Thursday, April 4, 2013

A little less privacy in real time.

It's great news for all that want to ignore the Constitution. The Feds will soon be violating your Constitutional rights in real time. As a matter of fact this will happen as early as next year. So if you talk to someone over the internet you can expect to be listened in on.
Click here to see the article.

There are some sites that talk about every phone call and text is monitored and stored, such as this article here. However one must realize that our Government only puts out information that they want you you to believe. This in my opinion: that it's only the tip of the iceberg that is revealed. I actually believe they do more than you know right at this very moment.

For those looking for more privacy on the internet they can encrypt (your computer for free according to this site) your information or use search engines that do not record what you look at such as IXQUICK for example. But no matter how you look at it probably the best rule of thumb is to only say what you are willing to say in front of Government agents in real time. I myself have nothing to hide, and plan to keep business as usual.

Praise the Lord!

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