Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Time

Praise Yahweh one and all!

We are going to have Christmas tomorrow and I wanted to touch on the subject briefly. We all have been conditioned to buy gifts and give to others in the name of Christmas every year. I have read recently that when all is done on Christmas day it takes several months to pay off the Christmas debts for people in Europe, click here if you would like to see the article. I originally wanted to see how long for Americans, but couldn't find the answer online. I also want to remind all that going into debt is also against the Bible as stated in the book of Romans.

The Christmas or "Christ's Mass" was originally started quite a while ago and did not really originate on the day of Christ's birthday. If one thinks logically about it they can realize that Israel got cold just like it does now. The shepherds watching their flocks, or the traveling of Mary his mother during the end of December, makes one think both are unreasonable. Some people say he was born in the month of October. I have not studied it personally myself but will not argue the month of October, as it does not contradict the Bible.

The entire concept of Christs birthday (how we celebrate it as Americans) really has origins in Paganistic ideals. The day of  December 25 being yule day for the pagans. Christmas trees, flying reindeer, etc... all are Paganistic also. The Bible clearly tells us not to set up Christmas trees. I myself have no problem with the idea of celebrating the idea of the Messiah coming to earth, however the Paganistic ideas that have entered the church are unbecoming of Biblical explanation.

I want to share with everyone a book that I found on the internet that is called "Is Christmas Christian?" To look at this book, click here see it. The author of the book goes more into detail than I and is a good read. For all those that are going ahead and celebrating this holiday anyway, I pray that all will celebrate it in a fashion that is acceptable to Yahweh our heavenly father without the debt and Paganistic rituals.

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