Saturday, August 17, 2013

Glen Beck Starting to Learn

I recently got a letter from our friends at America's Promise Ministries bringing it to my attention of an episode of Glen Beck where he is talking about European's being the descendants of Israel. He has recently become a Mormon, and as the APM letter shows, his talk has a Mormon slant to it. He believes that the people we call Jews are from the tribe of Judah, however most people know that greater than 90% of Jews are Ashkenazi Jews from Europe and have never had anyone in their family tree ever step foot in Palestine. People who adopt the Anti-Christ religion of Judaism are not from Judah, they are only practicing a religion that came from the Babylonian Captivity and their holy book is the Babylonian Talmud. I have seen other problems with his talk, so he is only partially right, but feel like it may be worth watching. Glad to see at least some of the truth getting out finally! I share part of the letter, and link to the video below. Have a blessed day!
Brother Frank
Dear Friends:
On August 7th, my wife and I watched in amazement the Glen Beck TV show. He spent the first 20 minutes explaining how the Caucasians are the descendants of the northern house of Israel. Now he was still identifying the Jews as Judah, but overall tremendous stuff. True, he is giving a Mormon slant, but unmistakably he is identifying the Caucasian people as Israel and even gets into the necessity of God's Law. Remember this will be absolutely new stuff for most of his audience. He even gets into the great seal of the United States.

Click Here to see Glen Beck

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