Friday, August 9, 2013

Noah's Animals Genesis 7:1-16

To see Genesis 7:1-16 without my comments click HERE.

In chapter 7 of Genesis Noah enters the Ark and so do the animals. Most churches teach that there were two of every animal that went into the ark. This is not true because in verse 2 he was told to bring in two of each unclean and seven of each clean animal. Most Christian churches will not teach this simply because when we read about the difference between clean and unclean it opens the door to people suddenly realizing that Noah had clean animals for both sacrifice and for food. 

Yes, we have dietary laws that the Father put into effect for us to follow. Most Clergy when confronted with the dietary laws of the Father will tell you for some unknown reason that the laws have been done away with. I have posted previously that we are to still continue to follow the dietary food laws.

To see my previous post on unclean foods click HERE.

The number of animals in the Ark is another story in itself. Those who claim the entire planet was flooded with water have to claim there was a pair of every animal in the world on the ship. This Ark was 450-700 feet long in length depending on the length of the cubit measured. This is not big enough to hold every type of animal in the world. The number the ones that promote the global flood theory claim is between 3-50 million animals. Assuming millions of animals could live in an area of only several hundred feet just the logistics of taking care of the animals for Noah and his family would be a nightmare. Remember there was only eight people on the Ark according to the bible.

So you may ask how many animals were on the Ark then. What you are really asking by this question is how many animals are there that lived in that area and were known of by both Moses and Noah to be clean and unclean, according to the bible? For this question I look to the bible for answers in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14.

This is a video of a man explaining the difference between clean and unclean animals. I do not know anything about him so I cannot recommend him personally.

The number of clean and unclean from these two chapters can quite easily fit inside the Ark and can be taken care of easily by the eight people inside of it.
 Based on the animals in these two chapters it becomes obvious that the number was in the hundreds instead of tens of millions.
I ran across this site which I think explains it well. To see it click HERE.
One more unrelated point I need to make is that in Gen 7:11 the bible states "...all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened." 
The bible states that most of the water came from underground to flood the area where Noah was. I have stated before that I believe the Tarim Basin is the actual site of the flood. Is there any proof there was or is water under the Tarim Basin? Yes the Chinese have found one of the largest underground water sources in the world there. Click HERE. This is the water source for Noah's flood. 

Both science and the bible are true when the bible is correctly interpreted. As long as clergy tell people that they have to choose one or the other to believe there will continue to be a mass exodus from the churches.
Praise the Lord!

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