Saturday, July 4, 2015

Daniel Chapter 7

As many know the First 6 Chapters of Daniel are historical in nature, and the remaining 8 chapters deal with prophecy. We also know that the book of Daniel is not in chronological order. Daniel Chapter 7 opens by discussing Balshazzar and we know that he was killed in Chapter 5 when the Medes and Persians attacked Babylon. If it was in true chronological order, than Daniels vision of the 4 beasts (Chapter 7) would have been placed between Chapters 4 and 5. The individual Commentaries that I have looked at refer to this chapter as “The time of the Gentiles.”

Although I do agree that it should be called the time of the gentiles, I do not agree on the premise of which this phrase is coined. The word Gentile is a word that most people mistakenly seem to think means “Non-Jew.” Of course when I use the word "Jew" in this case, I am talking about someone from the tribe of Judah. I usually refer to people from the tribe of Judah as Judaites to keep it simple and people will know what my definition of the word is. So for the record, I am not talking about a person that practices the Anti-Christ religion of Talmudism, which includes Ashkenazi Jews that compromise over 90% of those who call themselves Jews today, they are Khazars, and are not Israelites.

Before continuing, I must explain the origin of these gentile nations mentioned in Daniel 7. I may loose a few people on this explanation but, think it's necessary, so here goes.

Daniel's vision of the 4 beasts coming out of the sea are believed by most theologians to be the same nations that the metals in the statue of Daniel Chapter 2 represented, and I agree. It's also my belief that these 4 nations are composed of Israelite/Hebrew/Adamites, or fair skinned people, from which formed the nucleus of the Israelite Nation.

The first nation in this vision is Babel/Babylon founded by Nebuchadnezzar. Of course, if I am correct, than that would mean that Nebuchadnezzar is a blood relative of Abraham, and at the very least is an Adamite. 
Remember, Abraham was called out of Ur of the Chaldees. This is the exact same place where Nimrod (Great Grand son of Noah), attempted to build the tower of Babel. This is also the exact geographic location where the nation of Babylon was established by Nebuchadnezzar. In fact, Babylon had a building called “Tower of Babel” that was built inside of Babylon city proper during Daniel's time. If you read the Bible, then you will realize this area is where Abraham, Issac, and Jacob went to to get their wives and bring them back to Canaan Land. Although their wives may have not be Israelites, they were fair skinned people. We also know Israel used the patriarchal system, in other words if your father is an Israelite then you are an Israelite. This is the opposite of what the Jews do because they use the Matriarchal system. Yes, it's true there were other fair skinned people on earth when Abraham received his blessing.

There's ample evidence that the Persians, Greeks, and Romans were fair skinned people. For the sake of brevity I will not go into it here. If you want more information than a good book to start with is called “Tracing Our White Ancestors.” by: Frederick Haberman available from Artisan Publishers. These nations that succeed another were brought about by Abraham's descendants because they are God's Battle Ax, and it can be proven throughout history as being undefeated in war; Jeremiah 51: 20-26, and Isaiah 54:17.

So Yes, Daniel 7 is time of the Gentiles by definition, but not for the reason of being Non-Jews. Let's take a look at the definition of the word Gentile.

The statement and list below is copied from the Kingdom Bible Studies course that is free on this site by clicking on link for this course in the right hand column of this site, or you can go directly to the page I am talking about by clicking HERE. 

In the Old Testament the word Gentile is translated from one Hebrew word that is rendered into English in five different ways. The Hebrew word goy or goyim (plural), #1471 in Strong's Concordance, is found in the Old Testament 557 times. The different English renderings of this Hebrew word, and the number of times it appears, is illustrated by the diagram...”

Strong's Concordance
557 times translated to:
Nation(s) 373 times
Heathen 142 times
Gentiles 30 times
People 11 times
Another 1 time
Non-Jew zero, notta, zilch, not even one single time. 

Errors in translating the word Gentile are obvious in the King James Version. In the proper context of Daniel Chapter 7. It should be obvious that the proper word that should have been used to describe the word Goy/Goyim is Nations.

In a nutshell...
The entire Bible is written by Israelites, to Israelites, and about Israelites. This fact can be found in any book of the Bible, for example in Genesis 5:1 it's the book of Adam. The book of Exodus is about Israel in slavery in Egypt. Leviticus of course is to Israel only, Psalms was written mostly by King David who was also fair skinned according to 1 Samuel 17:42. In the New Testament, on numerous occasions, the Messiah told the Apostles to only go to the divorced lost sheep of the house of Israel only Matt 10:6, the Messiah during his ministry also referred to the Canaanites (Non-Israelites), as dogs; Matt 15:24-27, not flattering but true never the less. This Covenant with the Israelites in Jeremiah 31:31 was continued in Hebrews 8:8, Romans 9:3-4, and other verses. I could list hundreds of verses, but if these few do not spike your curiosity to research it on your own and come up with your own conclusion, then a list of thousands will not suffice either.

As we progress through Daniel, I pray all keep in mind that the Bible is about Israel, and the Messiah came to redeem his lost sheep. Praise the Lord!

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