Friday, June 7, 2013

The Seduction of Eve part 4 Genesis Chapter 3:1-13

I have defined a few words in parts 1-3 for Genesis 3:1-13. Anyone following this blog should know where I am going with this. There are many people that have varying opinions on the fall of man, which I call the Seduction of Eve. Although I may disagree with some opinions I am not going to stop listening to a person only because I do not agree with them on a single issue.
The most widely held position on Genesis 3 is that Eve ate a piece of fruit that a snake gave her. Most believe this is an opinion only a Jewish-Christian (Judeo-Christian) would have.
I found this to not be the case while I was doing my research on this particular issue. For example Howard B. Rand in his book “Primo-Genesis” on page 39 states that "This being" (giving the reader the impression that he means snake) gave Eve an apple. I recently have heard an audio recording by Sheldon Emry claiming that the “tree of knowledge” in the Genesis account was the word of God.
Yet another version is that Satan himself sexually seduced Eve, had children that eventually became what we today call “Jews” and are the spawn of Satan, this is called “the dual seed line doctrine. There are varying views on this by Christians that know their identity.” This can be found in a book called “The Apple Story” from the American Institute of Theology. 
You could literally study this very subject for months with a bible, concordance, and lexicons not to also mention books written on this subject by many authors, and still not come up with the right answer!

So, I want to ask everyone a question, and would like all to think hard and answer honestly.
What is the difference between a demon that is in a human form, a man that has a demon inside of them (demon possessed), and a person that is demon controlled (controlled by demons by taking drugs, listening to violent hate filled music, and that interacts with other demonic people)? This question is in relationship with promoting Yah's kingdom of course. My answer is none that I know of.
If I am wrong then please enlighten me on the importance of knowing the difference.

The reason I feel this way is because all three of these examples above are anti-Christ's and are working against the Father's kingdom coming to earth and the end result is the same with all. I do not believe that figuring the seduction out in its entirety is the biggest problem in Christianity today. It is not a requirement to believe, or not believe in the dual seed line doctrine to be a Christian Israelite. The bible tells us we are to evaluate people by the fruits that they possess (Gal 5:22) and treat them accordingly no matter who they are or what name they give themselves.

I do however have to give an opinion on this issue because I am working my way through the book of Genesis, and probably others may also want to know my opinion.

With my opinion, I am not going to say that I am right and everyone else is wrong. I would be a fool to do so. If your looking for perfect preaching you will not find it here. I believe that no man can preach the gospel 100% correctly. Sorry to say, the only one to do so you missed, he lived 2000 years ago and was killed because he did so perfectly. Because we are humans, I believe that the best preachers that we have today can only preach about 75% Yah's word correctly by my guesstimation.

Today I am going to weigh in with my opinion on what happened in the garden. In the process I may or may not make a few enemies, but that's life so here goes.

The bible itself is very consistent in the fact that the Father tells Israel to both be ye separate, and to keep your lineage pure. This is true from Genesis to Revelation. As a result I believe this event falls in the same context of racial purity as the rest of the bible, whether Satan does or does not actually have children walking among us. There very well may come a time in my lifetime when I may change my opinion, as all who study the bible have on one issue or another, but as of right now I believe this to be a race mixing sin at the very least.
In verse 1 we read that the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field. This is probably why he was in the garden to begin with, because he was intelligent enough to get and be inside a protected area like the garden somehow, and it does say that he was subtle.
Was there a way for Adam and Eve to have seen non-Adamites? or possibly interact with others in some distant way? 
Like I said I don't really think there is enough information in the bible on his subject to have a good visual perspective of how the garden was set up.

It is my opinion this person of low character was Satan which had a vested interest to both pollute the pure lineage of Adam and Eve. If he could procreate with Eve and have off spring then his prodogy would be their first born and Satan's off spring would have the birth right. A sort of throwing a wrench into the gear work so to speak.
Was Satan an angelic being that took on the form of a man, or did Satan take over a body of a non-Adamite to make Eve Pregnant, or was it a non-Adamite that was demonically controlled? I do not know because I believe there is not enough detail in this account to determine this definitively.

In verses 2-6 They exchanged dialog and Satan lied to Eve to commit this mortal sin. Satan tells Eve that she was not to touch the tree, but she was only told not to partake of it. The original Hebrew word "awkal" can either mean eat or lay with in a sexual way.

In verse 7 They suddenly realized what they did. They then knew good from evil as they were learning what evil was in a serious way. They knew they were naked and ashamed. The evidence of this sin being sexual in nature is due to the fact that they sewed fig leaves together as aprons and covered their lower bodies.

In verses 8-11 the Lord God comes to their presence and they shamefully hid. The Lord finds out that they were naked, shameful, and had committed this mortal sin.

In verses 12-13 Adam admits that he was involved in this sinful act. Then the Lord God asks Eve what did she do? Her answer was that she was beguiled (naw-shaw which means "seduced" Strong's 5377) by this low life beast of the field.

I pray all will study this event and come to their own conclusion. Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

  1. That Adam and Eve were of the white race with this, fair or rosy complexion is certified in the bible by the description of their own descendants. King David , who was one of Adam's direct descendants , was described as being " ruddy and of fair countenance." (1 Samuel 16:12 and 17:42) Davids daughter Tamar was "fair" ( 2 Samuel 13:1) Sarah and Rebekah, who were both descendants from Adam, were both described as being " very fair" ( Genesis 12 :11, 14; Gen 24:16;Gen 26:7). The daughters of Job one of the Adamic patriarchs ( white) , were known as the " fairest woman of all the land" ( Job 42:15) Solomon was described as being " white and ruddy" ( Song of Solomon 5:10) The Nazarites ( consecrated peoples ) of Judah, and Jesus being a Nazarite were " whiter than milk" and more ruddy in body than rubies" ( Lamentations 4:7)
