Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The Trumpets Of Revelation 8: 6-13

To see Revelation 8:6-13 without my comments click HERE.

In the last post, the Great Tribulation ended which is the testing of the faith for Israel's elect. The elect of Israel are the 144,000 who's minds are mentally incorruptible and are steeped in the eternal verities of God's word and his laws. They have a rock hard basis that they have built their faith upon and therefore are not likely to be deceived; Matthew 24:24. Then there was a time of silence when the Messiah having a censer that contained the prayers of the saints, cast it into the earth. This event could be looked at as being payback time for the wicked that shed the blood of Yah's children during the Fifth Seal; Revelation 6:9-10. The Seven Angels prepared to blow the trumpets of doom. Although there are horrific events that happen next, the first four trumps only amount to warning shots across the bow.

The first four trumpets
There are some people that think they hear trumpets in the air today believe it's a warning sign that events are coming to earth. I have never personally heard these noises, nor do I personally know anyone that has, So I will not comment on them either way. Trumpets in the Bible are used for warning people of impeding disaster. The Seven trumps of this chapter can be compared to the Seven Trumpets of Joshua5:13-6:27 when the walls of Jericho were collapsed. The results of these trumpets bring curses to the non-elect, or non-Israelites and mirror the curses brought upon Egypt by the Prophet Moses except for the flies, lice, and frogs in Exodus7:20-21. The Non-Israelites are those who are not of the line of Jacob/Israel, or are of Jacob/Israel's line that have hardened their heart against Father Yahweh; Romans9:6, also See the parable of the lost son to understand the forgiving nature of our heavenly Father, praise Yahweh!; Luke15:11-32.

The First Angel sounded his trumpet, then there was hail and fire that fell from the sky mixed with blood upon the earth. I believe that the hail and fire from the sky landing on people on the earth produced the blood. A third of the trees and grass were burnt upon contact from the fire from the sky.

The Second Angel then sounded his trumpet and a burning mountain fell from the sky into the sea and one-third of the creatures in the sea in one-third of the sea died, this part of the sea became blood. One-third of the worlds ships were destroyed also in this oceanic event. I once heard there are approximately 50,000 merchant ships registered globally, so we are looking at at least 15,000 ships to be destroyed in one day.

The Third Angel sounded next, and a great star fell to earth effecting the rivers and waters of the deep. This star named “Wormwood” made the waters undrinkable. Wormwood is also the name of a plant that is very bitter. Interesting enough, the word “wormwood” when translated into Russian, is “Chernobyl” which is where the famous nuclear reactor meltdown took place. The meaning of these words may be just a coincidence but regardless, I believe that this falling “star” will effect the nuclear reactors of the planet by shaking them up just like during the earthquake and tsunami of 2011 that destroyed a Japanese reactor and created the nuclear crisis in Fukushima, Japan.
The Fourth Angel next sounded his trumpet and the moon, stars, and sun were all darkened. This passage can be found in direct comparison with Matthew 24:29. Matthew Chapter 24 is a parallel passage to Revelation 8. The events of Matthew 24 describe the coming events of the Great Tribulation only. 

Revelation Chapter 8 ends in verse 13 when we are told that yet another Angel was heard with a loud voice saying the words: “woe, woe, woe.” In other words, the first four trumpets were meant as a warning, and the next three will be much more horrific than the first four.

I guess everyone will just simply put off the trumps of Revelation as Global Warming???

I praise Yahweh for my faith in the true God of the universe and pray for all to earnestly seek his face; 2 Chronicles 7:14.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brother Frank, another good study. Some seem to believe that wormwood is planet Nibiru that is going to hit our planet. Not sure on this, but maybe its an asteroid or something. I guess it could be a nuclear missile because you would see the light of it as it fell to where ever it was going to hit. It is an interesting topic.
    Thanks, Brother Erik
