Sunday, July 7, 2013

Descendants of Cain Genesis 4:16-26

This particular passage of the bible shows the descendants of Cain. 

Verse 16 of Genesis 4 verifies that Cain as well as Adam and Eve were in the presence of the lord before he departed Eden. This is important to know because in verse 17 it mentions that Cain had a wife. Some may ask where did Cain get his wife?

Most Judeo-Christians today will tell you that Cain had a sister in which he took as a wife. Of course it's not true that Cain took his sister as a wife. There were other people on the planet before Adam and Eve were made by Father Yahweh 6,000 years ago, there is no other way to interpret the bible without immediately coming up with a lot of dead ends and inconsistencies. I covered the creation of Adam in another post.

Assuming that Cain did have a sister she would have not gone with him on her own, because she was in the presence of the Lord as stated in verse 16. It's mind boggling that any woman would want to leave the Lord and go with a murderer under those conditions, and there were plenty of other women on the planet at that time for Cain to mix his seed with. Another point is that in verse 16 it says "Cain" only and not his wife left the presence of the Lord. His wife is not mentioned until he gets to the land of Nod in verse 17.

It's important to know the people who are descendants of Cain are called Canaanites, some may argue that when Noah's flood came it destroyed everyone on earth including the Canaanites. This is not true either, I will cover the flood of Noah in another post, but the most important thing for others to remember is that the Canaanites still exist today, and if it were not the case then there would be absolutely no purpose for Moses to have written down the Genealogy of Cain in the bible.

In verses 17-22 the names listed are similar to the names of Adam's descendants which starts in verse 25. The main thing to keep in mind is that the names of the Canaanites are similar to the names of the descendants of Adam, for example Enoch in verse 17 is not the same Enoch from Adam that is in Gen 5:24 who did not die (Hebrews 11:5).

By Cain being born first he should have the birthright and Able should not. However, he did commit murder and was banished. It is my belief that the Canaanites were and still are trying to get the birthright away from Adams Descendants by imitating them by name, and still do today. Another example from the Old Testament is when Esau married two Hittite women (which are a Canaanite tribe) lost his birthright, and the Edomites that came from Esau are still trying to usurp the authority of those who are the correct descendants of the birthright from Abraham (Israelite Christians).

May the Lord protect his people, the Israelite Christians worldwide!


  1. Hi Frank!

    I find it puzzling that Cain killed his brother and lied to God but only suffered banishment for his sins and not what the Law requires... his own blood as retribution. Adam would have been justified in slaying Cain.

    Only the blood of the slayer can make atonement for the blood of the innocent (I can't now remember the exact quote) under Yahweh's Law.
    What is your take on this, did Cain have another purpose thus was banished or was the Law not in effect at that time?
    Remember that Sheldon Emry teaches that the 'sin' in the garden was to have a glimpse into the Law of God the knowledge of Good end Evil which can only come from God and not from satan which the pagans teach glorifying satan.
    Blessed be you and yours!

  2. Hi Scott,
    Glad to hear from you. There are a few verses that support what you are saying about blood being shed, maybe Numbers 35:33 is what you are talking about?
    It's my belief that Yahweh's law has always been in effect since day one. It's only when Moses wrote the first books of the bible is when it was put on paper, or tablet by Yahweh as in the case of the 10 commandments.
    This is my opinion of the Cain event:
    Cain was from the serpent seed and was not from Adam, therefore was mixed, so he cannot be called an Adamite. The Father's law has always existed and was given only to Adamite/Israel and not to the other people's of the earth. Because the bible is to Israel, and it can be proven by history and the bible, that true biblical Israel migrated to the Northern banks of the Mediterranean then into Europe it would only make sense that the law of God would be readily accepted by European Israelites and not any other groups of people, which it has been, praise the Lord. So Cain was doing what his genes told him to do. The only other place off the top of my mind of something similar to this event is when the Judahites returned from Babylon into Judea and members of Israel were race mixing. The mixed offspring resulting from the race mixing sin were sent out of the area to live with the parents of the Non-Israelite parent, as written in the book of Ezra. So Cain shouldn't have been living with Adams kin to begin with, and without us knowing about the specifics of the serpent then where would he go to live? Which brings us to another question, if the law was only given to Israel though Adam and not the other peoples of the earth then can other groups of people sin by breaking Yah's law? If yes, then your right he should have been put to death, if no then he had to be driven from Eden which is what happened. The one thing I want you to keep in mind is that true Israelite's are the only ones on earth that both have civilization and that bring civilization to other peoples. Sometimes it may be forced on them such as with the British colonies in Africa for example, but in the end the other peoples are better off living under the Father's law. Hope I have answered your question, if not then feel free to comment again.

  3. Hi Frank, I tried replying to you once but you raise so many issues that my reply did not make any sense.

    If Cain was a 'stranger' in Eden then he would have been under the Law of God as are all strangers supposed to be living amongst israelites and thus subject to the death penalty.
    Perhaps he had his role to play in the 'redemption plan' of God, and was sent packing.
    I think that we often lose sight of the Sovereignty of God, and that this is ALL HIS WORK, even our enemies who rule over us now are subject to His control and manipulation.

    I think that we have to consider the subject of Telegony...I
    f you were a breeder of high quality horses then you would never allow your prize mare near a 'donkey' as all subsequent foals would be 'spotted' and we have to consider that as Christ is the offspring of our mother Eve then he would also be 'spotted' had Eve had her womb polluted.
    Horse and dog breeders know what I am talking about.

    As you and I know Christ is pure in His bloodline..and He had to be to be our true redeemer.

    1. That is a good point you made Scott. I do not claim to know all the answers and as a matter of fact I know I don't. It is my goal however, to point people in the direction of the Lord instead of myself by encouraging others to seek his face 2 Chron 7:14.

      If you or anyone else agreed with me on everything I would start to wonder if you, or whoever, ever reads their bible at all, and obviously you have questions on my last comment which shows you read yours, Praise the Lord!

      There are a lot of unknowns in Genesis and it is my overall opinion that Cain is not of Adam. Is this spiritual or physical his not being of Adam? I do know he was a bad seed no matter what angle you look at it from and as a result could not live with the Adamites any longer.

      As far as his role and how it played out I think I could come up with about half a dozen different possibilities involving concepts from both spiritual and physical. If it's not obvious then really it comes down to praying about it and asking the Lord for the correct answer.

      I thank the Lord that we both agree that Yashua (Jesus) was from a pure blood line as an end result.

      I have heard of telegony and from what research I have looked at posted on the internet in the past, I do not think I could create a convincing case for it with any modern studies published recently. I am not saying it doesn't exist and it very well may.
      This is the reason that I have never mentioned it on this blog.

      I thank you for your interest, it helps me to hear other ideas. There is an old saying "two heads are better than one" and I think it applies here also.

      Feel free to comment anytime.
