Monday, December 31, 2012

The Queen James Bible

From out of the closet comes the latest version of the KJV. This Bible comes from San Francisco, CA and has been rewritten to take out the verses that condemn Sodomy. Lev 18:22 clearly states Yahweh's position on this subject matter, there are other verses also in the KJV. The reasons the sodomites gave on their website mixes some truth with some lies in order to try to justify their position. It is very probable in my opinion, that now that the Sodomites have their own Bible they will try to marginalize the KJV that others use.

Mixing lies with the truth is Satanic in origin and the Bible is clear on avoiding such things. For example in Matt 5:13 we are told we are the salt of the earth, and tells us not to lose our savor. How does salt lose its savor one may ask. The only possible way that salt can lose its savor is if it is diluted, or watered down. The Bible also tells us in Titus 1:14 tells us not to give head to the lies of Jews or of others that turn from the truth.  The answer is very basic, we need to keep Yashua Messiah center of our lives, read our Bibles daily, and try to learn the truth. This may mean investing in a concordance and or lexicon.

This is the website if anyone thinks I am kidding about this apostasy. sodomite bible link This type of trying to debase the scriptures is quite probable from Zionist and Communist leaders, or at least have some type of involvement in its production. Time will tell if I am correct or not. There is noone that is taking credit for it in any way shape or form. It is my prayer that all will rebuke this twisted rewriting of the scriptures in Yahweh's holy name.

1 comment:

  1. This is an outrage. I am so up set right now. It says in the Bible "not to change one dot or tittle" from the word of God. These people will be judged by God. I hope I won't be standing near them when they are. Waiting for the Lord to return. This world is worse then Sodom.
