Sunday, July 28, 2013

An Objective Look at Noah's Flood

In the last post I have posted about Noah's flood from a biblical perspective and now I just want to make a quick post from an objective point of view. Many denominations believe that the flood was a global flood and of course that defies the laws of physics, nature, and every other law in between. When people interpret the bible in such a way it actually drives people away from Christianity.
There are books that shed light on the issue in an objective manner that are well written. It is not my intention to reinvent the wheel, but rather to hopefully bring enough interest for others to do a little research for themselves. There is so much information, I could probably have a blog devoted just to Noah's Flood, but I just want to bring attention to some of the major issues.

The churches that teach of a global flood ask you to believe the following unrealistic claims:
That God had created more water than originally existed then after the Flood made most of it disappear.
To flood the earth the flood would have to be the height of Mount Everest which is a little over 29,000 feet, which would require 726 ft. of rain per day every day for 40 days.
That other races of man were brought on the Ark, or that all races evolved out of one family.
I can assure you that if any pure blooded Israelite woman is giving birth to Black and Asian babies there is something going on which is outside of Yahweh's law. Remember that Noah was pure in his generations and that is the reason why he was spared to begin with (Gen 6:9).
That all the species of life had been gathered from every corner of the globe and then somehow redistributed to their original location and habitat.
All animals cannot live in the same environment of being on the Ark. Some need the Arctic cold while others would need the heat of hot places such as Africa just to survive.
That all species of life, in groups of two or seven, and all their required food for a year, easily fit within the limited space of the Ark.
In the book "Biblical Antiquities book 1 pg.85" by E Raymond Capt states just one simple problem regarding just the wolves on the Ark. "For example, one sheep would be sufficient meat for two wolves for three days. This works out at 122 sheep for the year in the ark. Keep in mind, these sheep have to be fed during the entire year. Just the grass or fodder to sustain the sheep would take up considerable space."
Now can you just imagine the problems with the other animals?
That all types of marine life could have survived the fresh waters of the flood rains. 
That all strata and sedimentary formations were formed rapidly within less than a year instead of millions of years.
Some believe there is geological evidence of a worldwide flood. The bible in Genesis chapter 1 tells us the world was originally flooded before Father Yahweh created dry land and mountains.
That the great mountain ranges did not exist 5000 years ago but had undergone uplifting or creation by the Flood. 
We  know that the uplifting and forming of dry land began in Genesis chapter 1.
That the "antediluvian geography" which existed prior to the Flood was radically different from the geographical layout that exists today. 
That natural and geological processes did not always occur at a uniform and predictable rate.
 Above list from the book "Facts and Fictions Regarding Noah's Flood" by Charles A. Weisman p.43, Explanations are my own.

The bible can be explained as a scientific book if we keep it in proper perspective and not put any interpretations into it that are unwarranted.

Praise the Lord!

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