Tuesday, September 3, 2013


I want to introduce you to a concept that is taught in most churches to one extent or another. It's called Predestination. Predestination is when people believe that their future in Father Yahweh's Kingdom is already set in stone before they are even born. This is taught mostly by Calvinist Christians. Of course when this concept is believed by some it isn't far behind when people come to a realization of why should they even bother, either the Father has decided for them to be one of the elect or he has decided for them not to be, and so of course there is no reason to follow any faith when it teaches that it's just a roll of the dice.

There is nothing worse then telling someone they have no control over their spiritual life and that if the Father doesn't like you for some unknown reason, you will be thrown into a false Hell (a lake of fire) forever. Even an Atheist can see problems with this concept.

Now I ask, does anyone know where in the bible exactly, does it teach that people will be predestined to be condemned by the Father in any way, shape, or manner? The answer is: "NOWHERE" in the bible does it teach such a false principle. It does however teach the principle that some are called to be the elect in this age which is a positive thing not a negative thing!

There are only 4 places in the bible that state anything about predestination at all. The verses are Romans 8:28 and Romans 8:30 Also in Ephesians 1:4-5 and in Ephesians 1:11-12.

In Romans 11 the bible says the tribes of Israel have not been cast away and are still in existence. But, yet there are only a few that are predestination to receive his kingdom in this age Luke 12:32. The rest are blinded by God and are not to become the elect of this age Romans 11:25-26.

Why would Father Yahweh redeem only a few by blinding the eyes of most of Israel and only call a few at this time? The answer is quite simple and that is because the elect are chosen to rule with Yashua Messiah in the New Jerusalem when it comes to earth. Romans 11:31 It will only be the Spiritual Israelite that will enter his Kingdom and will both rule and teach the nations 1 Corinthians 15:50-54

Only when the Messiah returns will all the nations come to the understanding that Yashua is the Messiah and come to the house of Jacob Israel for guidance Michah 4:2 and Isaiah 66:15,19 then the heathen of Israel will be grafted into the olive tree and once again become whole Romans 11:17. For those who think that Romans 11:17 means everyone everywhere at all times are to be grafted in in a Universal Christian racial polyglot, I want to bring it to your attention that
only an olive branch can be grafted into an olive tree!

Praise the Lord for his predestination to call some during this age to learn and instruct others in this age and the next!

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