Friday, September 13, 2013

The Signs of the Zodiac and Christianity

The signs of the zodiac are represented by stars. The stars however, do not necessarily look like the figures that many claim they look like. Just one quick look at Orion and one can see that his belt actually looks like the letter “W”. In today's modern time these figures are most commonly used for the atheistic science of Astrology and is used to foretell both fortunes and futures for Non-Christians.

It is written in Psalms 19:1-4 in the Companion Bible That “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge. There is no speech nor language. Their voice is not heard. There line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.”

There is validity in understanding the stars to understand the handiwork of Father Yahweh. I could give additional biblical examples of the stars communicating with the holy such as the star that led the Parthian Magi to the Messiah when he was born in Bethlehem.

It's my intention with this post and every post is to generate interest so others will investigate for themselves and not just take my word or anyone else's for that matter. It's not my intention to present conclusive proof either, as this would take volumes of information to do. So, I only mention this in the most basic terms. Hopefully I will not do the subject a gross injustice by being to brief or incomplete.

The basis of the Pseudoscience of Astrology are the 12 figures. This number should ring a bell for those who read their bible as this is the number of the tribes of Israel. Today I want to present you with an idea that some believe to be true including myself, and that is, the signs of the zodiac originally started out as Christian images that demonstrates Father Yahweh's glory as he reveals his love for Israel. For example, some verses specifically mention the stars Pleiades and Orion. They are; Job 9:9 and 38:31, and Amos 5:8.
In Job 38:31 the question is asked:
 “Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?”

These 12 images are presented as a circle which has no beginning and no end. If someone were to pursue this idea with the idea that the story within the circle has to have a beginning they should consider the monuments that our ancestors built when they were in bondage in Egypt. It has been proven the ancient Israelites built the pyramids based upon the star systems. The beginning and end of this circle is represented by the Sphinx as it has both a woman's head and the body of a lion.

Napoleon Bonaparte examines the Sphinx

The word “Sphinx” means to join together, as in the joining together of the story present in the stars. We start with the head the virgin woman (Virgo) and ending with the lion (Leo). So it's my intention to show some basic evidence that the zodiac has changed from a Christian message to an ungodly false science.

Zodiac interpretations chart copied from THIS SITE. I do not know much about this persons blog and cannot vouch for it but , I do think he has an informative page and quite likely explains it better than I do.

The names of these stars in all cultures are universal. All cultures have these twelve symbols and they are called almost the same names which is evidence in my mind that when the Phoenician Hebrews traveled the world 3,000 years ago left part of their ongoing legacy as both star navigators and star gazers. Which is another story in itself. To see this post click HERE.

For anyone who wishes to read more information on this subject, I would recommend the pamphlet called “ORION the glorious one” written by Howard B. Rand, available from Destiny Publishers of Merrimac, Mass.

Praise the Lord for he does reveal his glory in the stars!


  1. Hello Brother Frank,
    I don't know if you are aware of Roger Hathaway's take on things but he has a couple of interesting articles on the zodiac and Christianity at which I am sure you will find interesting.
    Roger seems to think that the Kingdom of God is somewhere up in 'Heaven' that you enter when you die.... but the Bible makes it plain that the Kingdom is on the Earth and that those who have died are 'sleeping' awaiting the resurrection.
    Roger is a good Israelite who like us is sick of this babylonian system!

  2. Greetings Brother Scott! Glad to hear from you! Roger Hathaway seems to have a lot of information on his site. He does seem to be quite knowledgeable about the Zodiac. Good stuff!

    I have also known before and forgot that there is a book by E Raymond Capt "The Glory of the Stars". I should have mentioned it in my post about the subject. I do not have this book in my library and plan to order it soon.

    This subject could be studied for a lifetime if one were led to do. This is another one of the subjects that many will simply dismiss only for the simple reason they have never heard it before. Sad that there are many not called to be the elect of today, but, I know the Father has it all in his hands and I thank him for his unchanging word whether it be on paper or in the sky.

    I value your input and want to encourage you to keep in touch!
    Yah Bless!

  3. Brother Frank, the ammount of information left to us by our forefathers is immense and a lifetime will never be enough to gain enlightenment. As with many generations before us we live in hope that this time the Christ will return and lead His elect into battle with the enemy and to His Victory and into the New Kingdom, and the return to God's Law and righteousness between all races, with a stricter code for us Israelites who are living under God's CURSE today!
    E Raymond Capt was ahead of his time and is little regarded today, but he was also a good friend of Sheldon Emry.
    Keep up your good work Frank... Praise Christ!

  4. That is very well put Scott. This is just the information we have available to us in this world. Can you imagine the awe and wonder that we will have available to us in the new world to come?
    As long as churches are teaching Yah's law has been done away with, and the Israelites of the world are sitting on their hands waiting for a rapture, nothing will change for the better. There will continue to be curses and evil forced on the land.
    I do pray for a great awakening in which the Israelites will at least read Deut 28 and see that they are receiving the curses and not the blessings from the Father.
    Nothing more can be plainer, they are under some sort of Satanic mind control that is blocking their vision and common sense. It's almost like some sort of strange science fiction movie of some sort. At least we who read the bible know how the end will come, and ultimately the Father will purge the evil from the land. What a glorious day it will be!
