Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Stone Of Israel Part 2

In part 1 I briefly discussed the stone of Israel. The stone that Jacob slept on was named named Bethel, or house of God. The Bible does not specifically state that Jacob removed the stone, however there is enough evidence to prove that there was a stone that accompanied Israel in their travels.
So I want to take you through the evidence chronologically for you to determine for yourself the validity of this claim.

The King James Bible does not exactly say where Jacob encountered this stone. Further research indicates that it was on Mount Moriah. This is according to Jasher 30:1-3. If you remember, Mount Moriah is the same place where Abraham was tested by offering up Isaac, it's the place where King David sacrificed to God, and also it's the place where the city of Jerusalem was built later and now is divided through excavations. One part now is called the Temple Mount and other part is called Golgotha where Yahsua Messiah (Jesus) was crucified. 

This hill has been a meeting place between the Father Yahweh and man. I really wouldn't be surprised if the pillar stone that Jacob slept on was the exact same stone that Abraham was going to sacrifice Isaac on, of course I would have no way of  proving it, nor have any evidence of it.

Mount Moriah has been a meeting place between the Father and Man.

Continuing on about the stone...
The first mention of this stone in the Bible is when Jacob stated “... and this stone which I have set for a pillar, shall be God's house...” Gen 28:10-22

Later on the evidence in the Bible shows that the house of Joseph was the keeper of this stone. After Jacob gave Joseph the birthright and while in the middle of making a prophecy to Joseph, Jacob said “from thence is the shepherd, the Stone of Israel” Genesis 49:24

About 215 years later at the time of the Exodus the stone of Israel had to have gone with them into the desert when they left Egypt. Twice during the travels the people were without water and water was provided by the rock. First in Rephidim Exodus 17:6 and then again in Numbers 20:4-5 they were without water, and it was provided by the rock as described in Numbers 20:8. If you notice it was not mentioned which rock, because Moses and the Hebrews knew which rock it was.

This is verified by Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:4 “did drink the same spiritual drink, for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ”

Later in the coronations of the Kings of Israel, there was a special stone that played an important role. When Joash was brought forward as the heir of David's throne and to be anointed king, he was brought to a pillar stone “And when Athaliah heard the noise of the guard and of the people, she came to the people into the temple of the Lord And when she looked, behold, the king stood by a pillar as the manner was” 2 Kings 11:13-14.
This same passage in the Companion Bible states that Joash “stood Upon the Pillar”. It's reasonable to assume that all Kings were crowned upon this same stone of Israel.

Those who have studied biblical history at all will have heard about the Assyrian Captivity. What happened to the stone when Israel was being taken captive, did the stone go with them? 
When the Northern tribes were migrating through the Caucasian mountains Hosea wrote ” The children of Israel shall abide without an image,” or as the marginal information gives it “without a standing pillar.” Young's Concordance defines the original Hebrew of Hosea as “memorial Stone, pillar, pillar-rock, or pillar stone.” 

Because this stone was used as a coronation stone it had to have stayed in Jerusalem and remained with the line of Kings from David, to include Zedekiah, at least until the fall of Jerusalem.

What happens to the stone at the fall of Jerusalem will be covered in Part 3.
Praise the Lord for his ongoing miracles!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Isaac The Well Digger Genesis 26

To see Genesis 26 without my comments click HERE.

In Genesis 26 there was a famine in the land. The events of Isaac in Genesis 26 mirror the events of Abraham's famine of Genesis 20. When Isaac was heading to Egypt, he went to the king of the Philistines (Abimelech) in Gerar along the way. Abimelech was the King's title and not a name, in the same way that Pharaoh and Herod are also titles. Most people do not know this and become confused because Abimelech that Abraham visited in Gen 20 was not the same person that Isaac visited. The Father told Isaac to sojourn in the land of the Philistines. Soujourn means he was a stranger and did not own the land v3. It was also at this time that the unconditional covenant of Abraham was confirmed to Isaac.

The Father confirmed to Isaac the blessing of Abraham. Isaac will become a multitude of nations, and that all the people of the earth will be blessed through him and his descendants V 4-5. 

This is very important: there is only one group of people that have fulfilled this unconditional covenant that the Father made with both Abraham and Isaac and that is of course the Caucasian. The Caucasian peoples of the world are descended from Abraham. Anyone that believes that a multitude of nations or worldwide blessings have came from the Jews, Blacks, Asians or any other people are either ignorant to history or you are flat out saying that the Bible is a lie. I do not expect anyone, and hope people don't just take my word for who a multitude of nations are or who the blessings of the world have come through. It's up to you to research if for yourself, and start asking questions. I pray you do. If the truth is to much for you and if you believe that the Bible is a lie, or if you will flat out deny the truth of history, then perhaps you should throw the Bible away and try a false faith such as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Continuing on...
When Isaac dwelt in Gerar he told the men of Gerar that Rebekah was his sister. One day, the King (Abimelech) was looking out his window and saw Isaac sporting with Rebekah. At this point Abimelech knew Rebekah was his wife and he rebuked Isaac because he knew the God of Isaac was the true God and he told his people that if anyone touches either Isaac or Rebekah they would be put to death.

The events of this passage are similar to Abraham's events in the following ways.
There was a famine in the land.
Both people were heading to Egypt for food.
Both stayed in Gerar.
Both called their wife their sister.
Both wives were beautiful.
There was a concern by the King of committing Adultery.
The King rebukes both men.

During this time the Lord blessed Isaac with great herds, servants, and the Philistines envied him. The Philistines did not want Isaac sojourning near them anymore and filled in the wells that Abraham father of Isaac dug in that region, so Isaac would be forced to leave the area. Isaac departed the region and dug the wells again as he left and the Abimelech's men quickly claimed the wells as their wells and Isaac once again moves away from the area.

Finally Isaac's men dug yet another well and the Philistine men did not claim it as their own. This told Isaac that the Lord had finally made a space for him. At this point Abimelech came to visit Isaac. It was obvious that Abimelech knew that Isaac was of God and did not seek to kill him and his men, but rather sent him away in peace. One point I want to make is that although Abimelech knew who the God of the Hebrews was and respected the Lord, they in turn were not, nor did they become Hebrews. 

This title was exclusively reserved for Isaac and his children. Things could have gone wrong for Isaac. Isaac and his men could have ended up battling the Philistines for resources. There may have been a good chance they would have conquered the Philistines. I say this because Abraham, his father, had men that were able to rescue Lot from the confederation of Kings that attacked Sodom Gen 14:13-16. So if Abraham had men to accomplish this and Isaac was blessed a hundred fold, v12 then Isaac obviously had a lot of people at his disposal. 

Although Isaac was a rich man he did choose to live in peace with his neighbors as we all should. The Bible is clear that we should live in peace with all men if possible Romans 12:18 “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.”

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Stone of Israel Part 1

I realize that the Stone of Israel is in Gen 28 and before I get that far, I want to briefly discuss the stone. This is kind of a lengthy topic, and will have to discuss it in a few different posts.

"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter." Proverbs 25:2 KJV

The symbol of every kingdom is composed of the best of what that kingdom has to offer. Most symbols consist of crowns, jewels, gold, silver and other worldly wealth. However, today I want to talk about the symbol of the Kingdom of Yahweh that only consists of only a simple stone. One point I want to make is that this symbol was quite evident in the dream of King Nebuchadnezzar in the Kings vision that consisted of a image of a man made of a head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and the feet of both iron and clay. Finally in this vision, a stone that was not made by human hands, smote the image and filled the entire earth; Daniel 2:44.

Genesis 28:10-22 When Jacob was running from Esau to the land of Haran, Jacob had a dream when he was resting on a stone. Jacob dreamed that he saw angels ascending and descending to heaven both to and through him, then he was addressed by Father Yahweh and told that his blessing from Isaac was confirmed to him. This told Jacob that Yahweh was in that place when he thought he was alone. When Jacob rose in the morning he took the stone he used and set it on end and poured oil on it be used as a pillar. This promise of his birthright made by the Father, was unconditional, and Jacob need not to do anything to receive his blessing. Jacob in turn tells the Father that if he will give him the things to stay alive he will give ten percent in all he receives, back to the Father V22.

This is the beginning of the history of this stone that Jacob called Beth-elohim or God's House. This stone that was selected from among many and has great spiritual value to both Jacob and the House of Israel. After this event Jacob went to Haran, where he served for his wives and for goods. Father Yahweh fulfilled his part of the agreement and now it was time for Jacob to both ratify and confirm his vow.

Father Yahweh told Jacob to return to Beth-el (as named by Jacob meaning “House of God”) and to make an alter unto him. Then the Father told Jacob that Jacobs name would no longer be Jacob, but instead will become "Israel"; Gen 35:10. This stones history that started in Beth-el, was a witness to the covenant made to Jacob by the Father. This stone that has no value in the eyes of men indeed it only has spiritual value only to the people that it is a witness to. 

The bible does not specifically state that Jacob removed the stone that he anointed with oil, however, It's unreasonable to expect that this stone that was a witness to both the Fathers covenant and Jacob's vow would have been left there in that place to be lost in the fields forever, but rather it would make more sense that Jacob removed the stone and venerated it through the ages. It would also be reasonable that any future Israelites would also receive their covenant promise from the Father with it also. There are places in the bible where it talks about a stone that accompanies Israel. I will discuss some of the verses in the bible that talk of the stone in Part 2.

I pray everyone will have a blessed day and keep the Lord of Lords first in all they do!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Abraham's Sons By Keturah Genesis 25:1-18

To see Genesis 25:1-18 without my comments click HERE.

In this Chapter Abraham takes Keturah his concubine and she becomes his wife. It's believed that she was his concubine when Sarah was alive. Keturah had 6 children with Abraham: Zimran, Jokshan,Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah.
In Verse 6 the bible tells how Abraham sent the sons of the concubines Eastward into the East country. The bible is very clear that Isaac received the blessing and birthright from Abraham and the children of Keturah and of Hagar did not receive the birthright nor the blessing from Abraham. This blessing is directly spelled out in Genesis 26:24.

This is because both Hagar and Keturah were originally his concubines. Although Keturah's children may be difficult to figure out where exactly they went, we do have a couple of clues where some of them may have ended up. In Verse 3 Jokshan begat Sheba and Dedan. These names just so happen to be the same names of principle cities in Saudia Arabia that also bare these names of Sheba and Dedan.

Cities named Dedan and Sheba are on the Arabian peninsula.

Midian had children also, from what limited research I did of where they went, it's suggested that the modern day Bedouins may have originally came from the Abrahamic line. If true, the modern day Bedouins are not a racially pure line from Abraham through Sarah, but instead are from the Concubines of Abraham.

The Bedouin line may or may not have originally came from Abraham, but it's well know that they are racially mixed people today.

Abraham gave up the ghost, breathed his last breath, and was buried in the Cave of Machpelah the same place he buried his wife Sarah.

Isaac was blessed by Yahweh (God) and he dwelt with Rebekah by the well of Lahai-roi (Well of Vision).

Ishmael died at age 137. He dwelt South and East of Canaan land (Palestine).

The Birth Of Esau and Jacob Genesis 25:19-34

To read Genesis 25:19-34 without my comments click HERE.

20 years after Isaac and Rebekah were married (Isaac was then 60 years old), Rebekah became with child, or specifically with children because she was to have twins. These two twins were named Esau and Jacob. The LORD (the reason that the word LORD is in capital letters instead of lower case letters in the Old Testament is because the translators switched the word Yahweh with LORD), told Rebekah that two nations were in her womb and the elder will serve the younger v23. This directive came from Father Yahweh before these twins were even born, because he said it, it is, and always will be.

The name Esau means “Red”. The bible describes him as very hairy with red hair v25. He was so hairy, that his skin could only be compared to goat's hide; Gen 27:16. The modern day term for this condition would be called Hypertrichosis.

On the other hand, the name Jacob means “Supplanter”, he was holding on to Esau's heel when he was born. It's important to note what color Esau's hair was.
The reason being is because he was the twin brother of Jacob. So it can be reasoned that if Esau had red hair, then Jacob also had red hair, but the bible tells us that Jacob was smooth and not hairy.

So now I want to ask you a question, which people of the earth have red hair? Is it the Africans, the Asians, the Jews, or some other group of people?
Of course not. Anyone that has been following this blog for any length of time knows that I believe the Israelites, the actual people of the Bible, migrated to Western Europe after the Babylonian Captivity over the course of time.

The highest percentage rate of red hair on the planet is in Scotland. There is literally volumes of information to substantiate the claim that the Israelites did indeed migrate to and through the northern banks of the Mediterranean eventually settling into the fertile valleys of Europe. Of course the number of red haired people in Scotland is only one small reason among many why I believe this.

Short video of Pastor Peters from Scriptures for America. He explains the migration of Israel to both Scotland and Europe.

Anyway, continuing on...
In V28 Isaac loved Esau because he liked the food that Esau hunted, and Rebekah loved Jacob (remember Jacob is the one that will be served by Esau according to what Father Yahweh told Rebekah in v23).

Esau sells his birthright...
There is much confusion on the word birthright vs. the word blessing, in most churches today. I am only going to talk about birthright now and not blessing. Birthright is the amount of inheritance you receive from a parent. In Deuteronomy 21:17, under Hebrew law, the first born is to receive a double portion and all following children receive a single portion. So Esau had 2/3 of the estate of Issac coming to him, while Jacob only had only 1/3 portion.

One day when Esau was returning from the field and was quite hungry. According to the book of Jasher Chapter 27 (the book of Jasher is referred to in other books of the Bible), Esau and Nimrod were jealous of each other because this particular time in history was right after the Tower of Babal and Nimrod wanted to rebuild the city. Nimrod saw Esau as a person who may take his position as the future King of Babylon away from him.
Esau just finished doing battle with some of Nimrod's men and was being chased when he came upon Jacob. Believing he may not have much time to live Esau traded  Jacob a bowl of sod pottage for his birthright, which would be only 1/3 of the total of Isaac's estate. This action on the behalf of Esau shows what he thought about his birthright as compared to being hungry right at that moment. It's also probable that Esau knew that he could live quite comfortably on 1/3 of the estate simply because Isaac was a very wealthy man.  I myself have fasted two days before and know your hunger goes away after about 16 hours, so I am convinced that Esau was not starving to death. Whether or not you agree with the book of Jasher, it's my belief that hunger was not the only motivational factor for Esau to trade his birthright for pottage.

Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Star of David

Many people have seen this Star of David and I think I would be correct by stating that there are more people on the planet right now that have seen this symbol than have not have seen it. This symbol seems to be everywhere we look these days. For example you can see it in front of any synagogue and there are a lots of Judeo-Christian churches that display this symbol also. You can find this symbol on shipping containers, and you can even find it on law enforcement badges. In fact, I can make a list a mile long on where you can find this six pointed star, but instead I would rather tell you where you cannot find it, as the list would be much shorter. You cannot find any mention of a six pointed star, or Star of David in the bible, and it is not in the Jewish Talmud either, it seems to have just come out of nowhere. The number six in the bible is associated with the number of man, there is nothing holy about the number six and is anti-Christian. There is at least one person I know of that believes that this star is the mark of the beast or mark of the Anti-Christ.

A seemingly happy Judeo-Chrsitian minister proudly sporting the Star Of David

Although this symbol seems to be everywhere most do not even consider where the symbol came from. Most will not believe me when I tell you but I will anyway. As with all information that I post on this blog, I encourage you to do research and check it out for yourself and not to just take my word for anything I type. When someone just wants you to sit there and they tell you what to think without you asking questions then that in my opinion is a religious cult. If your looking for a cult or someone to tell you what to think then your in the wrong place.

And now a little history...
In Frankfort Germany in 1743 was born Mayer Amschel Bauer an Ashkenazi Khazarian Jew. He was the son of a money lender and goldsmith from Eastern Europe. Mayer opened a counting house of his own on Judenstrasse (Jew Street) in Frankfort. Over the door he placed a red six pointed star which is the emblem of revolutionary-minded Khazar Jews of Eastern Europe. Shortly afterward Mayer changed his name to “Red Shield” or “Rothschild”. When he was 28 he married a 16 year old and had ten children (of course marrying a 16 year old makes you a pedophile by definition). The Rothschild family was Talmudists. Although the Rothschilds were extremely rich they became involved in operations such as embezzling money from Prince William of Hanau. William was forced to flee to Denmark and left Rothschild in charge of his wealth ("The Rothschilds" by Frederick Morton P.40). They also are famous for financing both sides in wars of many countries and as a result absorbed the wealth of the nations as they spend vast amounts of money to conduct wartime operations. As quoted on page 38-39 “ The Rothschilds “saw neither peace nor war...neither death nor glory. They saw none of the things that blinded the world. They only saw steppingstones. William had been one. Napolean would be the next”.

Although the Rothschilds are the wealthiest family on the planet and I have heard before that if all the money in their personal family vault was equally distributed across the planet, then there is no person anywhere that would know poverty, they do not report how much money they are worth to anyone.
Today, this same symbol of the Rothschilds is used by Zionist Jews and is blue in color, which blue and white just so happens to be the color of King Herod's court. King Herod practiced tradition of the elders or we would know it as Judaism today. This is the same person that try to kill Yashua (Jesus) by killing all the Israelite children under the age of 2 when he was born.

This unchristian symbol has made it into mainstream Christianity which has been fundementally transformed into a Talmudic branch of Christianity called Jewish Chrsitianity or Judeo-Christianity. As a result many seem to have ignorantly incorporated this unchristian symbol into Christian worship. It's only fitting because Jews (those who follow the anti-christ religion of Judaism) teach in most seminaries and will teach with a Talmudic slant.

Anyone wanting to read about this star in detail, I recommend the book by Tex Marrs called “TheConspiracy of the 6 Pointed Star” although he does an excellent job in talking about both what Zionism is and the star itself, he does a lousy job identifying who modern day Israel is today.

This subject is quite large and I have tried to keep it brief. I just pray that the information provided here will be enough to make others want to study the origin of this star for themselves. Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Abraham's Servant Knew The Will Of God Genesis 24:50-67

To read Genesis 24:50-67 without my comments click HERE.

Rebekah's Brother and Father listened to Abraham's servant and realized that it was the will of the Father for Rebekah to be with Isaac. The servant gave gifts to Rebekah consisting of clothes and jewelry which is fitting because she was to be the mother of a multitude of nations that will come from Abraham through Isaac V60. 

Rebekahs family wanted Rebekah to live with them for a few more days before she leaves to go be with Isaac, but the servant wanted to be on his way because he fulfilled his obligation to Abraham. They asked Rebekah if she wanted to go right then and she replied that she would go. Her family blessed her because she was to be the mother of a multitude of Abrahamic nations. When Rebekah arrived Isaac was out meditating in the field at the well of vision (Gen 25:11). Isaac lifted up his eyes and saw camels coming. He met Rebekah, brought her into his mothers tent and made her his wife (I want everyone to notice that he did not go off and get married in a Church, or get licensed by a government entity that defines what a marriage is and what it isn't).

This entire story of Isaac and Rebekah demonstrates how the will of the father can and does play out in the lives of those who are his faithful servants. How to know the will of God in your life is a question that many ask, or how can we have a close walk to the father and for us to know his will?

There are several things to keep in mind when seeking the will of the Father, just to mention a few.

Prayer is the first and most important thing to do when seeking the will of the Father. Pray about everything like it says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Pray without ceasing.” Keeping the Father first in all you do gives him reign over your life.

Are circumstances lining up in an unprecedented fashion for you to act on behalf of the Father in the way you think, in such a way you can compare it to this event in Genesis 24?

Check to see what the Bible says about what you think the Father's is telling you what his will is. If the bible lines up with what you believe the Father is telling you then there is a good chance that it may be from the Father.

Does it go against the very fabric of Christianity? Do you feel right about it? Is your conscience going off the chart? Do you feel it's against your morals even though it may be biblically correct? Etc...

Seek godly council. The bible tells us to not seek the council of the ungodly in Psalms 1:1.

Sometimes you just know what the will of the Father is because you receive a word of knowledge that cannot be explained. Although I cannot really explain it, anyone that has ever received divine knowledge will know what I am talking about. This knowledge only comes when we turn our lives over to God, walk as close as we can to him, allow him to walk close to us and to work through us.

Anytime we take a step towards the Father the Father takes two steps towards us. There's not a magic formula, a special prayer, a cracker to eat, have water sprinkled on you, or for that matter any ritual at all to turn your life over to the Father. The formula is simple and can be found in 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven....” 

Our lives are not something where we invite an all knowing God the creater of the universe to be a part of our miserable existence by meeting us on our terms that we set for him somewhere in between bowling, beer, and fishing. But rather comes from allowing ourselves to be used by God as he sees fit.

I pray all of Israel will take that first step of faith toward the Father!