Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Confederate Flag, symbol of hate, religious icon, or something in between

The Confederate Flag is seen by some as being a symbol of hate. Some also see it as a symbol of hope, freedom, and an order that gives respect for all. From what I have heard the naysayers claim  it comes from the idea that it's the flag that the south used when blacks were enslaved under prior to the Civil War. Please correct me in the comments space if I'm incorrect.

Where did this super racial design come from that strikes fear in everyone's heart and is the ultimate terror of all time? There are many opinions and the history of the flag has been suppressed. It has been altered by history books also. Will we ever know why they made the flag with this design on it?

There are some facts we have to establish before we dive into what the flag represents.
First of all the confederate flag as we know it, is the battle flag of Northern Virginia. Other states have adopted other designs similar to it but this is where it started. Next we see the colors of the flag which are red, white, and blue. I don't think anyone will argue that these colors are racist, because they are the same colors on the American flag.

Next we see thirteen stars on the flag, some people somehow, someway, think that it stands for the thirteen states that made up the Confederate States of America. Not true, as the states that made up the Confederacy were: Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North and South Carolina, Virginia, and Tennessee. Count them, there are eleven states that are listed not thirteen, so it couldn't possibly stand for the number of states in the confederacy. For those who follow this blog, if you remember, thirteen is the number of Israelite tribes.
Click here for the link to the post on the number thirteen.

Next the blue "X" or cross that's on it represents something. I have heard that it represents the word "NO" or rebellion of some sort. The ones that believe this are not diving into history far enough to be able to determine its original source. I want to introduce you to the flag of Scotland called the "St. Andrew's Flag" or the "Saltier" if you will. Other countries have adopted this same pattern, Jamaica for example.

This flag of Scotland is the oldest flag in Europe. The cross does represent something significant. Now I have to reveal where I am going with this. In the bible when Jacob crossed his arms in Genesis 48:14 he made an "X" with his arms when he created the thirteenth tribe of Israel. I also want to remind everyone that Israelites did settle both Ireland and Scotland. In fact the country of Scotland is named after Scota who was the daughter of king Zedekiah, the last king prior to the invasion of Babylon. It's well documented that the Scot's came from Israel, just a look at their Declaration of Independence will tell you this.

Pastor Peters from Scriptures for America talks about the Scottish Declaration of Independence.

It's the crossing of arms and the thirteen tribes of Israel that the Confederate flag means to me. Others may have a different opinion, but that's fine.

As far as the slavery issue goes my opinion is this: both North Carolina and Virginia outlawed slavery prior to the Civil War. If you remember at the top of the post the Confederate flag is the flag of Virginia, one of the two states that outlawed slavery.
There were only 9 states that supported the practice of slavery.  So, if the war was only about slavery then a war by these states would make no sense whatsoever.
The largest slave owner in South Carolina was a black man named William Ellison, this is evidence that southern slavery was not solely based on color of skin.
Slavery prior to the Civil War was quickly becoming an obsolete idea as the invention of the cotton gin and other technologies were making it impracticle to maintain slavery for agricultural reasons.
 The bible does condone slavery as payment for wrong doings and debts that cannot be paid by any other means. It would be wrong to keep someone in slavery without some chance of being able to eventually work off their debts.
Common sense would tell you if they had debtors prison or some sort of debt slavery it would put people in a position to take care of their own finances and take care of themselves, and should not be based upon color. This would force people to either work to get ahead or if they feel they are being treated fairly and like working for room and board only then that should be their decision.

Praise the Lord for all he does!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Free Book: "Russia Will invade America"

Recently I have read a book called "The Bible Says: Russia Will Invade America! (And Be Defeated)" by Sheldon Emry. I was impressed with the book and purchased several dozens of copies and just got them in the mail last week. I want to offer them to other people free of charge. I just need an address to send it to. I will also list it on the right column so others that visit this blog will be able to readily see it.

I really think that both China and Russia are countries others may want to keep in mind as the reporting of the Marathon bombing seems to be winding down. Others such as Dave Hodges, also see both Russia and China as being a real military threat to America.

I really thought the findings of the Boston Bombing would blame it on the Aryan Brotherhood or North Korea at the very least, but looks like the Middle East is in their sights. So, I will not mention the drastic event in Boston any further although there are many inconsistencies and I will continue to pray for both the victims to have a speedy recovery and for the victim families.

Yahweh Bless!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Number Thirteen

The number thirteen is throughout the bible and has significance for those who study numerology. According to Documentary Studies volume 1 by Howard B. Rand LL.B. pg.126, the number thirteen and all its multiples stand for rebellion and defection. This number is one more than 12 obviously in which 12 is the number of perfection in governmental rule. For instance 12 inches and 12 ounces as standards of trade for example.

In case you are wondering "yes" I am trying to go somewhere with this.

The number 12 was the original number of tribes of Israel. Jacob, also known as "Israel" had twelve sons in which the tribes were named after. In Genesis 35:22 one of the sons of Israel, (Ruben his first born) defiled his fathers bed. Ultimately his deed was discovered and his birthright was lost to Joseph's sons; 1 Chron 5:1 and Genesis 48:14. So as a result of Ruben's deed the number of tribes of Israel increased to thirteen, and thirteen is all through scriptures as a result.

Where else is the number thirteen prevelent one may ask? On the seal of the United States of America is where. This Seal was designed by Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams in an effort to encompass all that is wholesome about our nation. The number thirteen is found throughout our Great Seal and  can be found in the following places on the obverse side:

The eagle has thirteen stars above his head, thirteen letters in the motto that flutters on a scroll from its beak, thirteen paleways in the shield on its breast. In its right talon there is an olive branch with thirteen leaves and thirteen olive fruits; in its left talon there are thirteen arrows fledged with thirteen feathers. Which makes 7 sets of thirteen on one side.

On the reverse side of the seal, there stands a pyramid being used as a symbol of the United States, in which pyramids are usually found in Egypt. On the pyramid there are thirteen rows of masonry and above it is the all seeing eye in the capstone which was never set. This is the "chief corner stone" spoken by Yashua Messiah in which the builders rejected. Matt 21:42.

Make no mistake about it thirteen is a biblical number and the number that is all through our Great Seal. This is of course because the Western Europeans are descended from the original tribes of Israel as Franklin, Jefferson, and Adams knew. We also know that the history books have been changed so the we have forgotten our identity. There is no one sentence or statement I can say to prove to people of this truth, however if anyone were to study history in any depth at all, they will quickly find out that it is our destiny to be God's servants here on earth and our great achievements and blessings as a nation, comes from the Father.

Although some may lie or may be ignorant of this truth, it doesn't change the facts any. Mans history changes all the time. The only thing that does not change and is ageless, is father Yahweh!

Hebrews 13:8
 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. 


Friday, April 19, 2013

The Parable of Lazarus

The parable of Lazarus is located in Luke 16:19-31 for all that want to read it without my comments.

In following up on the the post of “Is there a Hell?” from a few days ago, I feel that I must follow up that post with another post about Lazarus. This is because Judeo-Christianity teaches that the story of Lazarus is a literal story and try to use it to show there is a literal Hell that people get put into and will burn forever without any chance of redemption at all. 

Many that preach this story literally have in all actuality created a man made doctrine. I disagree with this statement of it being literal, and believe it to be a parable only. I hope to show some light on the issue. This is obviously a parable if you are looking at it from the point of view that Father Yahweh is merciful in all that he does. This parable is based on the prophecy of the end of the age in Revelation. Specifically it illustrates  Israel overcoming the Babylonian beast system and is guaranteed by Obadiah 1:18.

This parable of Lazarus is loaded with symbolism that if one looks closely at the meanings of the symbols the entire meaning becomes clear. I am going to show the verses and follow up with the symbols therein. For the sake of brevity I will try to keep the definitions short so I wont have to split it into several separate posts. Anyone wanting more information about this parable can read the book "The rich man and Lazarus" by Sheldon Emry for more details.
19 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day.
The color purple stood for royalty or wealth; Judges 8:26, Mark 15:17 and fine linen was worn by priests in the bible, so this person was working as a priest; Exodus 28:1-5, Revelation 19:8 and others. Revelation 16:3; Revelation 18:16 describes Mystery Babylon our new world order by the same description as above, so his dress does relate to the Babylonian order we are under.

20 And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, 
The beggar Lazarus is symbolic of true Israel, the Greek word for Lazarus is ELEAZAR Strongs # 2976 which means “God is Helper.” The word beggar comes from PTOCHOS Strongs #4434 and means crouching, or cringing, this does not mean being poor. This illustrates that the rich man made Lazarus cringe and ruled over him.

21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. 
With this being a parable it is obvious that Lazarus took whatever his ruling rich master let him have. The word dog is obviously symbolic of something also, Strong's 2952 flat out tells you that dog means dog. But, what are dogs? Let's look in the bible at Matt 15:26 and see how the word dog is used in this other verse in the bible. Both the bible and Yashua show that the dogs are both non-Israelites, and non-believing Israelites.

22 And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; 
This verse is self evident and not much comment is required.

23 And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. We know that hell is the grave, and the definitions were covered in another post http://ccofct.blogspot.com/2013/04/is-there-hell.html.

24 And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
The word flame comes from the Greek word PHLOX Strong's 5395 which means flame not of eternal fire, and if you believe as I do that Ghenna is a continuous burning dump outside of Jerusalem. Or you can believe man made doctrine that PHLOX means a burning hell in the center of the earth of some sort and is not mentioned anywhere else in the bible. The choice is yours. The rich man asks for a little water instead of oceans of it which is significant also. We all know that the word of Yahweh is represented in scripture as water and if anyone asks for the word, Yah will pour out his spirit James 1:5. This verse also mentions that Abraham is his father and it is true Abraham is the father of the Edomites as Yashua verified in John chapter 8 as Esau and Jacob (Israel) were twins.

25 But Abraham said, son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.
Abraham calls the rich man son and is quite literally came from Abraham, and is represented by Esau the father of the Edomites.

26 And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. 
2000 years of history has shown that the Edomites and Christians have a great gulf between them. This can be proven quite easily. Just try to talk to a Edomite Jew about Yashua. There is no chance of converting an Edomite Jew to Christianity. They will not even talk about him, except in a negative way. This verse many Jewish Christians (Judeo-Christians) try to imply that wicked people will go to a burning lake of fire. The word BASANOS in Greek is translated “torments.” This word means to go to the bottom, and is where the word “base” comes from. The actual correct definition of BASANOS would be the word ABASED in English. The word “tormented” comes from the word ADUNAO and means to grieve, to be dejected, sorrowful.

27 Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house:

28 For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment. 
Esau is the father of the Edomites which are Red-Communists, as Edom means red. The Edomites were both forced into the religion of Judaism and forced into Judean culture in 125 BC by John Hyrcanus. The Edomites still follow the religion of Judaism and are now running the planet. It's also worth noting that Esau had 5 brothers Gen 36:1-5).

29 Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.

30 And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

31 And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Praise the Lord for his word!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Boston Bomber is getting deported

Remember in the wake of 9/11 how the Bush administration helped family members of Osama bin Laden flee the united states? So, in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing, why is Barack Obama so anxious to help this "person of interest" leave?

WND article here.

It will be interesting who they will end up blaming this act of terrorism on. I have also seen on the internet that they are trying to blame North Korea. If they do then that would be reason for a preemptive strike.


Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Is there a Hell?

When people hear the word Hell it brings up a vision of a place where there is fire and brimstone that burns forever and ever, and demons poke you with pitchforks endlessly.

There has also been a popular Recording of Hell that was released 40 years ago from Siberia of which the sounds of Hell were recorded when Siberians were digging in the ground and lowered a microphone into the ground. In this report they claim it was 2000 degrees at the level they recorded at. You know something has to be bogus with this claim because there are no microphones that can withstand a 2000 degree temperature, anyway...

Before I go on any further, I want to tell everyone that I am not trying to tell everyone what to believe. I do however want others to do a little research and come up with their own opinions. This is why I have left it open for others to comment on these posts, to share their ideas or beliefs.

What does the bible say about this place called Hell? Is this a literal place or a lake of fire that we will burn in  forever and ever?  Looking in my Strong's Concordance, I looked up the word hell. I noted the number of times and definitions of the word.

31 times the word hell is translated from the Hebrew word sheh-ole meaning Hades or the world of the dead, grave, hell, pit.
12 times from the Greek word gheh-en-nah, which basically was a garbage dump outside of Jerusalem. This garbage dump often had underground fires that were difficult at best to put out. They did not have the technology we have, and seemingly burned forever.

                                   Picture of an underground fire from the surface.

10 times from the Greek hah-dace, this word was the same word as sheh-ole which was the word for grave as mentioned above, just a different language but same definition.
1 time from the Greek tar-tar-oo, which means to incarcerate or cast down to hell, (which hell means the grave as mentioned above). The only place in the bible this is used is in 2 peter 2:4 when Father Yahweh cast down Satan and confined him, maybe Satan in a dungeon would give you a better picture of this statement? This verse also shows that even if it is a fiery pit, this place called tartaroo is only for Satan and his fallen angels.

I do not see in the bible where it says that people will be thrown into a fire to burn forever and ever with out a chance for redemption without mercy. To me it looks like they either are describing the grave or a garbage dump where they disposed of bodies. My bible tells me that his mercy endures forever in Psalms 136 and I have a hard time believing Yahweh would make people just to burn them forever without mercy.
 If I am wrong then please enlighten me. Whatever one believes is ok as far as I am concerned. It's not a requirement to believe in, or not believe in a literal place called hell to be a Christian Israelite and to enter Yah's kingdom. There is no reason why it should phase anyone what others believe on this issue either. The only time it would matter is if someone gives their entire life over to Yahweh only for the reason to keep from going to a lake of fire called hell. This would be literally the only time it would matter.

I pray that we all are not shallow in our beliefs to only worship the Father because we don't want to burn in a fire forever.

Praise the Lord!

So far so good.

Yesterday, I made a prediction that the Saudi Nationalist that they had in custody would not be blamed for the bombing in Boston. So far so good on my prediction, as they have stated that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. While I am waiting to see exactly who they blame this on, you can already see that the whole thing has issues. One video that came to my attention already is one that was digitally enhanced with blood and gore.

We are living in a time when things are not as they seem in this country. We are being herded and corralled into believing things that are not true. The only thing that we can count on not changing is the word of the Lord, however, mens political goals change all the time. I pray that we are not fooled by lies!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Bombs

The recent bombing of the Boston Marathon once again brought terrorism to our land. This act demonstrates that there is no one that is safe from terrorism. The person responsible for this act of terrorism has been caught by no less than a civilian that happened to notice an Arab that was lurking about with multiple backpacks. This person, according to the Washington Times and other articles, who is a Saudi Nationalist was promptly tackled and handed over to officials. He is now hospitalized with burns from one of the bombs.

Washington Times article. 

Although it is well known already, that this person is responsible for this act. I really believe that there will be an attempt by our Government to try to pin it on a Christian or Christian group of some sort. There is also the possibility of them blaming some sort of White Suprematist group of some sort. Either way, I pray that I am wrong on this one.

The more common cases of falsely blaming Whites that come to mind would be the false accusation of blaming the Aryan Brotherhood for shooting a DA in Texas and also falsely accusing Whites as committing the crimes of the Belt way Snipers of which we now know were black of course. I know that this is only my opinion, but we will see in the end who they will blame it on. The argument can also be made that most people who mostly believe in the Christian faith are White Israelites. There are some that are of other races that practice Christianity, however I believe most would agree, it is mostly a white mans faith, anyway...

There is a certain air about the Government, to both downgrade and put both Whites and Evangelical Christians in a category of  known terrorists in this country. Recently according to one article the U.S. Army is now classifying Christians as a hate group. This really comes as no surprise to me as the earliest example of falsely blaming Christians by our "New World Order", which is actually an old world order with a new world name, is the Burning of Rome by Nero in 64 AD in which he promptly blamed the Christians.

There is also talk about making it illegal for people who sell firearms, to sell to Christians. This is not the worse of it as there is also a possibility of Christians themselves as just being arrested as it will soon become a mental disorder to claim that Father Yahweh even exists, as I have written in another article. Click here for this article. 

So in closing, the fact remains that the Government cannot keep its citizens safe. We have given up our rights through the Patriot Act and other legislation but it does not help at all. They have developed a new branch of Government called the DHS, filled our skies with drones, and the FBI spies on Americans all the time. All these things are totally useless. This all proves that the Government of man cannot and will not stop crime and it is the individual person that will stop the common criminal as the hero that tackled this Boston terrorist. Only when we turn our attention to the Father will anything change in this country!

Praise the Lord!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

What is the Significance of Jacob's name?

As many know I have a prison writing ministry. I am trying to get the word of the Father behind bars. One of the men I write to is James Lowery, of which is currently pursuing a degree in theology. I have sent him copies of a couple of posts from this blog and he is interested in helping to spread the word. Obviously he is interested in peoples redemption on the outside just as much as he is on the inside.

I have never met the man in person, but do know that he has the calling from the father, as he possesses the fruit of the spirit as in Galations 5. Although him and I do not agree on everything, we do on most. I do know that he is working to find Yahweh's will for his life as we all are. He has sent me an interesting hand written post and asked if I would post it and I agreed. I would like to share it with you today.

What is the Significance of Jacob's name? By James Lowery

What is the significance of Jacob's names and how do they relate to the narrative of Genesis and the plan of God? I was recently asked this question and hope you find my answer interesting. The significance of Jacob's names and how they relate to the narrative of Genesis and the plan of God can be summed up in one word-relationship. God desires to have a relationship with mankind and this is one of the reasons mankind was created. The narrative of Genesis shows what happens when one does not have a relationship with God.

Jacob, which means supplanter, heel-grasper, or trickster, tried to go through life without keeping a relationship with God. He used deceit, manipulation, and treachery to achieve his goals. In all that he did he lived up to his name and cost him dearly. Because of his deceit, manipulation, and treatchery he was forced to flee for his life. He went to live with his uncle where he was deceived, manipulated, and tricked for twenty years. Upon his return to Canaan, Jacob wrestled with God (Gen. 32:24) and was forced to face himself. It is here that Jacob's name is changed to Israel, which means Soldier of God, Prince of God, He struggles with God, or God overcomes.

Jacob, now Israel, has learned a valuable lesson. He learned that his struggle in life was not with others, but with God. Through this night of wrestling with God, Jacob, now Israel, came to understand that the true and best blessings result from submission to God's will, not from craftily wrenching it away from one's brother. This is what God wants us to learn. That he wants to bless us, to have a relationship with us, and that the only way this can happen is when we quit struggling with God and submit to his will. By submitting to God we will be blessed and enjoy a wonderful relationship with our creator!

Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section after this post.
I can be reached at the following address:

James Lowery
Osborn Correctional Inst. #185436
P.O. Box 100
Somers, CT 06071

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Christianity not politically correct enough for the Government.

Just a quick post to let everyone know what the Government maybe doing. It would appear that Christian Evangelicals may be denied access to firearm permits. This article also claims that you may end up being on a watch list by the Government just by being a Christian of any faith.

Click here to see the article.

This in turn may set a stage where Christians will not be able to defend themselves from anyone and eventually could be attacked in the future by anyone at anytime in the name of political correctness.

Please keep this in your prayers that Christianity will not be attacked physically from anyone!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Where is the valley of Armageddon located?

Anyone that has seen this blog has to come to realize that I believe that the White Western European man is from the Israelites of the Bible. This can be proven quite easily, both biblically and historically. With that being said, it can also be quite easily proven that the people of European ancestry in this country, came from Europe therefore are from biblical Israel. This is the regathering of Israel in the end times as mentioned in the bible. Because of this fact, in Ezekiel 39 (4, and 11) it talks about the size of the invading army which is huge, and will attack the Israelites. In Revelation 9:16 it says it's 200 Million men in size to be exact. The entire population of the United States is 300 million so that should give you and idea of how large this army is.

There isn't a valley in Palestine that will hold an army of this size, in fact it will not hold an army 1/50th this size and is not physically possible by any stretch of the imagination. In verse 12 of Ezekiel it states it will take 7 months to bury all the dead. This time frame shows it is the actual number, and not some symbol of some sort. The only valley on earth that will support an army this size, dead or alive is the Mississippi-Ohio-Missouri-river valley in the center of the United States.

Make no mistake about it people, the curses coming upon this land are directly mentioned in Deuteronomy 28, the blessings and curses chapter. Why are they coming upon this land and not the Jews in Palestine as many preachers in error preach they are God's chosen people. This is simply because greater than 90% of the Jews in Israeli are not from Israel originally, and don't have a drop of israelite blood in them. They are actually Ashkenazi Khzars from the footsteps of Russia that adopted the religion of Talmudic Judaism in the 8th century, not only are they not from Palestine, but the religion of Talmudic Judaism is not the religion of the bible. Our bible did not come from the Talmud which is an anti-Christ book.

We don't study our Bibles enough to know that we are God's Israelite People, we do not obey God's Laws, we dishonor his son, we corrupt the sabbath, and then we wonder why we have enemy agents in our government who disarm us while the enemy is arming to come to get us! Make no mistake about it, we have the Government we deserve. Only, and only when we as Israelites, get on our knees and worship Father Yahweh like we mean it then we can change this country's course.

Giving credit where credit is due, some of this information in this post came from the book called "The bible says: Russia will invade America! (and be defeated)" by Sheldon Emry.

If my people (Israelite Christians), which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land! 2 Chron 7:14.

May the Lord bless and keep his small remnant safe in the upcoming trials!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A possibility why we are interested in North Korea

As I have stated many times in this blog I really do not have much interest in discussing politics unless it has to do with bible prophecy. However, the recent events involving North Korea I feel, may very well lead to a global conflict. The reason that this is significant is because if a regional conflict erupts involving China and Russia, then it would be directly tied to bible prophecy.

I am talking about the BRICS summit for anyone that may have heard of it. The countries of Brazil, Russsia, India, China, and South Africa for the sake of brevity are creating their own method of trade and creation of a BRICS banking system. This in turn would leave out the American dollar by trading in their own currencies with the possibility of forming a BRICS currency, and or, bank that could surpass the dollar in global trade. In case in you don't know the American dollar is the global standard that most trade with currently.

China is the main component of the BRICS summit as they have the most amount of money and in reality would be the anchor that would hold it together. Obviously if this financial trade partnership becomes successful then the American dollar would devalue quite quickly and likely depress the Euro as well.

Click here for link to article about BRICS.

If the United States felt as if there was a possibility of there being a conflict with China in the future over banking and currencies then a showdown with North Korea could be the excuse to bring in military hardware and increased security in the region. It's also worth mentioning that the Chinese are preparing for war also. They are in dispute with Japan over a tiny uninhabited island, they claim that they are preparing for a war in which they imply Japan is the target. Unlikely.

China becomes weary over US troops in the region

With the US, North Korea, and China preparing for war this very well may lead to a conflict of some sort. The bible talks about a war fought against Israel by Gog and Magog in the end times which is in the valley of  Armageddon. This war is in Ezekiel 38 and 39. An armed conflict with China and Russia may end up landing their military on our doorstep if all does not go well. Most that have heard of the Gog and Magog war and  think that the war will be fought in the land of Palestine. I however know that it can not possibly be there and in my opinion it may be here in the United States. I can see this post getting lengthy and I will give my reasoning for this when I have time to post again either on Friday or Saturday this week.

Praise the Lord everyone!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Aliens March on Boston

This past Saturday about 800 Illegal Aliens marched in Mass. to encourage what they call "immigration reform." Although this is what they call it, it is in all actuality just a ploy to change the laws in an effort to legalize themselves. Photo below taken from this site: http://www.wbur.org/2013/04/06/immigration-rally

The main things they were addressing in their reform was that they wanted to become citizens of course, they also wanted to not have to get jobs, or learn English to become citizens. In other words they are going to contribute nothing to society if they become citizens and just live on welfare or other stipends from the Government, and of course we pay for that. One thing also worth mentioning is that they had a police escort by the Boston police department to their protest, at tax payers expense.

The mayor of Central Falls, Mass also gave a speech that day in favor of "immigration reform" which is an act of sedition. The Preamble to the American Constitution clearly states that the Constitution is for "themselves and their prosperity", meaning only for white western European Israelites. By rights, other groups of people should not even be living in this country, according to the Constitution, but more importantly according to the bible they shouldn't be living here either.

Most Israelites do not know they are Israelites and have lost their identity. If they knew the bible was for them directly they would know that they should be segregated from other peoples (Exodus 19:5; Deut. 7, and others), and in politics to elect only members of their own kind over them (Deut 17:15; Joel 2:17 and others).

But most importantly in Deuteronomy 28:13 Father Yahweh wants us to be the head and not the tail. However in verse 43 of this same chapter tells us that if the alien comes in among us then they will rise higher and higher as we will sink lower and lower. This chapter all should read as every single curse is upon this land right now. Only when Israelites find their identity, and do as in 2 Chron 7:14 "if my people who are called by my name (Christian Israelites) will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." When we do this, then will we have any hope of turning this mess around.

Praise the Lord for all that read and do his word!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

A little less privacy in real time.

It's great news for all that want to ignore the Constitution. The Feds will soon be violating your Constitutional rights in real time. As a matter of fact this will happen as early as next year. So if you talk to someone over the internet you can expect to be listened in on.
Click here to see the article.

There are some sites that talk about every phone call and text is monitored and stored, such as this article here. However one must realize that our Government only puts out information that they want you you to believe. This in my opinion: that it's only the tip of the iceberg that is revealed. I actually believe they do more than you know right at this very moment.

For those looking for more privacy on the internet they can encrypt (your computer for free according to this site) your information or use search engines that do not record what you look at such as IXQUICK for example. But no matter how you look at it probably the best rule of thumb is to only say what you are willing to say in front of Government agents in real time. I myself have nothing to hide, and plan to keep business as usual.

Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Shroud of Turin.

There is nothing more that Christians like better than having icons that would make them feel closer to the Father. For example there are some that believe that they actually have splinters or pieces of wood from the actual cross that Yashua Messiah was crucified on. This does sound exciting, however the cross most likely was used to crucify another criminal the very next day and was not set aside as a religious relic by the Roman soldiers, as wood was a rare commodity then. One estimate I have heard is that if all the wood from the original cross that everyone has was put together in one place it would be enough wood to make 20 crosses. One should also remember that in reality, the cross was made of wood and most likely has turned to dust by now.

Anyway, today I want to look at the Shroud of Turin to try to determine if it is the authentic burial cloth of Yashua Messiah or not.

The source of information that I am seeking an answer from is from the bible itself. Looking to the Gospels for details on the crucifixion, Matthew, Mark, and Luke state that he was buried in linen. They in no way state any specifics or details on the cloth at all. However in John 19:40 there are more details than the other Gospels. It states that Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus took the body and bound it in strips of linen with spices, as the custom of the Jews (Judeans) is to bury".

When Peter entered the tomb, he saw the linen cloths (plural), and napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the other linen cloths, but folded by itself (John 20:6-7,11:44). So as a result there is no place in the bible that states the burial cloth came up over his head and over his complete body. In fact it says the opposite.The Shroud of Turin does not fit the bible description at all.

How old is the shroud anyway? A carbon dating test done in 1988 has shown that the age of the shroud to be no earlier than 1260 A.D. I am a person that believes in the carbon dating tests of science as being accurate, as both science and the bible are correct, if the bible is interpreted correctly. So as a result it is my opinion that this burial shroud cannot possibly be the shroud of Yashua.

I encourage all to read the bible and weigh it against all that they know as common knowledge. Do not take it for granted that any Clergy knows anything more than yourself. True knowledge is the only thing that will preserve our Christian faith.

Hosea 4:6
"My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me..."

Praise the Lord for all that he does!