophets as it is now; Amos 3:7-8.

Revelation 10:8-10; John was then instructed to take the little book from the angel and eat it, meaning to consume. When people hear the word of God they receive faith to help guide them in life; Romans 10:17 Another way to look at this is when you hear the word of God, there is nothing to stop the greatness of God and you naturally want to share his word with everyone you meet this is the sweetness of his word, but becomes a bitter pill to take when those who do not possess the Holy Spirit of God will flat out reject its content and meaning; Psalm 53:1.

Revelation 10:11; In verse 11 John is instructed once again to prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. Admittedly, I am adding my opinion and prophecy is also to teach, preach, explain and praise Yahweh.

A few closing thoughts...
The book of Revelation as well as the other books of the Bible are written by Israel and addressed to Israel. Anyone that believes Israel includes everyone on the planet that can stand on two legs really don't understand the important role that Israel plays throughout history and during the last days. The responsibility of bringing both Yawheh's laws and civilization to the peoples of the planet (both those born of Israel and not) is a great responsibility. Of course, Israel has to have a firm base before they can help anyone else and our efforts should be directed there first as we need to get our own house in order before trying to help anyone else.
The very racist Louis Farrakhan has stated several times before that the White man is the servant race, in which I agree. However, we are not a servant race in a manner to prop up welfare roles for minorities, but rather we are the servant race to our Heavenly Father, given the task of following his laws perfectly, which of course we simply do not live up to the task. This is why we are given our Messiah, our Kinsman Redeemer, to make things right as we fail miserably. We have a task of bringing Yah's laws first to Israel and then those not of Israel who will listen in an effort to fill the planet with his kingdom. 

Praise Yahweh!