Friday, November 28, 2014

Genesis 46 Joseph meets Jacob-Israel

To see Genesis 46 without my comments click HERE.

On the way to Egypt Jacob-Israel stopped at Beer-sheba (Beer-sheba means well of oath) and offered sacrifices to Father Yahweh. Jacob-Israel had concerns about entering Egypt. This is because this is the same place where his Grandfather Abraham lied about his wife; Gen 12:10-20, and where his father Isaac was commanded not to go; Gen 26:2. But it was here at the well of oath Father Yahweh told Jacob that he will make of him a great nation inside the land of Egypt.

At this point in time there was 5 more years until the famine of Egypt would be over. If you notice this was not enough time for Jacob to establish himself as a great nation inside of Egypt before his death, so he obviously knew he was going to die there because God told him that Joseph will put his hand upon his eyes in death v.4. This of course means his descendants would be there for a long time.

Along with Jacob coming to Egypt, was his kin that numbered 66 people, including Joseph, his wife and his two children the total was 70. In Acts 7:14 Stephen the first maryter stated that there were 75 Israelites total that entered Egypt. With this number Stephen was quoting this number from the Septuagint, the number of 75 is also backed up by the Dead Sea Scrolls. It's commonly believed that the five extra of the 75 included five Grandchildren of Joseph that was added at a later date.

In v.10 it's written in way to lead you to believe that one of the people coming to Egypt was the son of Simeon and a Canaanite woman by the name of Shaul. I have heard before that this verse shows that Simeon may have had a racially mixed child, and this would mean it would be OK for anyone that is an Israelite to engage in miscegenation with Canaanites or other races. This argument may sound good on the surface however, we must realize that Simeon and Levy were also the ones that killed all the males in the land of Shechem in Gen 34. Using this analogy, if it's OK to fool around on your wife and produce bastardized children, (a bastard is defined as a racially mixed person according to Strong's Concordance #4464) and Simeon was such a great role model, then we should be fine if we slay a city full of men like Simeon and Levy did in Genesis 34, right? Wrong of course. I just hope we don't read somewhere in the bible that Simeon jumped off a bridge, other wise many Christians may be in trouble.

Judah was sent ahead to meet with Joseph where he was directed to go directly to Goshen, While Joseph met with his approaching Father Israel. Joseph told his brothers and father that when they meet with the Pharaoh, tell him that their trade is in cattle so that they will be able to go into the land of Goshen where they will be a separate nation from the Egyptians. This is because the Egyptians believed that shepherding was an abomination and wanted nothing to do with them.

It's important to notice that Israel was going to be a separate nation inside of Egypt and was not going to mix culturally and marry with the Egyptians. Another more common term for this separation is segregation.

Next in Genesis 46:35 we read that Father Yahweh immediately chastised Joseph and Jacob-Israel for their racist and bigoted ways for wanting to be segregated from the Egyptians...
Wait a minute, your bible doesn't say that? Well to be honest neither does mine. I only put that in to show the vanity of those who promote the new religion of the multicultural Israel replacement theology (MIRT), and shame on those who preach such things Jeremiah 23:1-2, Isaiah 56:10-11. The bible is replete with verses that promote being separate from other people. This doesn't mean that Israelites are to mistreat races of other people that happen to sojourn into the lands of the Israelites; Levitcus 19:33-34

Other verses that support the concept of not mistreating the stranger (foreigners), that sojourn among the Isralites are Exodus 12:48, Numbers 9:14, Numbers 15:14. Sojourn means to pass through or to temporarily lodge at most, sojourn does not mean to live with permanently!

In Deuteronomy 28 we read about the curses that Father Yahweh will give us if we do not follow his word. It's not by coincidence that all the curses of Deut 28 are now upon the United States. In verse 13 it talks about how we are to be the head and not the tail. It's now that Israel as a nation has become the tail and is becoming trampled underfoot in our own lands, can anyone say Barry Soetoro, Eric Holder, or even Ferguson, Missouri?

In half a lifetime, many Americans have seen their God dethroned, their heroes defiled, their culture polluted, their values assaulted, their country invaded, and themselves demonized as extremists and bigots for holding on to beliefs Americans have held for generations.”
Pat Buchanan “The Death of the West”

It's not that the evil forces that work in this world are to strong, it's that the Christians are weak and diluted in their belief systems which are in diametric opposition to the form of Christianity that this nation was founded on from the 1600's.

Only when we humble ourselves and seek direction in God's word will anything change at all in our lives or in our country; 2 Chronicles7:14. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

2520 Years of Punishment for Israel

As we go through Genesis it's important to understand the 2520 years of punishment for Israel. This is because in Chapter 49 we are told where the descendants of Jacob-Israel are in the final days. In other words this time frame will help to identify where the Biblical Israelites are today. Of course anyone that follows this blog should know there are volumes of proof that the Biblical Israelites of old migrated to modern day Europe. I think I may loose a few people on this explanation of the years but, I will try anyway, here goes...

There is an agreement made with Biblical Israel in Exodus 19:5-6. The Israelites were told that they are a peculiar people above all, and we are to be a Kingdom of priests, a holy nation that will teach others how they should live according to the standards of Father Yahweh. In Exodus 19:8 Israel agrees to the covenant set forth by the Father. In v 10-11 God comes to speak directly to them the words of the agreement. In V.16-20 Mt Sinai was full of smoke and fire, the people were afraid to go to physically and literally see Father Yahweh. Instead they wanted Moses to go and just let them know whatever the Father said.

The blackened peak of Mt Sinai is a living testament to the authenticity of Father Yahweh's word

With this agreement that was reached between the Father and Israel to make a kingdom of holy priests he put stipulations on this irrevocable agreement and told them what would happen if they backed out of their end of the deal. This is written in the blessings and curses chapter in Leviticus 26:3-13 the Lord also tells us in the same chapter of the wondrous blessings we would have if we follow his word.

In Deuteronomy 28:15-68 The lord tells us of the consequences of being disobedient to his word and his teachings. Of course we notice that the curses greatly outweigh the blessings of following his word. In Leviticus 26 we get the time of the punishment if we do not follow his laws and this Chapter also shows the duration.

The Fathers punishment comes in waves and does not happen all at once, this is because he is loving and merciful. He gives us a chance to correct our actions before the worse of the worse happens. Notice Leviticus 26:18 in particular he tells us that if we will not harken unto him then we can expect punishment of “seven times.” What is this seven times one may ask? “Times” is code for a unit of time in which Israel is to be punished. For example, in Daniel 12:7 this times word is used to refer to years. This can also be verified in Revelation 12:14 when it talks about the great tribulation as being a time, times, and a half, or in other words 3 ½ years or 42 months. This is also supported by Revelation 13:5 which also talks of this time as being 42 months. Some believe that these two separate 42 month time frames are not the same and believe together make 7 years instead of 3 1/2, which I plan to cover this at another date, anyway...

Back to Leviticus 26:18, in this verse it is talking about 7 times the prophetic days of 360 days. This is the exact use of prophetic years used in Daniel 9:24 to determine the exact time for the crucifixion of the Messiah. So seven prophetic years = 2520 years, or, 7 x 360 = 2520. So where I am going with this is that it's helpful to understand both history and the bible to know the beginning and outcomes of the waves of curses that have come upon Israel. The most prominent and recognized beginning is when Israel went into captivity starting 745 B.C. Then elapsing 2520 years after, remembering that there is no year zero, the deportation of Israel happened 2520 years before the founding of the United States 745 B.C.+ 2520 =1775 with no zero is 1776! This blessing of Israel of being a blessing to all was made by Father Yahweh, was made with Abraham which came directly through Isaac and Jacob; Genesis 22:16-18.

Eventually Israel be so corrupt that we were warned that Israel would be moved out of the land, and he kept his word; 1 Kings 14:15-16. When God makes a promise he always keeps it! 

Below are the successive waves of major events and the years for all for those who wish to research the authenticity of the Lord's Holy Word.

Israel's 2520 years of punishment, approximate dates given.

(7 X 360 = 2520)

970-969 B.C. Israel revolted from the rule of Solomon's son. The nation instituted idolatry in the setting up the worship of golden calves.
1551-1552 A.D. England returned to pure form of worship. Images removed from the churches; transubstantiation rejected.

914-853 B.C. Israel-Syrian wars. Israel's power greatly reduced between the reign Kings Ahab and Jehu.
1607-1668 A.D. Development of puritan movement and responsible government. The increase of England's power and the beginning of the colonization of America.

745-721 B.C. Beginning of the first wave of Assyrian invasion of Israel. The Half-tribe of Manasseh carried into captivity by Tiglath-Pileser III.
1776-1800 A.D. Founding of America. Increase of spirituality. Great increase in industry and commerce. Israel divided into two nations: Ephraim and Manasseh.

721-719 B.C. The capture of Samaria is complete and the beginning of the Great Captivity. The people were placed in the cities of the Medes.

1800-1802 A.D. The defeat of Napoleon in Egypt, blocking his plans. This began a period of great expansion for both England and the United States. Louisiana purchase in 1803, etc...

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Genesis 45 Joseph informs his half brothers of his true identity.

To see Genesis 45 without my comments click HERE.

After Joseph realized that Judah had changed his attitude from when he sold Joseph into slavery 22 years earlier, he decided to reveal himself to let his brothers know it was him. Joseph asked all the Egyptians in the area to leave so he could talk to them in private. Suddenly he started talking Hebrew and let them know that it was him, Joseph. As you could imagine the men were terrified of Joseph as he had all the right in the world to have them put to death in any fashion imaginable both under Egyptian law and under Hebrew law.
Joseph forgave his brothers. There are places in the Bible that tell us to forgive our brothers. In Matt 5:39 we are told to turn the other cheek to our brothers, of course for someone to be your brother you have to have a common father. Many modern day Baal priests erroneously claim that we are to turn the other cheek to anyone that comes along.

When Joseph revealed himself to his brothers he could see their discomfiture He told them to not be afraid because it was the will of the Father that made him come to Egypt to save the entire world and to save the Hebrew/Israelites v7-8. The Father can make people do things when he is moving his children into position to do great things to promote his kingdom here on earth; Isaiah 30:28, Ezekiel 38:4.

Instead of chastising his brothers, and knowing his brothers were being used of God, he told them to move to Egypt with their families and Jacob/Israel. There they could live with him in the land of Goshen which was prime land, and was the bread basket of Egypt. Joseph embraced his brother Benjamin then embraced all his brothers before talking to them for a little while.

All the brothers were given fine raiment and wagons to move the family of Israel to Egypt, but Benjamin received more raiment than his brothers and was given 300 pieces of silver. When Joseph's brothers arrived back in Canaan land they told Jacob/Israel that Joseph was alive and Governor of Egypt. Of course Israel (the man not the land) went into shock. It wasn't until he saw the wagons that Joseph sent did he understand and believe. Only then did he know that his eldest son, the son that he had with the wife that he loved, did he believe and agree to make the journey into Egypt.

Joseph had a forgiving spirit as he trusted the Father in all that happened to him. If Joseph followed his human nature then his brothers would have had a different ending. I thank God that Joseph saved the entire nation of Israel. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Genesis 44:3-34 Joseph's Cup

To see Genesis 44:3-34 without my comments click HERE.

In the last posting we see that Joseph had his silver cup put in Benjamin's sack. Although he was framing him, or setting him up, the final outcome for Benjamin would have been a good outcome either way. If his brothers disowned him and left after finding the cup then Benjamin would have lived out his days in the land of Egypt with Joseph. If his brothers didn't disown him when it was discovered then that would mean that Joseph's brothers have changed since they sold him into slavery 22 years prior.

This silver cup mentioned was not just an ordinary “silver cup” because the Egyptians practiced a pagan art called “Hydromancy” through which various procedures would determine their future and they would receive answers from their pagan gods. Today a form of Hydromancy still exists with fortune tellers and such that read tea leaves. This cup of Joseph's was in essence a portal to the gods, so it wasn't just an ordinary silver cup. Although Joseph did not practice Hydromancy, as far as his half brothers who did not recognize him as being Joseph were concerned, it was the ultimate of insults to take the cup from an Egyptian official. Joseph told his brothers that they would have had no chance at all to get away from Egypt with his cup because his contacts with the spirit world made him divine (Strong's #5172) v15.

Joseph's brothers knew the Egyptians practiced Hydromancy and taking the cup from the Governor of Egypt was serious business. Joseph recognized the god of Abraham when he dined with his brothers and told them they rewarded good with evil.

Upon finding the silver cup in Benjamin's sack the brothers knew there would be trouble. Judah, who was instrumental in selling Joseph into slavery 22 years earlier, told the entire story of his father and the events leading up to this point. He also told him that if Benjamin did not return with him to Canaan land then their father Jacob/Israel would literally die from a broken heart.

At this point Judah manned up and told Joseph that he will take the place of Benjamin as his servant v33 If he would let Benjamin go. I am sure the memory of selling Joseph into slavery earlier had bearing on his decision as he rented his clothes and repented. 

I praise the Lord for the outcome of this story in which this test could only have happened because Joseph had a forgiving spirit that came from directly from God. Because of his position, Joseph had the ability to have his brothers killed at anytime based only upon his whim. Joseph recognized that everything in his life happened because of Yahweh.