Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Sins of Sodom Genesis 19:1-14

To read Genesis 19 without my comments click HERE.

In Genesis 19 we read that Lot sat in the gate in Sodom. He was an important figure in the city. This is probably because he had money and resources in much the same way that we have only the rich running America today. The angels inform Lot that they had intentions of staying in the street for the night. Although the bible does say "street" it's my belief that it may not literally mean street as we know it because of the traffic.

 There may have been places by the side of the road where travelers would have stayed. Today we would know a place like that as something like a Hostel or the local YMCA. Anyone that knows anything about these types of places would know that they would have to sleep with one eye open because you wouldn't know what kind of vile thing would be coming at you at any given time. Lot insisted the Angels stay with him for their own protection.

The reason for this concern became obvious when the men of the city came to Lot's door and demanded to have the angels come out so they could rape them. Lot offered to send his daughters out for them and these dirty dogs made it clear in verse 5 that they wanted to perform sodomy on the angels instead. I know one would question Lots walk with the Father based upon his decision to offer his daughters, however in the end the bible tells us that lot was either a just man or became a just man during his lifetime 2 Peter 2:7.

In verse 9 the sodomites tell Lot to stand back or they will do worse to him then they will do to the angels. Just the use of the word "worse" in this sentence should tell you that they knew their actions they commit were bad as the word "worse" is another way of saying it is even badder than bad.
In verse 10 Lot is rescued by the angels and the angels then blinded the men of Sodom.
In verse 13 and 14 Lot is told by the angels that they will destroy the city and Lot is mocked by his sons in laws when he spreads the news.

The city of Sodom was full of grievous sin. This grievous sin I believe was not only the sin of sodomy but was full of every reprobate sin imaginable. The bible is very clear in the book of Romans that those who perform the sin of sodomy open a flood gate of other sins that accompany this sin. In chapter 1 verses 26-32 is a list of these sins.

By all rights this type of lifestyle should die out because sodomites cannot reproduce. Because of this, they have to recruit to keep an active community available to tolerate their lifestyle. 99% of people when they become adults already know their preferences in this matter and there are extremely very few people that just come to this lifestyle on their own. To be able to recruit they have to recruit children who are the most impressionable of any given population. This is exactly why there is such a push to have sodomite boy and girl scout leaders and why there are so many of them around children in such professions as teachers and councilors.

It wasn't all that long ago when sodomy was considered a mental illness. Now not only is it normalized in our culture but it's encouraged in public schools and universities through the GLBT clubs that are paid for with your tax dollars.

I hope all have a good Thanksgiving and encourage all to keep the Father first in all they do!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Where Is the New Jerusalem Part 3

In part 1 I addressed where Jerusalem is not, and some other identifying characteristics such as Jerusalem not being located in the same place where it was in ancient times. Also we know it is not just one city as the bible describes it as being many cities in which will be called God's cities.
In part 2 I addressed the misconception that Jerusalem is located inside of you, and it consists of literal physical cities.
However the modern New Jerusalem of the bible, some people call “The New Jerusalem” is not the prophetic New Jerusalem of a future time when the Messiah comes to rule in Zion (on the throne of Yahweh).
Next, we look in the bible for answers. This is the easiest way of telling where this new land containing the people of Israel, the cities of Yahweh (Jerusalem) and the throne of Zion will be. 

Looking in the bible at Isaiah 49:6-12 we find this location.

In Isaiah 49 verse 12, Isaiah tells us that the new land will be North and West of Palestine. This image was copied from Kingdom Identity Ministries website.

The most important part of the map above, as far as the subject of this post goes, is the upper left corner which is not clear enough to understand from the map above. So, I took a picture of the map on my study wall I bought from KIM years ago.

What this map shows is the location according to the book of Isaiah that is both North and West of Palestine. If you go Longitudally to the North from Palestine and go over the North Pole, then go West Latitudinally the lines meet on the other side of the Hawaiian Islands encompassing both Western Europe and America. Yes, that is correct this is where the regathering of Israel will be according to the Prophet Isaiah. 

This is a short video presented by Sheldon Emry discussing the location of the new Jerusalem. Praise the Lord!

However this is not the Prophetic Jerusalem of Revelation and will take one more post to explain where the New Jerusalem is coming from and where it possibly is going to be. Although this is only one mark of Israel I have addressed in this post, there are over a hundred marks of Israel in the bible that are worth looking at. I will list most of the other marks at the end of this post for those who are interested in investigating on their own. I pray I have given enough information for people to want to do research on their own and I really have no desire for anyone to just take my word for it.

Praise the Lord for the prodigal children who return to their Father!

This following list is identification marks of Israel. This list was copied from the Kinsman redeemer website.
  1. a great and mighty nation: Gen.12:2, 18:18, Deut. 4:7-8
  2. named "Great": Gen. 12:2
  3. be blessed of God: Gen.12:2
  4. will be a blessing to other nations/races: Gen. 12:2-3
  5. other nations affected depending on how they deal with Israel: Gen. 12:3
  6. a great multitude (population): Gen. 13:16 and 22:17
  7. Egyptian captivity and deliverance (precedent for chastisement): Gen. 15:13- 14
  8. given land in Middle East: Gen. 15:18
  9. become many nations: Gen. 17:4
  10. a company or commonwealth of nations: Gen.35:11
  11. descendants to be kings and rulers: Gen. 35:11
  12. land of Canaan theirs for an everlasting possession: Gen.17:8
  13. mark of circumcision: Gen. 17:10-11
  14. keep the way of the Lord, do justice and judgment: Gen. 18:19
  15. keeping sabbath a sign forever: Ex. 31:13
  16. possess the gates of their enemies: Gen.22:17
  17. Israel chief among the nations: Jer. 31:7
  18. only Israel is custodian of God's Word: Ps. 147:19, Is. 59:21
  19. possess God's laws: Deut. 33:4
  20. blessed above all people when obedient to His law: Deut. 28
  21. judged for disobeying: Deut. 28:15-68, Amos 3:1-2
  22. control of the seas: Num. 24:7, Ps. 89:25
  23. God's servant race: Is. 41:8
  24. will possess God's Holy Spirit: Is. 44:3, 59:21, Hag. 2:5
  25. a missionary nation: Is. 49:6, 66:19
  26. great agricultural wealth: Gen. 27:28, Deut. 8:7-9, 33:13-14
  27. a land of great mineral wealth: Deut. 8:9, 33:15-16, Gen. 49:25
  28. Israel brings glory to God: Is. 46:23, 49:3
  29. Israel to be God's glory: Is.46:13, 60:1-2
  30. God's instrument in destroying evil: Jer. 51:20, Dan. 2:34-35
  31. to be God's witnesses: Is. 43:10
  32. will demonstrate praise and expertise: Is. 43:21, Micah 5:7
  33. a multitudinous seed: Gen. 13:16, 24:60 dust 15:5 stars 22:17 sand
  34. God of the Bible to be God of Abraham's descendants: Gen. 17:7
  35. to be God's inheritance/heritage: I Kings 8:53, II Sam. 7:23
  36. to rule over others: Gen. 27:29, Deut. 15:6
  37. Israel to have power with God and men: Gen:32:28
  38. a righteous nation guarding truth: Is. 26:2
  39. Israel to be a nation forever: II Sam. 7:16,24,29 I Chron. 17:22-27
  40. to be heir of the world: Romans 4:13
  41. Israel to have all the land needed: Deut. 32:8
  42. an undefeated nation, protected by God: Is. 54:17, Lev. 26:6-8, Micah 5:8-9
  43. Israel to be God's battle axe to destroy evil: Jer. 51:19-20
  44. Israel's home invincible from outside forces: II Sam. 7:10, Is. 41:11-13
  45. a just nation: Gen. 18:19, Lev. 19:15, Deut. 1:17
  46. possess the wealth of the earth: Gen. 27:28, 49:25-26
  47. possess the heritage of the heathen: II Sam. 22:44, Ps. 2:8, 111:6
  48. Israel to be envied and feared: Deut. 2:25, 4:8, 28:10
  49. shall lend to other nations: Deut. 15:6
  50. kind to the poor / brethren: Deut. 15:7, Ps. 72:4
  51. to free kindred slaves and political prisoners: Is. 42:7, 49:9, 58:6
  52. Joseph's descendants blessed above rest of Israel: Gen. 49:22-26, Deut. 33:13-16
  53. Out of Judah would come the rulers of Israel: Gen. 49:10
  54. the throne of David is a perpetual monarchy: Ps. 89:35-37, Jer. 33:17, II Sam. 7:13,16, II Chron. 13:5
  55. 12 tribed Israel to lose all trace of her lineage: Is.42:19, Hosea 1:9
  56. divorced and dispersed, they could not return to Palestine: Hosea 2:6
  57. blind to their identity: Is. 29:10-11, Romans 11:7-8,25
  58. Israel to spread abroad in all directions: Gen. 28:14, Deut. 33:17, Is. 27:6
  59. Israel to have a new home: II Sam. 7:10, I Chron. 17:9
  60. new home is not Palestine, but the isles of the sea: Is. 24:15, 49:1, Jer. 31:10
  61. Israel's new home northwest of Palestine: Is. 49:12, Jer. 3:18, 31:8
  62. would occupy and live in the islands and coasts: Is. 49:1,3, 51:5, Jer. 31:7- 10
  63. would colonize, spreading abroad: Gen. 49:22, Ps. 2:8, Zech. 10:8-9, Is. 26:15, 27:6
  64. colonize the desolate places: Is. 35:1, 43:19-20, 49:8, 54:3
  65. Israel to lose a colony (America from England) then expand: Is. 49:19-20
  66. will irrigate the deserts: Is. 58:11
  67. will build the waste places: Is. 58:12
  68. will be a maritime nation, command of the seas: Num. 24:7, Ps. 89:25
  69. will receive strangers and refugees (kinsmen living abroad): Lev. 19:34, Is. 11:10,14:1, 56:6-8
  70. Israel to have a change in name: Is. 65:15, Hosea 2:17
  71. Israel to be called by a new name: Is. 62:2
  72. Israel named after Isaac's son i.e.. Saxon: Gen. 21:12, Romans 9:7
  73. Israel to be called the sons of God i.e.. accept Christ: Hosea 1:10
  74. were to be called by the name of God i.e.. Christian: Num. 6:22-27, Rev. 3:12
  75. Israel to have a new language (English): Is. 28:11, Zeph. 3:9
  76. Israel to come under new covenant: Jer. 31:33, Heb. 8:10
  77. 'brith' means covenant, 'ain' means land (Britain- covenant land)
  78. 'ish' means man (British- covenant man)
  79. Joseph's coat of many colors, forerunner of Scottish plaid: Gen:37:3
  80. the cubit of the Pyramid, Noah's ark, Moses tabernacle and Solomon's temple is the English 25 inch measurement
  81. the population of the wilderness with Moses and the original 13 American colonies was 3 million
  82. inscribed on the Liberty Bell is Leviticus 25:10
  83. like Joseph, lost Israel is powerful yet unrecognized by brothers, giving bread to the world
  84. the coronation ceremony for British royalty same as King David: II Kings 11:12, II Chron. 13:5
  85. the coronation stone of British royalty is the stone of Israel which Jacob used for a pillow and set up as a pillar: Gen. 28:19,22, 35:14-15
  86. Joseph was hated as we are today by the rest of the world: Gen. 37:4, 49:23
  87. Joseph sold into slavery as we are put into economic bondage: Gen. 37:28, Jer. 30:8
  88. the descendants of Joseph spread abroad: Deut.33:17
  89. today we declare ourselves to our brethren as Joseph did: Gen. 45:1,3
  90. America shall blossom as the rose in the desert: Is. 35:1
  91. eagle with outstretched wings national emblem of U.S.A.: Is. 18:1, Rev. 12:14
  92. our early ambassadors had to travel over sea: Is. 18:2
  93. a nation meted out (measured, surveyed land by boundaries): Is. 18:2
  94. whose land the rivers have spoiled (to cleave or specifically quartered): Is. 18:2
  95. people scattered , tall and peeled like smooth trees (no beards) and terrible from their beginning fits the Indians wasted by continual wars and the later White Americans
  96. the land beyond (west of) the rivers of Ethiopia is America: Is. 18:1
  97. "In God we trust" became our national motto passed by Congress, becoming law of the United States of America, July 30, 1965
  98. Israel's sojourn into the wilderness (America): Hosea 2:14
  99. Israel to be a people saved by the Lord: Is. 43:9-12, 44:1-3
  100. As the end of the age draws near, travel and search for knowledge and information shall be increased: Daniel 12:4 much more so in America

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Genesis 18:7-33 The Real Reason Sodom Was Destroyed.

Today I am addressing the real reason why the city of Sodom was destroyed. First I need to cover a few things in this chapter that I feel are important. They do not contain enough information to make one post of each topic, So I will cover them in this one.

To read Genesis 18 without my comments click HERE.

In verse 7 we see that Abraham fetched a tender calf to feed the angels with, and of course we would call that veal. Some modern people seem to think it is a crime to eat veal because they are young cattle and haven't really had a chance to live however in verse 7 the bible shows that it is acceptable to eat veal. The Angels did it and I do it also. Some believe this is a sin and I do not agree. Veal are within the Fathers dietary food laws.

In verse 10 we see that Abraham and Sarah are told again that they will have a son, and she laughed at the promise of which she had been told many times. Instead of trusting God in his word she totally dismissed it. Not a good thing to be in disbelief when you get it from such a reliable source.

In verse 18 Abraham is told again he will become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth will be blessed through Abraham and his descendants.

In verse 20 we are told that the sin of Sodom is very grievous. What this means is that there are varying degrees of sin and the idea that all sin is equal does not appear in the bible. In fact there are sins that are called abominations such as sodomy Lev 20:13 and some are referred to as plagues such as the sin of race mixing found in the story of the Phineas priest in Numbers 25:6-19. These types of relationships were outlawed not very long ago in this land, but now are very common. 

Race mixing is also an abomination. Mixing anything in nature is adulteration and we are not to adulterate anything including plants, animals, or people according to the Ten Commandments.

I have heard many times in my lifetime people saying things like "if the Father doesn't destroy America soon then he will owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology." What was the sin of these cities that caused them to be destroyed one may ask? First of all I know the word sodomy comes from the name of the city destroyed in Genesis 19 called Sodom. Most people believe that this city was destroyed only because of the sin of Sodomy. I do not agree because if it is like any other city in history they had other crimes also. For example in the book of Jasher chapter 19 it talks about robbery and murder in Sodom. 

All cities that I have ever personally visited were a haven for all forms of sin and abominations. I believe it was many types of sin they had in these cities, however, the sins are not the reason the cities were destroyed. If you look at your bible in Genesis 18:22-33 Abraham intercedes for Sodom and asked the angels if there were 50 righteous in the city could it be spared and they said of course. Then he reduced the number in steps until he got down to 10 righteous people. This is the fact of the matter, there were not even 10 righteous people in these cities. This is the reason why the cities were not spared, not because of sin but because there were no righteous people there. 

Likewise the reason that I believe that America is not destroyed is because there are righteous people that are still in the land. Yes, my friend you very well may be righteous and if you are a righteous person then you are the reason why the Father does not destroy America like he did with the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

May the Lord bless his small remnant!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Where Is the New Jerusalem Part 2

Another misconception that is preached in some modern churches is the idea that the Kingdom of God, or the kingdom where Gods ruling nations exist are inside of you (not to be confused with the prophetic New Jerusalem that will come to earth at the Messiah's return).

This belief comes from the misinterpretation of Luke 17:20-21 “And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there,! For, behold , the kingdom of God is within you.”

The misinterpretation of this verse unfortunately leads some people to believe that the regathering of Israel is not a literal kingdom, but rather it's just a state of mind inside of you. When the translators were translating the bible they used the word “within” when the word they should have used is the word among, or in the midst of.
The Greek word that caused the confusion is the word en-did-oos-ko Strong's # 1737. This word and its derivatives directly mean to surround yourself closely with something such as clothing. This word does not mean inside of you by any stretch of the imagination. If someone reads this verse in its entire context using the incorrect word “within” it would read as if the Messiah is telling the Pharisees that the Kingdom of God was within the Pharisees themselves which is wrong even from the point of view for the Jewish-Christian (Judeo-Christian) which can be shown easily in Matthew 23 when the Messiah denounced the Pharisees eight times. Then he addressed the Pharisees and chief priests of Jerusalem in Matthew 21:43 and told them that the kingdom will be taken from them and given to a different nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

Another verse that Clergy use to try to show the kingdom is inside of you is when the messiah told Pontius Pilate that his kingdom was not of this world as in John 18:36. The correct meaning of the Greek word that was mistranslated as “world” is the word kos-mos Strong's #2889 which literally means order or arrangement. The correct interpretation of this sentence if written correctly would read something similar to “my kingdom is not of this order, or system”, in other words he was no threat to the Roman system of government at that point in time.

It was known by all at that time that the Messiah's kingdom had nothing to do with the ungodly Babylonian system that the Romans had adopted for their system of government. This concept can be be illustrated in  Mark 11:9-10 when he was being brought into the rebuilt Godless city of Jerusalem and it was announced that the Kingdom of David cometh. The Apostles then asked the Messiah after his resurrection “is the kingdom of God was coming now?” In Matthew 24 and Luke 21 he told them of the signs of its coming.

We are in our Fathers Kingdom (Luke 20:9-16) and the Messiah is our kinsman redeemer. We are not doing a good job of ruling his kingdom through his perfect laws, we are letting it be destroyed through gradualism and through the leaven of the pharisees (Matt 16:6), and this is exactly the reason why the tells us to pray the words “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”, (Matt 6:10). 

Eventually he will return as the stone that destroys the Babylonian system we are enslaved under because his Kingdom here on earth has become corrupted. He will establish his prophetic ruling city as the time is nigh, what a glorious day it will be!

There's no way any reasonable person can look at the bible and spiritualize the kingdom away into a state of mind within you.

Praise be the name of the Lord!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Entertaining Angels Genesis 18:3-6

To read Genesis 18 without my comments click HERE.

There are several things in this chapter that are note worthy. Just one of the things is that we see is that Abraham has gone out of his way to make the Angels comfortable that came to visit him. He got a little water and washed the angels feet according to verse four and fed them. This hospitality that Abraham showed is a attribute that he also had for his fellow brethren. The reason I say this is because the Father has told both Abraham and his descendents that “I am the Lord thy God!” Two verses that state this fact directly is found in Exodus 20:2 and Hosea 13:4. This statement is directed to the believing Israelites and does not necessarily apply to everyone everywhere at all times in the way that modern Judeo-Christian churches teach. The reason I say this is because if Non-Israelites believe on the Messiah they can worship him as creator and do not become Israelites which we know as the family line of Jacob Israel. In other words, Father Yahweh did not direct this this statement to the Amalekites, Jebusites, or any of the Canaanite tribes or peoples of that region or anywhere in the world for that matter.

This hospitality is spoken highly of and is an attribute that we should try to emulate the Messiah's actions as he sacrificed everything to be our kinsman redeemer. The possibilty of entertaining angels is not alien to the Christian faith by no means. This idea of entertaining angels is mentioned in Hebrews 13:2 and in all the translations that I have looked at it's standard in meaning. For example in the Smith and Goodspeed translation some have “had angels as their guests” and Ferrar Fenton translates like this: “Do not neglect hospitality; by which means some have unexpectedly entertained angels.”

And if it isn't an angel you could be helping a brother down and out back into the fold. Just the simple fact of telling others that the bible was directly written to them gives the bible new meaning, and suddenly the calling of the Lord becomes clearer.

Although we may be quick to judge our kinsmen based upon looks or how they are dressed, there may not be anyone else to share the gospel with them. There is no place in my bible that states we are to judge people based upon how they dress or look, in fact the bible states the opposite in James 2:3. Whether it be judging your brother or doing any other thing both God and the angels are looking. Praise the Lord.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Where is the New JerUSAlem? Part 1

It's kind of important for Christians to properly understand the bible. Because of this it's also important to determine where the prophetic city of Jerusalem is in the bible and where the new Jerusalem is going to be when it comes to earth as described in Revelation 21. In Isaiah 2:3 it says “For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the Word of the Lord from Jerusalem.”

A place called Jerusalem is going to be where the messiah will lead the nations from. The name of the city has a few different definitions such as abode of peace, instruction of peace, or God's city. No matter what your definition is you should agree that it is the place where the Messiah is or rules from.

For some unknown reason some get hung up on this word. Not only is this one word confusing to some, but there are other terms in the bible that are just as equally or more so that some people have problems with.

Take for example the word "Jew" it can mean a race of people, it can mean a religion, it can mean an economic ideal such as "Jew him down", and some even call the Israelites from the tribe of Judah “Jews.” For the record I call the people from Judah Judahites and not Jews because it leaves no doubt in your mind to what I'm talking about when referring to Israelites from the tribe of Judah.

Another word in prophecy is the word "Babylon." Babylon was an ancient city that was destroyed before the time of the Messiah, So obviously when the bible speaks of the futuristic prophetic city of Babylon, obviously something else is meant rather than this ancient city or a city that is in this exact location.

The word Jerusalem is also confusing to most clergy simply because they seem to think that the city in futuristic prophecy is the same ancient city of the bible, and will have the same geographical location as the ancient city that was in Palestine. 

The city of Jerusalem was an ancient city that was destroyed just like the city of Babylon  was, it was destroyed and Solomon's temple was looted in 587-586 B.C. 

After 70 years of being captive in Babylon the Judahites that came from Judah returned to the area where Jerusalem was. In the book of Ezra and Neamiah we are told there were less than 45,000 Judahites that returned to this area once called Jerusalem and was now occupied by aliens that were transplanted there by the Babylonians. These aliens practiced what was called the Traditions Of The Elders that the Messiah spoke out against. Today we now know this false system of worship as Talmudism or Talmudic Judaism. When the true Judahites returned from their 70 years of captivity they were definitely the minority in their own land. It's also worth mentioning that this Anti-Christ city that they called Jerusalem then was destroyed again in 70 A.D. by a Roman named Titus (this is not the same Titus the New Testament book of the bible was named after).

But enough of me talking about Jerusalem being destroyed, lets now look to see what the bible says about this city. In Matthew 23:37-39 The Messiah said that Jerusalem has killed the Prophets and your house will become desolate. This obviously cannot mean the prophetic city of Jerusalem because the futuristic city of Jerusalem is going to have a glorious future!

The Prophet Zechariah talked about the destruction of this city to the Israelites of the Babylonian Captivity and also the Assyrian Captivity. The return of less than 45,000 total Israelites from all tribes as mentioned above cannot possibly constitute a regathering of Israel by the stretch of any imagination. Let's see what Zechariah said about the city of Jerusalem:
In Zechariah 1:14-17 the Prophet Zechariah said that Jerusalem will be spread abroad. At that time Zechariah was in Jerusalem, so where is the prophetic Jerusalem going to be? Hint: it's not where the old Jerusalem was at that time.

Zechariah 2:1-4 The plural word “towns” is used to describe the new Jerusalem. Many men and cattle will be in it. It is to be so large it would take an angel to measure it. This is because it had been spread abroad as prophesied in Zechariah 1:17.

In Zechariah 8:2-3 God says he will be in both Zion (seat of government of Jerusalem) and in the whole nation of Jerusalem. If we really believe that Christianity is the true faith, then we also have to realize that the city has to be a Christian nation(s).

Zechariah 8:7 God said he will bring his people to this new futuristic land and we will be his people, in other words the people will be called "Christians" that occupy these new lands.

We can also look at the words of the Messiah to get a clue about the regathering of Israel.

In Matthew 10:6 and verse 23 the Messiah told his apostles to only go to the lost sheep of Israel. If the cities of Israel were in Palestine the Apostles could have covered those cities within just a few weeks, however he did say that the cities of Israel would not be gone over until his return. This is because as in Zechariah 1:17 the cities of Israel would be many and would be spread abroad, and by history, where did they go? To Judea, Samaria, (which both at that time had a small remnant) and then into the utter most parts of the earth. 

Note: When researching this topic I found there is tons of information on this subject. I am going to have to put it in different posts to try to keep it brief I hope all will bare with me because it's kind of important to understand the words that are in the bible to fully understand the bible. Whether or not people agree with me personally or not, I pray they will put forth the effort to fully understand the bible!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

All Time Is One Genesis 18:1-2

Before continuing on with Genesis 18 I think it is important to talk about time itself. Although some may think that it's unrelated with Genesis 18, I would disagree. In verse two father Abraham is confronted by 3 people. In which he immediately recognizes one as being the Lord, God in human flesh form. I have heard other opinion's that this event was a foreshadowing of the Messiah and I have also heard that some think all three people were angels.

In a way I agree it was a foreshadowing of the Messiah. However, if you talk to people who have this opinion they don't seem to truly believe it was the Messiah (Jesus) because he was not physically born of Mary at that time, this is where I start to disagree because I actually believe it was the Messiah and he had the ability to go backward in time, just as he had the ability to go forward in time. In fact he was not limited by time at all.

Let me explain a little further, in the New Testament during the transfiguration Yashua (Jesus) was transformed into radiant light. This was witnessed by three of the Apostles Peter, James, and John. This was recorded in Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:2-8, Luke 9:28-36, and is referred to in 2 Peter 1:16-18. During this transfiguration he was seen with Moses and Elijah. If he was with them and Moses and Elijah lived before his time then obviously someone either went forward in time or he went backward in time for him to be with them.

There are other examples where God in the flesh had appeared to others such as when he walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, or Daniel 3:25 in the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and is quite present in the end time prophecies of the book of Revelation. I can also use the example of the Father allowing people to be moved in time such as when John wrote the book of Revelation and he saw the future. I actually believe John was there seeing the events firsthand as he wrote about them and they were not presented to him on a television, movie screen, or some other form of second hand information.

What is time anyway?
Now it really gets deep and I am sure I will lose some people on this, but will go ahead anyway. I am seriously interjecting my opinion at this point and going on a tangent so try to bare with me. Time is a necessary property because it spreads out events. For example I am sitting in a chair right now. There has probably been about fifty people that have sat in this same chair since it was made. If all the people that ever sat in this chair were in the chair all at one time they would be inside of each other in a mass chaotic conglomeration. Another thing that would happen is that you would be born and die at the exact same time. So maybe you can start to see some of the problems when time is not separated some way.

Some people have definitions of what time is and they are kind of vague they can only describe it as something like a series of events one after another. I believe you can look at time as being a natural property such as light. In the example of light, all the colors are in one form of white light until separated by a prism.

White light enters a prism and is separated into many different colors. It really doesn't take much to change the shape of the prism slightly to have the yellow and red overlap and create another color such as orange. It may also be possible to reverse it and send separate colors into a prism and have white light come out of it on the other side. So you can describe all colors or light as being one.

In much like light, time is spread out according to the Father's desires. If I am correct then it really wouldn't take much to control different time frames and have them overlap each other to occupy the same period in time.

The bible tells us that Father Yahweh is the Alpha and Omega, beginning and end. If he controls time in the way I believe, then he cannot be described as anything less than the King of Kings!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Will China and Russia Destroy the Planet?

Recently in the news we find out the Chinese Government is preparing their civilian population for a nuclear war with the United States. This is according to many articles posted this week. I will only post the link to The Washington Times for simplicity. To see it click HERE.

Will the world end in a big fireball in space frying all inhabitants to a crisp? 

I am going to answer this question in two parts, as I think there are two parts of this question that need attention. First I will post a little about the idea of the planet being destroyed.

There was a time in my life when I believed it was inevitable. Many during the cold war practiced what is called Nuclear War Survival Skills. Of course now that I am older and hopefully more wiser, I realize that the most powerful Nuclear Weapons on the earth are not even remotely powerful enough to destroy an area the size of the earth or even most of the earth. The reason I say this is because if you take a 12”globe and push a pin into it, the most powerful weapons we have cannot even destroy a portion of the earth the size of the pin (by scale of course).

But more importantly, the bible does not say the world will end though nuclear destruction. This does not mean that a Chinese nuclear weapon will never make it to our shores. The bible does say that God will send his son to stop humans from destroying the earth and life on it. Man will continue to misgovern himself to the point of where divine intervention will become necessary for the sake of the elect of Israel (Matt 24:22). There will become times of great trouble as the governments of mankind continue to promote war, poverty, and starvation through their ungodly policies. “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” Matt 24:21.

Few understand that the cause of the problems that we face today is largely brought upon us by the mismanagement of governments who simply reject the law of Father Yahweh. I realize I may be preaching to the choir, as the elect already know this. King David said that it is easy to follow Yahweh's law and it brings freedom and happiness (Psalm 119:44-48).

Secondly, it's in prophecy that both China and Russia will invade America. One can only come to this conclusion when we realize that in the bible when they talk about "Israel" they are talking about a person in the bible and his descendants, and not a land mass in Palestine that has never had the name Israel before in history until recent times, (it's called Canaan land in the bible). There will come a time when Gog and Magog will attack and try to destroy Israel in the new JerUSAlem. In a related article I have posted about the valley of Armageddon before, for those who wish to see it click HERE.

Is the time of the Gog and Magog invasion and the Son returning at hand? No person can answer this question because only the Father knows the time when he will send his son to forcefully install his Government (Matt 24:36). The best book that I have seen regarding China and Russia invading America is called "Russsia will invade America (and be defeated) by Sheldon Emry. This was written during the cold war when we were more concerned with Russia, and is still applicable for today. This book could have easily been called "China and Russia will invade America". I will send a free copy of this book to anyone that writes me free of charge, make sure you provide an address for me to send it to. The address to write to is in the column to the right side of this post.

I encourage the elect to keep their eyes on the Messiah (Luke 9:62) and to stay strong in the Lord (Eph 6:10) as times will get worse in the near future and the governments of this earth will eventually make all out war with Israel. But, when the Lord of Lords returns to establish his earthly kingdom, mans governmental system and this age will come to an end very quickly Rev 16:14-20, Zech 14:1-4,12.

Praise the Lord!