Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Revisiting the 501c3

I am starting this post out with a quote from Mark Twain because it is true to the core.

In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.
Autobiography of Mark Twain

In a general way I try to stay away from the news. The reason for this is because the information that is in the news becomes useless unless people have a solid base that they build their faith on. For example many will say that Daniel was very brave and had faith to pray in public after the King declared that such an act would land you in a lions den. People will agree with his faith and bravery, but when it comes to issues like prayer being taken out of public school people will remain silent, so the foundation is more important than the news as your foundation will motivate you to do something about it.. Today I am making an exception because the government is deciding whether or not marriage between two sodomites will be a constitutional right within the next couple of months. If they do, such a decision would be in direct violation of the 10th Amendment of our Constitution. If our government passes legislation to make sodomite marriages legal in all states then it may be unlikely that churches will have their 501c3 status revoked by the government.What will happen instead, is that sodomites will go to every 501c3 church they can find and try to get married, and when they are denied they will simply sue the church for money. Some may think that this couldn't happen, but this type of thing has happened before with other issues such as allowing blacks in churches. 

Meet the Pastor of The Great Commission Baptist organization (Southern Baptist Church) his name is Dr. Douglas E.Brown.

There are denominations that have been founded on the idea that blacks should not attend churches with whites such the Southern Baptist Church which took the 501c3 status. Once Civil Rights legislation was pushed through, the church had to make allowances for blacks to attend or they would be sued out of existence. Of course the Southern Baptist Church changed their policy and today not only do they allow blacks in their congregations, but today a black man is leading the Southern Baptist Church, which has conveniently changed its name to The Great Commission Baptists.

The truth is that if a church takes a 501c3 status no matter what their beliefs are, they are a government church and they have to follow government policy. Right at the moment there are only two major organizations that have never taken the 501c3 and they are the Mormon Church (LDS) and the Roman Catholic Church. All other churches will end up marrying sodomites, or will cease to exist, it's that simple. The Mormon and Catholic churches by the way, are friendly to Sodomites already on their own behalf without government intervention.

Congressman Barney Frank in a 3 way hug with his husband/wife/whatever and Barry Soetoro who is also a big time sodomite according to Larry Sinclair. When the government has the power to say what a legal marriage is, then they also have the power to say what a legal marriage isn't. In other words the government could say a marriage between a man and woman is illegal. In a few years will the three sodomites above be able to marry to each other legally??? Don't laugh because if the government can state what a legal marriage is then it could happen.

I have looked on Youtube to see where various churches were on this position today. I typed in "gay church" in the search bar and it came up with a lot of churches that were sodomite friendly. There are also many videos of Pastors on the pulpit telling their congregations that they were sodomites themselves, so it doesn't look to good for Pastor's standing nationwide against this issue at all. It's also worth noting that the mainstream media is claiming that most people want sodomite marriages to become legal.

There is good news though and that is that churches do not have to become 501c3 at all to escape the insanity of this issue according to IRS publications 526 and 557. I have posted before about the 501c3 a couple of years ago and will not go into the details, but rather will encourage all to read read it. To see the post click HERE.

It is my prayer that the Pastors of this land will stand united against this sin that is called an abomination by the Bible that is coming upon our land and that they will have a solid foundation built on our rock of ages. It is also my prayer that any new forming churches will not receive the 501c3 status and any existing churches will get out from under the rule of the government by dropping the 501c3. Praise the Lord!


  1. Great post! I pray the Supreme Court doesn't allow gay marriage in all 50 States, but I have a feeling they will. -Erik

  2. There is no doubt in my mind that this legislation will go through. This is because Israel is promised in Deut 28 (the blessings and curses chapter) that these things will happen when we do not follow the laws of Father Yahweh. Lev 26 also talks about it. It isn't that these people are powerful, but rather it is a weekness in Israel that allows it to happen. We all need to get back to the words and laws of the Father!

  3. That makes a lot of sense considering the majority of true Israelites don't even know they are Israelites and are following false teachers and false gods. Not to mention all the luke warm Christians, as well as the Judea/Zionist Christians. I pray all our brothers and sisters wake up before its too late.-Erik
