Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Bombs

The recent bombing of the Boston Marathon once again brought terrorism to our land. This act demonstrates that there is no one that is safe from terrorism. The person responsible for this act of terrorism has been caught by no less than a civilian that happened to notice an Arab that was lurking about with multiple backpacks. This person, according to the Washington Times and other articles, who is a Saudi Nationalist was promptly tackled and handed over to officials. He is now hospitalized with burns from one of the bombs.

Washington Times article. 

Although it is well known already, that this person is responsible for this act. I really believe that there will be an attempt by our Government to try to pin it on a Christian or Christian group of some sort. There is also the possibility of them blaming some sort of White Suprematist group of some sort. Either way, I pray that I am wrong on this one.

The more common cases of falsely blaming Whites that come to mind would be the false accusation of blaming the Aryan Brotherhood for shooting a DA in Texas and also falsely accusing Whites as committing the crimes of the Belt way Snipers of which we now know were black of course. I know that this is only my opinion, but we will see in the end who they will blame it on. The argument can also be made that most people who mostly believe in the Christian faith are White Israelites. There are some that are of other races that practice Christianity, however I believe most would agree, it is mostly a white mans faith, anyway...

There is a certain air about the Government, to both downgrade and put both Whites and Evangelical Christians in a category of  known terrorists in this country. Recently according to one article the U.S. Army is now classifying Christians as a hate group. This really comes as no surprise to me as the earliest example of falsely blaming Christians by our "New World Order", which is actually an old world order with a new world name, is the Burning of Rome by Nero in 64 AD in which he promptly blamed the Christians.

There is also talk about making it illegal for people who sell firearms, to sell to Christians. This is not the worse of it as there is also a possibility of Christians themselves as just being arrested as it will soon become a mental disorder to claim that Father Yahweh even exists, as I have written in another article. Click here for this article. 

So in closing, the fact remains that the Government cannot keep its citizens safe. We have given up our rights through the Patriot Act and other legislation but it does not help at all. They have developed a new branch of Government called the DHS, filled our skies with drones, and the FBI spies on Americans all the time. All these things are totally useless. This all proves that the Government of man cannot and will not stop crime and it is the individual person that will stop the common criminal as the hero that tackled this Boston terrorist. Only when we turn our attention to the Father will anything change in this country!

Praise the Lord!

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