Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Boss Is a Carpenter?

First of all I hope all have had a great Memorial Day weekend. During my travels this weekend I happen to see a bumper sticker that said "My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter."

I am not sure if it bothers others as much as it bothers me to see this bumper sticker or other versions of it that attempt to elude to the idea that the Messiah was both Jewish and a Carpenter. It's not just because I have never heard of a Jewish Carpenter ever in my life at all, but is because the Messiah was not Jewish by religion, nor Jewish by race as we know it today, or even a carpenter. Both of these facts can be proven by the bible and by history quite easily.

However, today I am only going to concentrate on the carpenter portion of this sticker for simplicity and brevity's sake.
The word carpenter according to the Strong's Concordance is "Tekton" #5045 which means an artificer, craftsman, one that makes things, or repairs things. The bible does not mention that he was a craftsman of wood working at all. It is quite probable he was a craftsman of stone, or we may call today a stone mason, as most things then were made of stone. Wood was a very rare commodity at that time. To say he worked with wood would be similar to saying he was a goldsmith.

Looking at it from the point of view that carpenter means craftsman we then look to the bible for more information. The only places in the bible that would even suggest that the Messiah was a carpenter is in a couple of verses that remotely suggest this when he was scoffed at and ridiculed by crowds of people. They are Mark 6:3 "Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, an Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him." 
Also he was scoffed at by unbelievers in Matthew 13:55 "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?" There is no place that mentions carpenter without demeaning or scoffing the Messiah.

Putting this in proper context they were mocking and scoffing the Messiah by calling him the son of a carpenter. I know some will say that Joseph was his father and he was a carpenter. This would show their ignorance to think he was the Messiahs biological father. This fact is brought to light when the Mary and Joseph were looking for him when he was only 12. They found him in the synagogue talking to the elders in Luke 2:49 "And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?" They did not understand that he was conducting his fathers business when they found him. His Fathers business was not carpentry, but rather his business was to be a kinsman redeemer for all of Israel.

One thing I wish all would take away from this is that if you call the Messiah a carpenter you are siding with the scoffers of that time.

Instead of being some random Jewish carpenter, what he really is is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords that came to be the Kinsman redeemer of all Israel! Praise the Lord!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Oklahoma Twister

It was an unfortunate event that happened earlier this week in Oklahoma. I have heard that the funnel cloud was 2 miles wide and set on the ground for about 45 minutes destroying the town of Moore, OK. I, in no way, wish to try to minimize the seriousness of this event. The only reason I mention this is because the next day, on the radio, I heard a radio announcer asking his audience “Why does God allow suffering?” He was probably only asking that because he was trying to show that there is not a God. I heard a few people call in and offer their explanations for the few minutes that I listened to the show. One person called in and said God allows suffering so we will know good times when we see it. Another called in and said that God is just testing us.

Of course there were no people that called in and gave a legitimate biblical answer at all. After all what would you expect anyway, we are living in a Babylonian country. These types of things, storms, droughts, etc, are happening more and more frequently in this country, as we move further and further away from the Father and his word. Just a coincidence? No way, my friend. It is difficult at the very least to understand the bible without understanding who the descendants of Israel are. The answer lies is in the fact that the bible clearly states the Father chastises Israel, his servant more so than any other people on the face of the earth. Not to say he doesn't punish others at all, but, he does go out of his way to correct Israel his servant.

Let me explain...
I start out by bringing attention to Amos 3:1-8
In verse 2 of this chapter, it states he does punish Israel for their iniquities.
Verses 4-8 are important verses also. They talk about one condition making another happen. For example the lion roars only when it gets food. Or a bird only is trapped in a snare when there is food present.

In verse 7 he makes it clear, he does nothing without revealing it to the prophets.
In verses 6 the statement is implied that when the trumpet is blown in the city the Lord hath done it, or created the evil.
What, the Lord created evil?
Yes, he creates evil as well as good. Look at Isaiah 45:6-7. In verse 7 he makes it ever so clear that he does create evil.
Putting this in order:
  1. We see God punishes Israel his servant.
  2. Things happen for a reason.
  3. God controls good and evil.
  4. He will not do anything to Israel unless he discloses it to the Prophets first.
Micah 3:2-3 talks about the Israelites and their nature that offends Father Yahweh. We live in a nation that aborts 3,500 children every day, we worship movie stars more so than we worship the Father, and we threw both the Father and his word out of our Government. We also are letting aliens rule over us which are promptly destroying our Christian morals and Christian faiths in all forms. 

Then the prophet Micah tells us in Micah 3:4 that the Lord will not hear our prayers because of our actions!

 In Micah 3:8, the Prophet Micah tells us he was full of power by the spirit of the lord and to "declare unto Jacob his transgression, and Israel his sin." As long as we sit around idly and do nothing to promote the Kingdom of Yahweh on this earth we will see more of both twisters and other seemingly natural phenomenon occurring more frequently.

This all falls in line with the blessings and curses chapter of Deut 28. God did not allow Israel to get away with dishonoring his word then, and he sure will not allow it now.

Wolf Blitzer asks a tornado victim who is probably an Israelite if she thanks the Lord for her survival., which she promptly replies she is an atheist. This would have been the opportunity to at least keep Christianity foremost in peoples minds. All she had to do was say yes, but that isn't even in her ability. 

I want it to be known today that I thank the Lord for everything. I hope all that read this will do the same!

Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Distance yourself from Alex Jones

There are very few times when I will tell others what to do. I am the type of person that believes that people should make up their minds on what to do for themselves, but this is different. On July 4th of this year there is a person that plans to march on Washington D.C. His name is Adam Kokesh. This person is trying to get a thousand people together to also march with him, but this is the twist, he wants everyone armed. Can everyone say the words "false flag event?"

There is good news, and that is Adam Kokesh is being held in prison currently where he was arrested at a marijuana protest. Hopefully he will be held until July 5 so no person will get hurt or killed. This person will end up causing trouble as long as he is given the spotlight, and as far as I am concerned. Alex Jones has put on his site the idea that others should be concerned with the out come of this incident. Alex Jones is also the person that went on CNN and debated with Piers Morgan about gun control and completely acted like a lunatic in the process. Both Jones and Kokesh are not the people that are speaking for Christians and will likely, if anyone actually listens to them, will cause more harm than good for the cause of the Second Amendment.

I also want to bring it to everyone's attention that Kokesh is an Ashkenazi Khazarian Jew. Most will hear the word Jew and seem to think that he is "one of God's chosen people." This type of rhetoric only shows the ignorance of people who think this way. The reason that I say this is because the Ashkenazi Jew is not from Palestine. They are from the foot steps of Russia. They are really from Khazaria, and are khazars they adopted the religion of Talmudism (not to be confused with Hebrewism) during the 8th Century. The Khazarian also make up over 90% of those who call themselves Jews. Any Christian that thinks the Ashkenazi Khzar is still God's chosen, just because they adopted the anti-Christ religion of Talmudism then they should give up Christianity and consider becoming Jewish themselves so they to can be God's chosen also, right? Just like how Sammy Davis Jr. did.  It's a joke of course.

Most people on television and radio are Ashkenazi Jews. For instance Adam Kokesh, Michael Savage, and Rush Limbaugh for example. Alex Jones is not a Jew but he did marry one, that is how he got on the air. Alex Jones does know that White Western European men are Israelites, but he does not support them. For some reason he will only support the Ashkenazi Khazar's. My guess is because it is more profitable. Of course we all know you cannot serve both God and Mammon. Below are two videos of Alex Jones talking about the Khazar's which is conclusive proof that he knows. Please watch both of them.

My conclusion is this: distance yourself from both Jones, Kokesh, and all that talk of marching on Washington D.C. The real way we are going to change this great nation is found in 2 chron 7:14. praise the Lord!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Two Creations?

In chapters one and two of Genesis there seems to be two different accounts of creation that most clergy seem to want to ignore. Others who would like to disprove the bible, mainly the anti-Christ atheist type like to dwell on the two seemingly separate accounts and try to use it as evidence to demonstrate the fallacy of the bible. Those trying to disprove the bible claim that if the writers of the bible did not get the creation story correct then what other incorrect writings are contained in it also?

I have stated before in this blog that I believe both science and the bible are correct when the bible is correctly interpreted. Because both “creations” were written in the same manuscript at the same time one after another, it's obvious to me that one is just a continuation of another. Which is exactly the way it is printed in the bible. So, it's not two creations, but rather only one. I encourage all to read the two chapters to  see what I am talking about.

Link to Genesis chapters 1 and 2.

When you believe that in chapter one the world was created, then in chapter two Adam was created, it becomes obvious that Adam was not the first man on the earth. Things were wild on the earth before Adam. The bible is very clear that there was no person to till the soil, farm, or garden (Gen 2:5). So Father Yahweh created a protected place, or a garden for Adam and Eve. Chapter 2 is the first place the word Adam is used, so Adam and Eve were not created in the first chapter.

Just a couple of reasons out of many, why Preachers fall short...
In Gen 2:20 Moses wrote there was “no help meet for him.” Clergy that claim that both events are the same are at a loss when the bible says there was no help meet for Adam. Does this mean that Yahweh looked at fish, scorpions, and earth worms to try to find a help meet for Adam? No, this tells me there were no women on the earth that were able to cohabit with this Godly man Adam, as the bible is clear that the earth was a wild place because there had to be a garden made for Adam so to not be attacked by wild beasts. Maybe you could compare the earth with Mutual of Omaha's wild kingdom?

Another fallacy with the two events same story theory, is when one thinks Adam is the Father of everyone living leaves them with a loss of explanation for the lineage from Adam to Jesus being a very important thing in the bible. So important that it is listed multiple times to show the pure blood line between the two. Gen 4:14-15 states whoever finds Cain with his mark will kill him. Who is on the earth to kill him? Preachers cannot explain this passage either. It's also worth mentioning that the word “day” in Genesis comes from "yome" in Hebrew, Strongs #3117, it's an age or undetermined amount of time as the sun did not exist early in chapter 1. This is evidence that both science and the bible can very well be correct on the length of time. I could go on all day but, I want to keep this post short but informative enough for others to form a little interest and do a little research on their own.

If Adam is not the Father of all people then who is he?
The word Adam is the first clue on our quest. The word Adam is "aw-dam" in Hebrew, Strong's #119  which means to show blood in the face, ruddy or a blushing man. This is a trait of those with fair skin to be able to do this simple act.
Another clue comes from the time frame of the racially pure lineage from Adam to Yashua Messiah.
All theologians agree that there is about 4000 years between Adam and Yashua, and another 2000 from Yashua to us. What group of people have been on earth only for this small amount of time of less than 10,000 years ? The Asians have a written history of over 10,000 years and they have found remains of Asians that are over 100,000 years old. With the Blacks of Africa there is little or no written history and they have found remains of blacks in Africa that are over 160,000 years old.
However, there are no remains found of those we call Caucasians dating in excess of 10,000 years that I can find of by searching the internet. Yes, I do believe that science and the bible are correct, and we are the Johnny come lately of the earth. If anyone can find a link to a site that shows this not to be true then please post it in the comments section.

Needless to say, I believe we are here for a reason, and we are not doing our job very well.

I pray all will find out who they are and fulfill the mission that the Father has put us here to do!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Wheat and the Tares

When Yashua Massiah walked the earth, he spoke many times in parables. Parables are meant to illustrate a story of which teach a spiritual truth. One such parable is the parable of the Wheat and the Tares. This story is located in Matthew Matthew 13:24-30, and the explanation is in Matthew 13:36-43.

In the Fathers Kingdom there are two groups of people mentioned in this parable. One group of people are the children of the Father, and the other group of people are the children of the Devil. So, the Father does in fact have children that occupy the earth, and the Devil also has children who destroy all they touch.

Yahweh's children are called “Israel,” which by the way the word Israel in Hebrew means to rule with God, or to rule under God's law. This separation between the children of the Devil and the Fathers children has been an ongoing situation since the garden of Eden in Genesis 3:15. Who the children of the Devil are is a very broad subject in itself and I will not cover in this particular post. The children of light are the believing sons and daughter's of Jacob Israel, which we would know as the White Western European man, the progenerator of civilization that occupy Britain, United States and other Israelite nations of the world.

Romans 8:21-23 talks about the ongoing battle between the children of light and the children of the devil. In fact the whole world to include the children of light themselves, are waiting in travail for the sons of light to take their rightful place in this world, and to rule under Yahweh's law. However, most who are the children of light both do not know they are the children of light nor how to take their rightful place in world leadership.

Many feel as if there is nothing they can do and are afraid to speak their mind. The reality of the matter is that the any small things we go through will be dwarfed by the glory that will be revealed in us as stated in Romans 8:18. Now back to the Wheat and the Tares, the reason that the world has so many problems is because the tares are now towering over the wheat. This will only make the tares grow faster and higher until the problem is out of hand. Which I happen to believe that it almost there. The reason that the weed problem is way out of hand is because we do not do what we are here for by being the children of light. 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us that if we are humble and seek his face, then he will heal our land.

With the fruit that we bare of having turned our entire lives over to the Messiah Galations 5:22-23, may just bring us down lower as the wheat stalk bows over in reverence to the Lord. If you notice the conclusion of the parable Matthew 13:39-40 the angels are coming to gather together the tares to destroy them when the Messiah returns. You do not want to be way up high like the tares when they come. Do not wait around sitting on your hands for a secret rapture of some sort, as you will not be judged by what you believe or think, but rather you will be judged by what you do to help usher in the kingdom for the Messiah.

I ask all that have not turned their entire life over to the Messiah, nor had a life changing event as a result, to do so before the time of harvest comes on judgement day. 

 Praise the Lord for his small remnant!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

501c3 Judeo-Christian Governmental churches

Many times on this blog I have mentioned the 501c3 governmental church. Some may, or may not, understand what a 501c3 church is. The 501c3 is a tax exemption status that is given to churches by the government, thus making them a corporation. This is a way that our government keeps the churches in line by muzzling what they can and cannot say against the government, and government policies.

Under this corporation status both the church and preachers lose their first amendment rights and freedom of religion. For example; if a couple were to approach the clergy that are sodomites, or racially mixed for that matter, to be married, then the church would be forced to marry them even if it is against their faith. This is also why you will never hear a sermon against abortions, or the Federal Reserve in any of these Judeo-Christian churches either.

Some may argue that their preacher would never marry a sodomite couple. This may be true, however he would be breaking the law. As a result he could be removed by the Federal Government if they decide to  enforced the law. In severe cases the government can take your church away and give it to any another 501c3 organization including satanist churches.

Some also mistakenly believe that they have to do this because it gives them tax exemption status so they do not have to pay taxes. This is true, however the IRS clearly state in publication 526 and in publication 557 that churches are already tax exempt. So the argument to incorporate for tax purposes is totally bogus and does not hold water in any way shape or form!

Picture of a gagged clergy member from hushmoney.org

For those not farmilure with with the facts of 501c3 church corporations there are some things you should know about church corporations that organize themselves under this tax code:

The state is the sole authority and sovergin head over the corporation.
The corporation is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.
The corporation has no constitutionally protected rights.
The corporation is an artificial person.
The corporation submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the state.
The corporation is created for the benefit of the public. 
The corporation is a State franchise.
The corporation is a privilege granted by the State.

This is a video of Peter Kershaw from hush money explaining the 501c3 corporation code. It is one hour long and the audio for the first few minutes of it is not to good.

A couple of closing thoughts:
The word "Free" in the title of church lets you know that the church is not organized into a corporation and is not recognized by the government. 

Any church that does have the 501c3 status you will never hear the truth about your world and will lead you astray, as they will not discuss important issues.

I pray all will stay clear from 501c3 churches, and go where the truth is preached!

Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Are you Homophobic?

As the country marches on a path to make it legal for those who are Sodomites to get married, a certain new buzz word is starting to go around called "Homophobia." This new word can only be described as coming from the new Orwellian term of "doublespeak" as mentioned in the book "1984" that was mandatory reading in public schools. George Orwell warned us about the future as he saw it coming and wanted to do the humane thing by warning others to the imprisonment of all of humanity. So because it is doublespeak at its finest, the term are you homophobic really means are you homo-tolerant?

Some Churches still preach the bible as to what the scriptures say and quickly come under fire for doing so. The churches that do this I can guarantee are not governmental Judeo-Christian 501c3 churches. One such non-501c3 organization is Westboro Baptist Church which has a bad reputation of both picketing deceased soldiers funerals and picketing against the Sodomite lifestyle. I do not agree with everything that Westboro preaches, however I do agree with Fred Phelps that the Sodomite lifestyle  is against the bible. Verses that illustrate Father Yahweh's position against it are : Leviticus 20:13 and Leviticus 18:22.

Pastor Fred Phelps from Westboro Baptist Church gets taunted by Queers.

Rhode Island our neighboring state, recently passed a law allowing Sodomites to become legally married. Rhode Island is the 10th state to pass this unbiblical law. Our other neighbor, Massachusetts has already passed this law in 2004. As a matter of fact Congressman Barney Frank and his husband/wife/whatever was married last summer in a highly publicized event on television by Massachusetts first black Governor Deval Patrick. I heard that there are DVD's you can buy of this event for those who are interested to see it.

Should Sodomites be allowed to marry each other? This has quickly become the question that has become publicized recently, as we are asked to define what the word marriage means to us individually. Who among us is qualified to give a definition of what marriage is, and what rules apply? The answer is quite simple, the bible is the only authority that gives man any rights to make any law whatsoever. Any law that man makes that contradicts the bible is no law at all!

However we should not be surprised at all when our state governments allow two people of the same sex to get legally married. The reason I say this is because the government was never given the right by the bible to marry anyone. If you think about it why would anyone go to the government, justice of the peace, or a 501c3 Judeo-Christian minister for permission to get married. Any entity that has the power to issue marriages also has the power to define what marriage is.

This creates a slippery slope when marriage is redefined by government officials. The next thing that will be going through is polygamy marriages and marriages that promote incest. I know that naysayers will say that incest marriages could never happen, however, it is already legal in some places for a man to marry his niece for example.
 Where in the world is that one may ask? The answer is in Rhode Island, the same place where it is now legal for two men to marry each other.

I really pray there will never be a time when people will be allowed to marry animals.

Link to Rhode Island marriage laws, scroll down to where it says cousin marriages to see what I am talking about.

Welcome to the new United States of America, where anything goes except Yahweh's holy word.
God's law is everlasting and perfect.
"No King but King Jesus."
Praise the Lord everyone!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Open hostility to Christians in the U.S. Military

On the landscape as it would seem, there will come a time when it will be illegal to be a Christian in America. The Military will be making it illegal to tell others about your faith in Father Yahweh and his word the bible soon in the armed forces. This tidbit of information seems to be coming more commonplace within different parts of our Government. It is also true that what the Government does in the military, eventually they force onto the rest of the citizens of the country.

According to a certain man (I use the term loosely) by the name of Michael weinstein who happens to be an Askenazi Jew feels that people talking about the Messiah around him is a form of antisemitism. It's really sad that a grown man cannot tolerate the truth of the bible, and it must be terrible for him to have to live in a Christian Nation such as the United States.

I would like to propose an idea. That is why don't our Government buy people one way tickets to anyplace of their liking in the world that don't like this country. The country of Israeli is a place where Mr Weinstein could go for example, as it is against the law to proselytize in Jewish occupied Palestine. This is exactly why none have heard of Christian Missionary work to Israeli. According to one article I know of, states that in Israeli not only is illegal to proselytize, but there is a mandatory 5 year jail sentence that goes with it. 

There will come a time on this planet, which seems very soon that you will be hated for his name sake as mentioned in the bible.

Matthew 24:9
"Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake."

This country is quickly becoming as Anti-Christ as Israeli is. I ask all to pray that the ones who are truly called by God, will step forward and do what they can for both him and his word!

Praise the Lord!