Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Curse of Cain Genesis 4:10-15

Continuing on with Genesis, I am looking at the mark, or curse of Cain. Anyone wanting to read the verses without my comments can see it by clicking HERE.

10 And he said, what hast thou done? The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.
We know that the Father sees all and knows all. In verse 9 he asks Cain where his brother is although he already knew. The shedding of innocent blood in the bible always requires justice to be served, as the land will eventually become cursed if not.

11 And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
At this point Cain becomes cursed. An interesting point to keep in mind is the fact that the judgment was immediate.

12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
When Cain and his kin till the ground the earth will not produce fruit as well as when Adam and his kin produce food. This is very evident when the only real food producers on the planet are the Adamites, Hebrews, and Israelites, which most migrated to Western Europe after the Assyrian Captivity and are the ones that produce food for the rest of the planet.

13 And Cain said unto the Lord, My punishment is greater than I can bear.
Anytime one lacks food and is forced to wonder without the stability of a home it is great punishment, and given the hindsight of the Fathers plan for his servant people it wasn't safe to have him around.

14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth me shall slay me.
Although is says that he was driven out from the face of the earth, one has to take note that the word earth in Hebrew is ad-aw-haw' Strong's #127, which the word earth can be a word used for the earth as in the entire planet, it could mean country, or could even mean the soil that is sticking to your shoe. In other words Cain did not fly off the planet. This is something we need to keep in mind as we continue through the book of Genesis.

15 And the Lord said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain lest anyone finding him should kill him.

The "mark of Cain" is debated often as the bible is not entirely clear on what the mark is. I have heard many different ideas ranging from a pair of horns from his forehead, leprosy, and even the mark is a dog that would accompany him during his travels. I myself have a different idea. The mark had to been a something that was with him and could not leave him, so a dog would be out of the question. The mark would also have to be something that could be readily be seen, so it couldn't have been something under his arm or on the bottom of his foot. With his body being covered in clothes, or animal skins it would have to be on his face and very noticeable. If it's a physical characteristic, that was bred out of his kin by race mixing then at some point there would be some reverting back to the characteristic. It's the law of heredity. Now, I am interjecting my opinion, or guess, I believe Cain's mark was an extremely large nose that gave him an animal type look. Below is a wax bust of a man that lived in the 18th Century named Thomas Welder.

There is also a man alive today from the area of Turkey that has a 3 1/2 in nose. His name is Mehmet Ozyurek. But, whatever the mark was I can guarantee that it was quite noticeable.

Mehmet Ozyurek

DOMA and Prop 8

A recent decision by The Supreme Court has overturned state legislation in California that prohibits the marriage of Sodomites. This in turn paves the way for Federal legislation to be enacted that will allow the marriage of sexual deviants nation wide. Eventually this will allow federal benefits for Hetro-sexually challenged individuals. For example, a sodomite military man, with his husband/wife/whatever may be buried in Arlington National Cemetery next to famous war hero's that made this country.

Although I do think they should show respect for the founding fathers and the people that actually risked and lost their lives to make this country, obviously it's to much for them to show respect. Some may think I am not showing respect, and what they do in their bedroom is their own business. I agree what they do in their own bedroom should be their own business and it should stay there. There is no reason why they have to promote their lifestyle among those who think it is disgusting. There are bars they can hang around and back alleys they can practice their godless life styles, without forcing it into the mainstream society.

"If God doesn't destroy America, then he is going to owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology."

I have heard this statement often since this ruling, mostly coming from Christians. Although it may sound at this point like I am defending them, I can assure you this is not the case. The reason that our Heavenly Father destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah is because there were no righteous people left in the land, not because of sodomy.
in Genesis 18:23-32 the bible clearly shows that the Father told Abraham that he would not destroy the cities if there were righteous people in the cities. The number started out as 50 and eventually went as low as ten. There wasn't even ten righteous people in the land.
The righteous people of this land are preserving this great land from destruction. Let's pray on the full armor of God as in Ephesians 6 daily!

Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Murder of Abel Genesis 4:8-9.

The entire story of Cain and Abel is summed up in 17 verses in the bible. If one were writing a murder mystery there would not be enough information to make it a number one best seller. Other information such as Cain's relationship with his brother and why he slew his brother when he was angry with God (motive) is unknown.

Looking for another source of information that one could investigate the cause a little closer is the book of Jasher. The book of Jasher is not in the bible. However it is referenced by being mentioned in the bible in both Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 and as a result it should be considered. First I will give the Jasher account, in which it in no way contradicts the bible, then I will give only the bible account.

The scene in Jasher chapter 1 verse 17 states that both Cain and Abel met in the field one day and argued.
1:19 And Abel answered his brother Cain and said unto him, what is there between me and thee, that thou shall eat the flesh of my flock and clothe thyself with their wool?
20 And now therefore, put off the wool of my sheep with which thou hast clothed thyself, and recompense me for their fruit and flesh which thou hast eaten, and when thou shalt have done this, I will then go from thy land as thou hast said?
21 And Cain said to his brother Abel, surely if I slay thee this day, who will require thy blood from me?
25 And Cain hastened and rose up, and took the iron part of his ploughing instument, with which he suddenly smote his brother and he slew him, and Cain spilt the blood of his brother Abel upon the earth, and the blood of Abel streamed upon the earth before the flock.

Now looking at it only from the biblical point of view in Genesis 4:8-9

8 And Cain Talked with Abel his brother. And it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and slew him.
After talking to Abel, when they were both in the field, Cain slew Abel. It's unknown solely just by looking to the bible if he led him out to the field under some false pretense or if when they talked they were in the field to begin with. Either way the result is the same.

9 And the Lord said unto Cain Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?
In this verse first he lies, and then he uses a play on words in an effort to avoid answering the question. These two tactics are still widely used by both politicians and lawyers today.

There are a couple of things we should keep in mind about this as an end result. First Cain had the ability to work with Abel to produce a proper offering unto the Lord. We know there has been grain offerings in the bible, Leviticus 2 for example. Cain is the result of the seduction of Eve by the evil one (serpent), 1 John 3:12, which obviously had influence on his thinking. He was just flat out evil.

Let us pray we keep our heads on strait and offer the Lord the first fruits of all we have!

May God protect his small flock!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sesame Street Degenerates Further

Announcing an all new puppet from Sesame Street, to teach your children what is right and wrong in society, in other words morals. This is no ordinary puppet because this puppet has a father that is in jail.

This brown puppet with blue hair is here to normalize prison. This comes on a long line of Sesame Street  puppets that have other problems such as having gay tendencies, having AIDS, and poverty stricken starving puppets.
It's my belief that this is all an effort to try to normalize the plagues of society and teach your children that these sort of things are normal by exposing them to these things. I can assure you that these things are in fact not normal and when children see these things they should not think they are normal either.

However.... if they made just one puppet with all these problems rolled into one, then the normal children could see how how stupid it would be to hang around with such a puppet or person. There are others however that would think that these sort of things are just grand and would have great respect for such a puppet person. Many would not believe that any puppet would be able to generate popularity for long, and would be shunned by society. But, I would like to introduce you to a puppet that has all these problems and more.

The puppet I talk about has had family members in jail, had gay relationships, has happily admitted using drugs, and has poverty stricken starving family members. and of course the jury is still out on the idea of him having AIDS. How did the country get such a puppet that happily admits all these problems and is proud of them? I could give a politically incorrect answer using the Hungarian Jew George Soros, but when it all comes down to it, we do not follow the bible. All one would have to do is read Deuteronomy 28:43. May the small remnant of Israel read the bible and be blessed!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Genesis 4:1-7

Continuing on with the study of Cain and Abel in Genesis Chapter 4.
Anyone wanting to read the passage without my comments can see it by clicking HERE.

1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord.
Adam knew his wife Eve after the serpent seduced her. So both Cain and Abel were half brothers in the wound. The word in Hebrew in this case is the word “Ish” which means man and is separate from the bloodline of Adam, as Cain was not of the bloodline of Adam (Gen 5:3). In Genesis chapter 5 there is not even the remote chance of Cain as being begotten from Adam. Abel is not mentioned in Gen 5 because he is a non-surviving child.
Cain not being from Adam can also be verified by her using the word “Ish” only once. Only in this one case when she had Cain and not Abel is this word used. 
In this context the word “Lord” means serpent, in which, I have already cover it in another post. Because Lord also can mean God almighty and is used differently in the rest of these verses, it becomes obvious that the word Lord at this point now means a different Lord, the Lord of Lords!

2 And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground.
When Abel came along he was a keeper of sheep. Abel sacrificed his sheep to the Father, and was preparing for the Messiah to come and redeem Adam and his kin, and Cain worked the land.

3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord.
Cain worked the ground. Which in itself is not wrong. He had the ability to work with Abel by producing food in trade for sheep.

4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his sheep offering.

5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
Cains offering was not what was required of him, as he became wrathful, and no respect came to him from the Lord.

6 And the Lord said unto Cain Why art thou wroth? And why is thy countenance fallen?
The Father Asks Cain why is he wrathful, while at the same time his approval fell.

7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? And if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shall rule over him.

The Father puts it on the line with Cain, if he does what is expected, he will be accepted. If not then his life will digress into a life of sin. This is obviously Cain's decision in which way he wants to handle his shortcomings and not the Lord's at this point.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Does the word Baal mean Lord?

I have read a few times that some believe that the word "Lord" means Baal, and I would like to briefly touch on the subject today. Putting it in perspective the word Baal can mean Lord as some claim, as the word Lord means to rule over. There are many examples where the word Baal has been translated "Lord" in the bible, but there are no examples where the word Lord as we know the Messiah as being was ever translated into the word Baal. It's basically a matter of who you make Lord over your life, or who controls you. For example during the middle ages it was common to have an overlord that you paid to protect you. Examples of the possible usage of the word Baal can mean a Judge, King, or even a husband can be a Baal over his wife. Anyone wanting more information can read Strong's #1166 and #1167.

 In the bible there are many Baal's in the religion of Baalism. In fact there was one for every human weekness that you can think of, and to realize which Baal is being talked about one would have to see the context in which the word was used. To get the blessings of whichever Baal you wanted you would put an image of the false Phoenician God in your home. I copied some meanings of some Baal names from this site and put them at the end of this post which seems to explain the meanings of the most common ones well. (I do not know much about the group that I copied the meanings from, so of course I cannot give my endorsement).

Above are the remains of a Baal-Berith temple. This fact is known by the rounded features on the ends of the remains. These particular remains are thought to have been a two story building in the 13th century B.C.

 In short the word Lord means to be in charge over something. I do not want people to believe that I think that the Messiah is Baal or vice versa, and would like to remind everyone that the first commandment is clear that we are to keep Yahweh first in all that we do. In a post I made last year called "The First Commandment".  I tried to show that if our one and only God is the only God, then why would there be a first commandment. Because if there is no other God's then how can it be possible to break the first commandment? I encourage all to keep their eyes on the one and true Lord (Luke 9:62).

Praise the Lord, and by that I mean the Lord of Lords and the king of Kings!

·        Baal-Berith – The Hebrew meaning of this Baal is “Baal of (the) covenant… a special deity of the Shechemites” (Judges 8:33; 9:46);it was lord or god of the covenant, and Satan does make covenants, which do include blood and sexual acts – this is what Baal-Berith represents – a covenant with Satan.

·        Baal-Gad – Joshua 11:17; 12:7; 13:5; The Hebrew meaning of this Baal is “Baal of fortune; Baal-Gad, a place in Syria”. Its meaning goes along with the next Baal.   

·        Baal-Hamon – (Song of Solomon 8:11) Hamon is Hebrew for wealth.  Satan does give people wealth!  Yes, even today Satan can assign his devils to give us wealth.  The scripture calls Satan’s evil spirits devils.  One of the Greek meanings for devils in New Testament scripture is “Daimon, dah’-ee-mown; from daio (to distribute small fortunes); a demon or supernatural spirit (of a bad nature):- devil”. Notice the Greek says “to distribute small fortunes” – proof that Satan and his evil spirits (devils/demons) can cause a person to prosper and create in their heart the love of money!  Being rich is not bad butwe better be careful who and where the wealth comes from, and how much we love it!  I Timothy 6:10:  For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

·        Baal-Peor – (Numbers 25:1-3; Hosea 9:10; I Corinthians 10:8)Moabite LORD OF PERVERSION (Deuteronomy 4:2-4:  Ye shall notadd unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminishought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.  Your eyes have seen what the Lord did because of Baal-peor:  for all the men that follow Baal-peor, the Lord thy God hath destroyed them from among you.  But ye that did cleave unto the Lord your God are alive every one of you this day.)   

·        Baal-Perazim – (II Samuel 5:20) was a Philistine godand some of the Philistine’s were Ham’s descendents – some of Ham’s descendents practiced homosexuality. 

·        Baal-Zebub – (Judges 10:6; Matthew 10:25) is the lord of the flies and Baal-zebub is the chief of evil spirits; also see Beelzebub(Matthew 12:24, 27; Mark 3:22; Luke 11:15, 18-19) for its Greek meaning ‘beelzeboul, beh-el-zeb-ool’ which is a “dung god”; or “Beelzebul, a name of Satan:- Beelzebub”. 

·        Baal-Zebul – (Judges 10:6; Matthew 10:25) Zebul means prince, and Satan is called the prince of this world and the prince of the power of the air in John 14:30 and Ephesians 2:2.

·        Baal-Zephon – (Exodus 14:2) was a Canaanite god and the Canaanite’s were also Ham’s descendents – some of their Baals 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Beast System Forcing out the Israelites

This post is called "The Beast System Forcing Out the Israelites." This seems to be an ongoing historical conflict between Israelites and the Beast system. According to the Cenus the majority of Israelites will be gone by 2043. This should disturb all as with the promise that the Father gave Abraham in Genesis 12:3 that all the world will be blessed through his descendants, and if there are no descendants then obviously there are no blessings.
Who are the descendants of Abraham in the bible? The answer in short is the Western European man, before everyone goes off and calls me a racist there are a few of things you have to consider first.
First in History it can be proven that the majority of Israelites, I am not saying all, settled the Northern side of the Mediterranean and migrated to the fertile valleys of Europe. This can be easily proved by the writings of the Assyrians that conquered the Israelites in 721 B.C. Then there are recordings of the migrations of the Israelites from the early writers by such people as  Herodotous the father of history who himself was a member of the Israelite tribe of Dan.

Tracing Our White Ancestors is an excellent introductory book for those to read who want to learn more about the history of the migrations of Israel. It is written by Frederick Haberman. I have this book in my library and  I am willing to loan it to anyone that I personally know.

Second the bible clearly states that the Israelites are fair skinned people. In fact I have already covered this last February in a post about Billy Graham not being a Christian.

Third, It's true that everything civilization does, or that we are doing now, was first done by Whites, also known as the Israelites of old. This can be illustrated by the examples given by Pat Buchanan during an interview last year when he said that Whites were the first to do everything that we do now, which of course is the fingerprint identity of Israel. Pats interview can be seen HERE.

So before everyone goes off and celebrates the Majority of Israelites being gone by 2043, make sure you ask yourself if that's what you really want, by envisioning a world with out the influence of White Israelite civilization.
May the Lord bless his small remnant!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Genesis 3:14-24

I am going to continue with the rest of Genesis 3 and have changed the color of my comments to green. If it is hard to read or someone would like to suggest another color then feel free to leave a comment in the comment section. (I have noticed it hard to read when viewing from my cell phone, so I changed it to yellow highlight instead.)

If someone would like to read this passage with out my comments then click here.

Genesis 3:14-24
14 And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of they life:
Because you have seduced Eve into committing this mortal sin you will be the lowest of the low, you will crawl on your belly. Being completely flat is called prostration and is a sign of humiliation.

15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
Yahweh not only put enmity between the serpent and the woman, he also put enmity between the serpents seed and her seed. In the end the final result will be the seed of the woman crushing the head of the seed of the serpent in which only the heel of the woman's seed will be bruised. It's also note worthy to know that this  also shows that the woman was carrying two different seed at that time.

16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband and he shall rule over thee.
Because the woman did this Father Yahweh cursed the woman in both her sorrow or mood. This is probably why more women seem to be depressed then men. She was also cursed in her conception. I have read a couple of articles that claim Caucasian women have the greatest suffering during child birth than any other race of people. In most cases women need men to help them because it is more common than not that women think more with feelings and emotions than men which use logic and reasoning. I am not saying this as an insult to women, but both women and men complement each other perfectly.

17 And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
For the man, because he listened to his wife and went against his common sense, he was cursed also when he became involved with the tree. And the ground will be cursed.

18 Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field:
This cursing of the ground makes it so that the ground becomes wild and unmanageable on its own.

19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.
The curse will make it so Adam has to work the ground to be able to eat. The bread is the basic substance of life that just makes you survive. This is why people that are in prison who are truly being punished are only given bread and water.

20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living
All living in this verse does not include the seed of the beasts of the field, nor the serpent or his seed, But only to the seed line of both Adam and Eve.

21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
This is the first implication that animals were going to die because of their curse also, and sacrifices started to become prevalent after this also. This could be argued that this could also be the first hint of a messiah coming to redeem his people also.

22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.
The mans eyes were opened to the fact that he knew he had committed a mortal sin, true he did know good from evil as evil was starting to become a part of his life at that point. The tree of life that was in the garden was the only thing that was keeping them alive at that time, without it they would surely die. It is my belief that the tree of life was Yashua Messiah himself before he took on the bodily form to redeem Israel.

23 Therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
Adam then took his place in growing food for himself and Eve. The growing of food is what the Caucasian race does best, and it would not be out of line to state that we feed the world. I myself have never heard of a farmer of any other race except for the Caucasians.Many countries are doing away with the Caucasian farmers like South Africa and Zimbabwe but in the end they will starve. Genesis 12:3.

24 So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
At the time of the expulsion from the garden both Adam and Eve were given a death sentence in which only time would then be a factor.

Praise the lord for all that he does!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Another Group Plans to March on D.C.

Recently it has come to my attention that yet another group is planning to march on Washington, D.C. The last group I posted about was in a post called "Distance yourself from Alex Jones" in which he was promoting a 1000 armed man march on Washington D.C. Alex Jones was (and still may be)  promoting this march by Adam Kokesh which in essence would absolutely do nothing to help the problem of Government intrusion, but only make it worse, as a lot of people would lose their lives for nothing and create even more stricter laws.

This time it's AMPAC a Muslim group that is trying to get a million unarmed Muslims together to try to change the Government by marching on our capital on September 11. A million Muslims in Washington, D.C. on September 11 is probably the worse day in the world to do this on.

Link to the march planed by AMPAC

Someone may ask if I like the Government, because they may interpret my beliefs on the matter as just me burying my head in the sand or just lying down and being steam rolled over. I can assure you this is not the case. We have the Government we deserve and is promised by the Father in Deuteronomy chapter 28.  I also feel this way because if you change something and there is no plan in sight to replace that same thing with the correct Christian outlook, then it's going to be a waste of time.

Most Americans want things the way that they were years ago without intrusion in their lives. However, at that time the people that were running the country were Yahweh (God) fearing Christians that knew they came from Israel. On the contrary, most today, believe that Christianity has no place in our Government, which is a lie because 71% of the bible has to do with running a correct biblical Government.

The mindset that Americans have today is that even if we were to change the Government they should realize  it would create a vacuum to install something else in it's place, and if there is no Christian vision like our forefathers had it would not last any time at all.
This is the way it probably would happen in my opinion, when installing a new Government most would want to have a black person just to show that we are not racists, have a Jew to organize the new economy, and have a woman to show we are tolerant and open to new ideas. So what would you end up with....Whoopi Goldberg as President, putting her in office just because of her sex, race and religion which is the way we are doing things now, nothing would change.

However, on the other hand, the real way that things will change back to the way it was, is when the Christian Israelites that found this great land get back into the mindset that they originally had is when things will change for the good. This change will only happen from the pulpits of America and I personally cannot see this happening from the churches I have visited in my lifetime.
Many times I have quoted 2 Chronicles 7:14 for actual change, and is the only way things will change at all.

Until we get on the ball and start doing what the bible tells us to do as Christian Israelites, all will go to folly.
Praise the Lord for his word!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Free Bible Study Course

I would like others to take note that I added a Kingdom Bible Study Course that you can study for free in the far right column over top of to the free Bible Law Course, you will have to scroll down a little bit to see it. The first lesson starts out with definitions of words which most people have problems understanding. This is from Ben Williams who also has courses in both Acts and Romans on his site, well worth looking at. You can get to Ben's main site by clicking HERE. Thanks everyone and have a blessed weekend!

Friday, June 7, 2013

The Seduction of Eve part 4 Genesis Chapter 3:1-13

I have defined a few words in parts 1-3 for Genesis 3:1-13. Anyone following this blog should know where I am going with this. There are many people that have varying opinions on the fall of man, which I call the Seduction of Eve. Although I may disagree with some opinions I am not going to stop listening to a person only because I do not agree with them on a single issue.
The most widely held position on Genesis 3 is that Eve ate a piece of fruit that a snake gave her. Most believe this is an opinion only a Jewish-Christian (Judeo-Christian) would have.
I found this to not be the case while I was doing my research on this particular issue. For example Howard B. Rand in his book “Primo-Genesis” on page 39 states that "This being" (giving the reader the impression that he means snake) gave Eve an apple. I recently have heard an audio recording by Sheldon Emry claiming that the “tree of knowledge” in the Genesis account was the word of God.
Yet another version is that Satan himself sexually seduced Eve, had children that eventually became what we today call “Jews” and are the spawn of Satan, this is called “the dual seed line doctrine. There are varying views on this by Christians that know their identity.” This can be found in a book called “The Apple Story” from the American Institute of Theology. 
You could literally study this very subject for months with a bible, concordance, and lexicons not to also mention books written on this subject by many authors, and still not come up with the right answer!

So, I want to ask everyone a question, and would like all to think hard and answer honestly.
What is the difference between a demon that is in a human form, a man that has a demon inside of them (demon possessed), and a person that is demon controlled (controlled by demons by taking drugs, listening to violent hate filled music, and that interacts with other demonic people)? This question is in relationship with promoting Yah's kingdom of course. My answer is none that I know of.
If I am wrong then please enlighten me on the importance of knowing the difference.

The reason I feel this way is because all three of these examples above are anti-Christ's and are working against the Father's kingdom coming to earth and the end result is the same with all. I do not believe that figuring the seduction out in its entirety is the biggest problem in Christianity today. It is not a requirement to believe, or not believe in the dual seed line doctrine to be a Christian Israelite. The bible tells us we are to evaluate people by the fruits that they possess (Gal 5:22) and treat them accordingly no matter who they are or what name they give themselves.

I do however have to give an opinion on this issue because I am working my way through the book of Genesis, and probably others may also want to know my opinion.

With my opinion, I am not going to say that I am right and everyone else is wrong. I would be a fool to do so. If your looking for perfect preaching you will not find it here. I believe that no man can preach the gospel 100% correctly. Sorry to say, the only one to do so you missed, he lived 2000 years ago and was killed because he did so perfectly. Because we are humans, I believe that the best preachers that we have today can only preach about 75% Yah's word correctly by my guesstimation.

Today I am going to weigh in with my opinion on what happened in the garden. In the process I may or may not make a few enemies, but that's life so here goes.

The bible itself is very consistent in the fact that the Father tells Israel to both be ye separate, and to keep your lineage pure. This is true from Genesis to Revelation. As a result I believe this event falls in the same context of racial purity as the rest of the bible, whether Satan does or does not actually have children walking among us. There very well may come a time in my lifetime when I may change my opinion, as all who study the bible have on one issue or another, but as of right now I believe this to be a race mixing sin at the very least.
In verse 1 we read that the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field. This is probably why he was in the garden to begin with, because he was intelligent enough to get and be inside a protected area like the garden somehow, and it does say that he was subtle.
Was there a way for Adam and Eve to have seen non-Adamites? or possibly interact with others in some distant way? 
Like I said I don't really think there is enough information in the bible on his subject to have a good visual perspective of how the garden was set up.

It is my opinion this person of low character was Satan which had a vested interest to both pollute the pure lineage of Adam and Eve. If he could procreate with Eve and have off spring then his prodogy would be their first born and Satan's off spring would have the birth right. A sort of throwing a wrench into the gear work so to speak.
Was Satan an angelic being that took on the form of a man, or did Satan take over a body of a non-Adamite to make Eve Pregnant, or was it a non-Adamite that was demonically controlled? I do not know because I believe there is not enough detail in this account to determine this definitively.

In verses 2-6 They exchanged dialog and Satan lied to Eve to commit this mortal sin. Satan tells Eve that she was not to touch the tree, but she was only told not to partake of it. The original Hebrew word "awkal" can either mean eat or lay with in a sexual way.

In verse 7 They suddenly realized what they did. They then knew good from evil as they were learning what evil was in a serious way. They knew they were naked and ashamed. The evidence of this sin being sexual in nature is due to the fact that they sewed fig leaves together as aprons and covered their lower bodies.

In verses 8-11 the Lord God comes to their presence and they shamefully hid. The Lord finds out that they were naked, shameful, and had committed this mortal sin.

In verses 12-13 Adam admits that he was involved in this sinful act. Then the Lord God asks Eve what did she do? Her answer was that she was beguiled (naw-shaw which means "seduced" Strong's 5377) by this low life beast of the field.

I pray all will study this event and come to their own conclusion. Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Genesis 3 The Seduction of Eve Part 3

“Beasts of the field” is yet another term that one must understand to be able to properly understand the events of Genesis 3. This entire topic is worthy of a study by itself but because it is mentioned in Gen 3 I have to cover it here in conjunction with Gen 3 so people can understand where I am coming from. This term as well as other terms, are best well understood in the bible by looking at it as whole rather than taking a verse or two out of context. So, in this case I plan to show many examples of the word beast and show that it is not talking about 4 footed animals, nor brute beasts, but rather living creatures other than Adam.

The 3 Hebrew words that were translated as “beast” in the King James Bible are as follows:
Behema, Strong's #929- Cattle or other 4 footed animals.
Beir, Strong's #1165- A brute beast meaning like a tiger, etc..
Chevya, Strong's #2416- This word simply means a living creature.

A classic example that contains the word “beasts” is the passage of Jonah 3:7-8. This is when Jonah went to Nineveh and delivered his message to the captured Israelites in Assyria, the bible says that both man and beast were covered with sackcloth and cried unto God. It would take a far stretch of the imagination to believe that this passage is talking about 4 footed cattle. It's obvious that cattle cannot know right from wrong and cannot turn from violence in their hands as mentioned in the book of Jonah. Did you notice it did not say hoofs or paws? But wait there's still more.

In Exodus chapter 9 God curses the cattle in the early verses of chapter 9, however in Exodus Exodus 9:9-10 it talks about another separate curse from the cattle curse that was put upon both man and beast. Notice the word beast is not included with cattle in this chapter, and is separate. Again in Exodus 9:19 it makes a distinction between cattle and beasts. In fact the bible says in verse 19 that the beasts not only worked along side of man, but the beasts had homes to go home to just like the man did.

In Exodus 11:5 it talks about the first born of the Pharaoh, maidservant, and beasts. Are we to believe that God killed the first of cattle, sheep, dogs, cats, rats? Of course not.

Exodus 19:12-13 in 13 it talks about the hands of the beast. Once again it is not a hoof, nor a paw, but a hand.

Exodus 22:19 talks about improper relationships with beasts, and the ramification for doing so. In fact idea is also in Leviticus 20:14-15 also talks about improper relationships with beasts, in which you are to put both to death both man and the beast which can only mean that both man the beast knew it was doing was wrong to lie together. In fact in Jeremiah 31:27 tells us that the seed of both Israel and Judah's seed will be sown with the seed of man and of beast in the last day. A man cannot sow his seed with a cattle this should be obvious.

In Exodus 23:29 Father Yahweh tells us he will not drive out the Canaanite and Hittite all at once from Israel's new land because the beasts of the field will multiply and force them out. There was about 3,000,000 Israelites that were there at that time and if it meant cattle or tigers were going to attack then the Israelites would have no problem taking care of business when attacked by unorganized animals.

Judges 20:48 When the Israelites smote both men and beasts. This is a major clue because it could not have meant cattle. Cattle were normally captured war goods during military conflicts.

Jeremiah 33:10 Talks very plainly about beasts cohabiting with man in the streets of Jerusalem.

Numbers 31:46-47 Earlier in this chapter it talks about the beast and man. In the prior verses it talks about cattle and are obviously different than the beasts.

Jeremiah 27:6 Beasts in this verse were captured and are servants, for example; Daniel 4:25 Nebuchadnezzar was taken care of by the beasts when he had his 7 years of insanity. Are we to believe that cattle took care of the King?

Zechariah 8:10 tells that in the last days their will be no employment neither for man nor beast. Does this mean that a tiger or cattle can be employed?

What else can we know about these beasts in the bible?
Ecclesiastes 3:21 Beasts have a spirit, but cannot be redeemed as Israel. They can have a basic understanding of God and worship him and honor him as creator (Isaiah 43:20).

In conclusion the beast in these verses are not a head of cattle, nor a brute beast, but rather simply a living creature separate from Adam kind.

Praise the Lord!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Genesis 3 The Seduction of Eve Part 2

In continuation with this study from Genesis 3 the next word I want to bring to light is the word serpent. Serpent is a word that must be understood from its point of origin to correctly interpret this passage of the bible. The word serpent comes from the word “Nachash” #5175, 5172 which means to “hiss, whisper, a bold magic spell, prognosticate.” Also it is worth mentioning in Greek the word serpent comes from the word “Ophis” meaning “a snake, an artful malicious person, especially Satan-serpent.”

Quite literally the word serpent means magician or enchanter. This enchanter is none other than Satan himself in a bodily form that took on a physical appearance to seduce or to spellbound Eve into committing mortal sin.
Interesting enough another animal term that describes Satan is the word “dragon” that is used in Revelation 20:2  and in Revelation 12:3,4. The word “dragon” is used to show the ferocity and frightening character of Satan just as the word serpent means to show deceitfulness, charm, and fascination.

Everyone knows that an actual snake does not have the ability to speak to anyone nor to enchant Eve into committing this sin.
The word serpent in this particular text is a person with low character that is capable of doing anything, or a low scoundrel. This word serpent no more means an actual serpent than when Moses called Dan a serpent in Genesis 49:17 "Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward."

Other examples of people being called animals in the bible can be found in; 2Tim. 4:17 when Nero is called a lion, Luke 13:32 when Herod is called a fox, and in Gen. 49:9 when Judah is called a lions whelp.

Praise the Lord for his word!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Genesis 3 The Seduction of Eve Part 1

In Genesis chapter 3 we read the story of Eve. The traditional story that you will hear the most these days is a story of when a snake comes up to Eve with an apple and says "here eat this." Then she takes and eats the apple and as a result of her actions both her and all of humanity is doomed forever. Today I am trying to look at it in a different light. This topic is kind of lengthy, and I plan to separate it into different parts, and try to explain a few words before I tackle it as a whole. This first part I am going to talk about is the word trees. The word tree is an important word to understand to be able to properly understand this event.

In Genesis 3:3 we are told that there was a tree in the garden that Adam and Eve lived in and were told  not to touch nor have any dealings with it. In fact the word "touch" means to lay hands on or to lie with in a sexual way Strongs #5060. In Genesis 2:17 we are told that the tree had knowledge of good and evil. Most people when they read these verses think of an actual tree that has roots and leaves. This is far from the truth, as plants and trees do not have the ability to tell good from evil. One may ask what is meant by a tree then? The best place to find information about the bible is the bible itself when it talks about trees or any subject for that matter.

Psalms 1:3 and in Jeremiah 17:7-8 talks about the blessed man planted by a river of waters, of course we also know that water in the bible represents Father Yahweh's holy word that gives us spiritual life.

In Psalms 92:12  and Ezekiel 31:3once again people are compared to trees. Of course I have to add in the riddle of Ezekiel 17:22 when Ezekiel sent the message to Israel when Zedekiah's daughters were moved to Ireland and so was the throne of David. Teia Tephi and Scota, the only living heirs to David's throne were transported to Ireland by the Prophet Jeremiah. The kings daughters were represented as branches.

Anyone that does not  know about this historical event can read about it here for more information. Anyway there are many examples where people are represented by trees and is my belief that the tree that is talked about in Genesis 3 is actually a family tree. We are also told in Genesis 3:6 that it was pleasant to the eyes or handsome. Common sense will tell you that a tree cannot know the difference between good and evil, and eve could not lay in a sexual way with a tree. When you realize that there were others on the earth before Adam and Eve it becomes clear that the only meaning of the word tree can mean is a family tree not an actual tree.
Praise the Lord!