Sunday, May 12, 2013

501c3 Judeo-Christian Governmental churches

Many times on this blog I have mentioned the 501c3 governmental church. Some may, or may not, understand what a 501c3 church is. The 501c3 is a tax exemption status that is given to churches by the government, thus making them a corporation. This is a way that our government keeps the churches in line by muzzling what they can and cannot say against the government, and government policies.

Under this corporation status both the church and preachers lose their first amendment rights and freedom of religion. For example; if a couple were to approach the clergy that are sodomites, or racially mixed for that matter, to be married, then the church would be forced to marry them even if it is against their faith. This is also why you will never hear a sermon against abortions, or the Federal Reserve in any of these Judeo-Christian churches either.

Some may argue that their preacher would never marry a sodomite couple. This may be true, however he would be breaking the law. As a result he could be removed by the Federal Government if they decide to  enforced the law. In severe cases the government can take your church away and give it to any another 501c3 organization including satanist churches.

Some also mistakenly believe that they have to do this because it gives them tax exemption status so they do not have to pay taxes. This is true, however the IRS clearly state in publication 526 and in publication 557 that churches are already tax exempt. So the argument to incorporate for tax purposes is totally bogus and does not hold water in any way shape or form!

Picture of a gagged clergy member from

For those not farmilure with with the facts of 501c3 church corporations there are some things you should know about church corporations that organize themselves under this tax code:

The state is the sole authority and sovergin head over the corporation.
The corporation is subject to the laws of the State which limits its powers.
The corporation has no constitutionally protected rights.
The corporation is an artificial person.
The corporation submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the state.
The corporation is created for the benefit of the public. 
The corporation is a State franchise.
The corporation is a privilege granted by the State.

This is a video of Peter Kershaw from hush money explaining the 501c3 corporation code. It is one hour long and the audio for the first few minutes of it is not to good.

A couple of closing thoughts:
The word "Free" in the title of church lets you know that the church is not organized into a corporation and is not recognized by the government. 

Any church that does have the 501c3 status you will never hear the truth about your world and will lead you astray, as they will not discuss important issues.

I pray all will stay clear from 501c3 churches, and go where the truth is preached!

Praise the Lord!

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