Sunday, January 13, 2013

Are there any true Judaites left?

It's truly a horrifying idea to think that God has abandoned his people. As many may think of what has happened to the tribe of Judah when the southern kingdom of Israel was taken into captivity. Also anyone that knows anything about history will know that there was a large infusion of other peoples into that Israelite tribe.

The ten tribes of Israel were taken into captivity between 745 B.C. and was complete in the year of 721 B.C. by the Assyrians, Leaving Judah to fend for themselves at that time. I have heard two different stories about this. One story I have heard is that major amounts of Judah were taken into captivity with the ten Northern Tribes leaving only the city of Jerusalem intact. I have also heard another argument that the nation of Judah was left intact with all their people to include the tribe of Benjamin which Yashua Messiah was from, and which stayed with the tribe after the captivity of Israel by Assyria.

Now this is the tricky part for people to understand about this problem. If the entire inhabitants of Judah was taken into the Babylonian Captivity around 586 B.C. then who and when did Judaites return to Judah? Given the fact that only around 42,000 Judaites returned as stated by Ezra 2:64  and that around 7,000 of them were not Judaites that came back with them leaving a whopping total of only 35,000 that returned. Not many people, and given the population of Judea when they returned it was hardly a sustainable population considering they were a minority in their own land.

Ezra and Nehemiah were prophets that returned to Jerusalem from Babylon and recorded what they saw. In the book of Ezra chapters 8 and 9, and Nehemiah 13:23 these two prophets talk about the race mixing of the Judaites when they returned. Anyone that reads the Bible at all should be able to see that blood lines and family trees are what God keeps sacred in his word. Make no doubt about it the men of Judah were diluting their blood line.

The next event I want to bring to everyones attention is that prior to 125 B.C., after Judah became Judea after the infiltration of alien peoples and were practicing what we now call Talmudic Judaism, a leader by the name of John Hyrcanus subdued the Edomite kingdom, and forced them to become Judeans (Jews). This too was a large infusion of aliens into their land. Since the Edomites (the enemy of Israel) became Jews there have been other peoples that have adopted the faith of Judaism to include Ashkenazi Khzar's and other groups.

So I ask you is there really any true blooded Judaites left at all? As always we can turn to the Bible for answers. In short in the end of the book of Revelation we read in the 21st chapter that 12,000 from every tribe will come into the new Jerusalem to include the tribe of Judah. So the answer is yes there will be at least 12,000 from the tribe of  Judah in the end. Who and where they are now we may debate on but one thing is for sure and that Father Yahweh knows his sheep and will not one leave his side. So to me it looks obvious that the 12,000 will come from the ones that went into the Assyrian captivity, but I am interjecting my own opinion.

Praise the Lord!

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