Friday, June 14, 2013

Beast System Forcing out the Israelites

This post is called "The Beast System Forcing Out the Israelites." This seems to be an ongoing historical conflict between Israelites and the Beast system. According to the Cenus the majority of Israelites will be gone by 2043. This should disturb all as with the promise that the Father gave Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that all the world will be blessed through his descendants, and if there are no descendants then obviously there are no blessings.
Who are the descendants of Abraham in the bible? The answer in short is the Western European man, before everyone goes off and calls me a racist there are a few of things you have to consider first.
First in History it can be proven that the majority of Israelites, I am not saying all, settled the Northern side of the Mediterranean and migrated to the fertile valleys of Europe. This can be easily proved by the writings of the Assyrians that conquered the Israelites in 721 B.C. Then there are recordings of the migrations of the Israelites from the early writers by such people as  Herodotous the father of history who himself was a member of the Israelite tribe of Dan.

Tracing Our White Ancestors is an excellent introductory book for those to read who want to learn more about the history of the migrations of Israel. It is written by Frederick Haberman. I have this book in my library and  I am willing to loan it to anyone that I personally know.

Second the bible clearly states that the Israelites are fair skinned people. In fact I have already covered this last February in a post about Billy Graham not being a Christian.

Third, It's true that everything civilization does, or that we are doing now, was first done by Whites, also known as the Israelites of old. This can be illustrated by the examples given by Pat Buchanan during an interview last year when he said that Whites were the first to do everything that we do now, which of course is the fingerprint identity of Israel. Pats interview can be seen HERE.

So before everyone goes off and celebrates the Majority of Israelites being gone by 2043, make sure you ask yourself if that's what you really want, by envisioning a world with out the influence of White Israelite civilization.
May the Lord bless his small remnant!

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