Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Jacob (Israel) meets Rachel Genesis 29:1-30

To see Genesis 29:1-30 without my comments click HERE.

In Genesis 29 when Jacob arrived at Haran (the land of the East), there was a well in the field. This Well was covered by a rock that took many people to remove it, so the people of the Haran could water their sheep. The people were waiting until enough people arrived to be able to move the stone. While they were waiting Jacob asked if anyone knew Laban his uncle and they did. They mentioned that his daughter was on her way with her sheep to the well. Upon her arrival, Jacob removed the stone single handed and personally watered his uncle's sheep.

Jacob moving the stone by himself is important because it shows his physical capabilities. He was as strong as several men. I also want to remind everyone that Jacob was 76 years old at that time. The reason I believe him to be this age, I have explained in the last paragraph of another post about Genesis 27.

Jacob met his uncle and worked for him for a month when his uncle insisted that he set his wages. Jacob, being there to both flee from Esau and to find a wife, told Laban his uncle he wanted Rachel as his wife. Laban agreed that seven years would be the amount of time for Jacob to serve for Rachel. When the time came to marry Rachel Jacob reaped what he had sewn when he cheated his father for the family blessing in Genesis 27. On the wedding night Laban cheated Jacob by switching Leah for Rachel. The morning after when the marriage was consummated, Jacob realized he was married to Leah instead of Rachel.

I want to add the fact that marriage is consummated by the sex act and not from a government license which is totally unbiblical. 

Laban told Jacob that it's the custom of Haran for the elder to marry before the younger and that is why he switched them. Jacob then agrees to serve another seven years for Rachel this is because of his deception in Genesis 27. He was then married to two women one of whom he did not love. Jacob ended up serving Laban 20 years total according to Genesis 31:41.

Jacob served Laban for a total of 20 years this time consisted of hardship, suffering, and an unwanted marriage. This is a direct result from him following his own way instead of God's way. Following God's way is not burdensome 1 John 5:3.

I pray all will follow the Laws of God and keep their lives as easy as possible. Praise the Lord!

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