Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The other white meat

I almost called today's post "What to do with your left over ham from Christmas."
But, rather than that, I am going to call it "the other white meat" after the commercial that refers to it on television commercials and presents it as just another alternative to eating chicken, turkey or some other type of meat.

The truth of the matter or the reality of it is that pig flesh is unsafe to eat. It is loaded with fat and cholesterol that blocks the arteries and cause heart attacks. The meat in itself will cause a disease called Trichinosis, which is an infestation of worms that attack muscles, organs, and the brain. Most people that have Trichinosis do not even know they have this condition, and is often misdiagnosed as other ailments. Often it is discovered only after the person dies and has an autopsy. This information is easy to find on the internet for those who are do not believe.

An online book I would like to share with all is called "Essential Health Issues" by Charles A. Weisman. In his book on page 44-45 he describes the reality of eating pork products. He also talks about how pigs are often kept by farmers when they are raised. To see what I am talking about click HERE and then  scroll down to pages 44-45 to read the section about pig and pork facts.

Most importantly and first of all we should see what the Bible says about eating pig flesh. Two important verses are Lev 11:7 which clearly states that pigs are unclean animals, and also Isaiah 66:17. There are other verses about eating unclean animals and such, but the truth is that pigs are unsafe even from a non-biblical point of view. I know some will try to tell you that Yahweh our heavenly father changed all that and now you can eat unclean animals, which is not correct. I will post tomorrow on why I believe that our Lord and Heavenly Father still considers unclean animals still unclean if I have time.

As far as the original sentence up top and what to do with your left over ham from Christmas,
  throw it away!

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