Saturday, December 22, 2012

Newtown Shooting vs the ongoing tragedy in CT.

It's an unfortunate tragedy of what happened in Newtown this last week. We saw the cowardly act of one lone person that brought tragedy to this town. CNN and other media are claiming that we should have firearms restrictions to curtail such future events.

Although it's true that there should be something done about such an occurrence, it's also my belief that fire arm restrictions is not the ultimate answer. I say this because if someone wants to really harm children they could have used a different weapon than a firearm to do so.

There is also talk about arming teachers or other school personnel, this too can be skirted as someone could go where kids are other than school, like a playground or a school bus and do the exact same thing. Even if everyone gives up their firearms in the country, this still would not be a solution.

 Ultimately there is nothing we can do in the long run to make sure something of this magnitude never happens again. I do agree that if people work on their own individual level to make sure this doesn't happen again, that would be the best solution. Yes, I also believe that the media should take responsibility also and not keep talking it up about this coward. This too can lead to copycat shooters in the future.

With CNN and other media, they keep talking about the kids that were murdered. But, they are doing it by addressing the possible rewriting of our Constitution. If the media really want to talk about children and doing what is right in that realm then the shooting is not where they should be addressing their attention at this particular point in time. I want to remind all that there are children being killed every day through abortion in this country and not a single person talks about this holocaust.

I have read on the internet that there are around 3500 children aborted every day in this country. It is my honest belief that during the 10 minutes or so, for the shooting to transpire, there were more than 20 children aborted in Connecticut during that time frame. I can't prove it but it is my belief given the numbers being aborted every day.

What does the Bible say about such things?
The Bible is clear that life starts at conception. Taking an innocent life at any age is also wrong. you can read about this in Exodus 20:13. I want to remind all that call themselves Christians regardless of denomination that it is our responsibility to work against the taking of innocent life. For example, if one would Google abortion petitions they would come across many they can put their name to and help to overturn Roe Vs Wade and possibly give innocent children the chance to live. This is one such petition I found just by doing a simple search. There is nothing we can do now for the children in Newton, however we can do something for other children that are soon to lose their lives in Connecticut.

Abortion is murder, and murder is wrong!

 For anyone unconvinced they are welcome to watch the video below called " The Silent Scream" for clearification.

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