Saturday, March 16, 2013

Solar Flares

Christians are warned by John the author of Revelation 16:8 of an up coming event in world history which is a catastrophic solar flare. This event in itself is not all of it that Yahweh (God) has in plan for all of humanity, but in itself can be a catastrophy.

The reason this would be a catastrophy is because of the simple reason that almost everything runs on electricity or has electronics in it. I think most people know what an EMP pulse is or can research it, so I will not go into the description. A huge solar flare would make civilization as we know it stop dead in its tracks with no food or medicines being delivered at all. This would put most people in a position where they have never been before, taking care of themselves. From what I have read about it this could last up to 10 years.

In Revelation 18:4 we are told to come out of her, so we do not share in the plagues. This is very clear to me that we are to be a separate people and not reliant on the beast system, which will only bring plagues and death. The reason this is revealed to us is for us to prepare so we do not endure the hardships that non believing people will endure.  Has their ever been a solar flare that has been large enough to do this type of damage to earth, one may ask? Of course there has. The auroras are caused by sun activity and in 1859 there are reports of the auroras filling the skies with red light as far south as Hawaii.

When this happens again, and it will, we will be on our own. Do not rely on FEMA to take care of you. As an added note: the shutting down of military grade equiptment from a solar flare can also be the reason that Ezekiel 38 talks about ancient weaponry such as horses, armor, and swords. There is currently a 100,000 man fighting force of Russian Cossacks in the Russian military that would fit this description nicely, so this idea is not out of the question. This would also explain this part of the bible as being literal and not symbolic as most people currently believe.

It is my prayer that all Israelites will come out of the beast system and start preparing to take care of themselves now to avoid any hence coming plagues.

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