Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Are you Homophobic?

As the country marches on a path to make it legal for those who are Sodomites to get married, a certain new buzz word is starting to go around called "Homophobia." This new word can only be described as coming from the new Orwellian term of "doublespeak" as mentioned in the book "1984" that was mandatory reading in public schools. George Orwell warned us about the future as he saw it coming and wanted to do the humane thing by warning others to the imprisonment of all of humanity. So because it is doublespeak at its finest, the term are you homophobic really means are you homo-tolerant?

Some Churches still preach the bible as to what the scriptures say and quickly come under fire for doing so. The churches that do this I can guarantee are not governmental Judeo-Christian 501c3 churches. One such non-501c3 organization is Westboro Baptist Church which has a bad reputation of both picketing deceased soldiers funerals and picketing against the Sodomite lifestyle. I do not agree with everything that Westboro preaches, however I do agree with Fred Phelps that the Sodomite lifestyle  is against the bible. Verses that illustrate Father Yahweh's position against it are : Leviticus 20:13 and Leviticus 18:22.

Pastor Fred Phelps from Westboro Baptist Church gets taunted by Queers.

Rhode Island our neighboring state, recently passed a law allowing Sodomites to become legally married. Rhode Island is the 10th state to pass this unbiblical law. Our other neighbor, Massachusetts has already passed this law in 2004. As a matter of fact Congressman Barney Frank and his husband/wife/whatever was married last summer in a highly publicized event on television by Massachusetts first black Governor Deval Patrick. I heard that there are DVD's you can buy of this event for those who are interested to see it.

Should Sodomites be allowed to marry each other? This has quickly become the question that has become publicized recently, as we are asked to define what the word marriage means to us individually. Who among us is qualified to give a definition of what marriage is, and what rules apply? The answer is quite simple, the bible is the only authority that gives man any rights to make any law whatsoever. Any law that man makes that contradicts the bible is no law at all!

However we should not be surprised at all when our state governments allow two people of the same sex to get legally married. The reason I say this is because the government was never given the right by the bible to marry anyone. If you think about it why would anyone go to the government, justice of the peace, or a 501c3 Judeo-Christian minister for permission to get married. Any entity that has the power to issue marriages also has the power to define what marriage is.

This creates a slippery slope when marriage is redefined by government officials. The next thing that will be going through is polygamy marriages and marriages that promote incest. I know that naysayers will say that incest marriages could never happen, however, it is already legal in some places for a man to marry his niece for example.
 Where in the world is that one may ask? The answer is in Rhode Island, the same place where it is now legal for two men to marry each other.

I really pray there will never be a time when people will be allowed to marry animals.

Link to Rhode Island marriage laws, scroll down to where it says cousin marriages to see what I am talking about.

Welcome to the new United States of America, where anything goes except Yahweh's holy word.
God's law is everlasting and perfect.
"No King but King Jesus."
Praise the Lord everyone!

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